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MOSCASEEDS testers: GRAPEFRUIT FLY... by mellomel

Hella THC

I've been eyein moscas gear for the last few weeks. I'm interested in seeing how this turns out. good luck with your test :yes:


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Updates will come soon our friends shaun and mel currently have no permanent internet connection...


ICMag Donor
Ok... Good news first or bad??? Lets start with the obvious, we have a permanent internet connection now. It was only suppose to take 7-14 days but took an extra 16 days,lol. Thats the good news... :)

Bad news.... As you know 4/10 seeds were badly damaged while in transport. Out of the 6 left, 4 tailed. Then only 2 pushed through the coco, of which one is looking a little runtish. I AM NOT giving up on the runt, I don't really like to do that unless it is not doing absolutely nothing. And it is still growing. It does have a nice root system, so fingers crossed it improves. I think it is mainly because the cudletons(sp?) got caught under the seed membrane. The 1st and 2nd set of leaves seem to be growing rather nicely. I am praying very hard for both these babies to be lil girls or I will be crushed.
I apologise to Mosca and Benji aswell who had a guiding hand in this too.
I don't know if it was us or just badluck, but we stuck to our usual routine. Only difference was the scuffing. Mind you, they did have extremely hard shells so it was necassary to scuff like Mosca suggested. I was scared of over doing it and maybe in being so, I under did it? Who knows. But I have not given up just yet.

I may not have had internet for a month, but I have still been taking pics and keeping a journal. I will update pics tomorrow when I take some more after I transplant in to permanent pots.

Thank you everyone for your warm goodluck wishes and kind words of support and encouragement.
~MM ;)

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
SOrry to hear about the seeds mellomel.:joint: Glad you guys will be around more again though! Keep loving the one that made it, it might be the one.
i'm rooting for ya!

mosca negra

Mellomel-- it is unfortunate that this happened... but when seeds travel all around the world, sometimes things do happen... Please pm me and we'll straighten this out-- no worries! A Fresh stock of Grapefruit Fly has just arrived!

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Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hey Mosca, i will tell Mel to PM you tomorrow


ICMag Donor
Hello to everyone, just a quick update to let you all know that this thread will still be happening. But will be a bit delayed Thank you once again ;)

Stay Tuned :)


Lammen Gorthaur
This is to be expected. As an aside; it is a little known fact that Mr. Murphy was - in all likelihood - a degenerate pot farmer who experienced all manner of reversals in his quest for the greatest of buds, only to be remembered for his keen pronouncements on life, the Universe and the whole karmatic experience of fucking up his own life.

I'm sure Mello didn't mean to step on the seed pack with her stilleto heels while she and Shaun were arguing over the composition of black holes and the entire time-space continuum and gravity thingy that concerned Einstein and all those brainiacs (until this issue was successfully resolved by Murphy's Model of the Universe). Mello didn't mean to chop up the grow room in a fit of rage using Shuan's designer meat clever (that she shelled out 125 euros for in an online porn activist fund auction) when the recalcitrant seeds were found to be acting "uppity" around the help.

These things happen...

All hilarity and comedy to the side, I'm going to be paying close attention to these goings and comings. Pot is a serious subject (at least for those who refuse to believe that sobriety is a treatable condition)... :elf:



Nice to hear you are going to take care of mel for getting some jacked up seeds mosca. We all realize things DO happen during transport and props to you for making up for the postal service! Always looked at your seeds, but never really gave any thought of picking some of Mosca seeds up...until now. ALWAYS nice to hear of good vendors! Keep up the good work.


ICMag Donor
This is to be expected. As an aside; it is a little known fact that Mr. Murphy was - in all likelihood - a degenerate pot farmer who experienced all manner of reversals in his quest for the greatest of buds, only to be remembered for his keen pronouncements on life, the Universe and the whole karmatic experience of fucking up his own life.

I'm sure Mello didn't mean to step on the seed pack with her stilleto heels while she and Shaun were arguing over the composition of black holes and the entire time-space continuum and gravity thingy that concerned Einstein and all those brainiacs (until this issue was successfully resolved by Murphy's Model of the Universe). Mello didn't mean to chop up the grow room in a fit of rage using Shuan's designer meat clever (that she shelled out 125 euros for in an online porn activist fund auction) when the recalcitrant seeds were found to be acting "uppity" around the help.

These things happen...

All hilarity and comedy to the side, I'm going to be paying close attention to these goings and comings. Pot is a serious subject (at least for those who refuse to believe that sobriety is a treatable condition)... :elf:


ROFL in fits.... Heehee, you sound like you know us, lol. I get the reputation comment now, d'oh. Thanks.:eggnog:


Lammen Gorthaur
Mia culpa. I went a bit too far, but these things happen when people who should be taking their anti-psychotics neglect to buy their meds. I'll have my meds tomorrow and then I should be back to posting without the latent sarcasm and lame-o humor.

The mission continues and I am firmly tuned in.



ICMag Donor
Don't worry, I dig your sarcastic comedy. I was not one bit offended. Nor did I think you went to far. At first I read it and it was like, "What the....." but after reading it a 2nd time, I thought it was quite funny. Not lame-o humour at all. And I hope you post more witty comments like that. I used to be on med's to, they can make you lame-o, lol.
Don't change ;)


ICMag Donor
Yay.....Back in action.....

Yay.....Back in action.....

:santa1: First of all a big Merry Christmas to everyone.
Hope you all have a good one, a safe one and a big fat one:joint:

Here are some pics finally of the current 2 Grapefruit Fly's.
The runtish plant is thriving now, and I don't think it ever was a runt. It is starting to look like a completely different pheno type. So I am sooo glad I did not toss her out thinking it was a runt.

At the moment they are getting 0.6ec 'House and Gardens' coco A & B.
Ph'ed to 6.0 watered until 10% runoff.
They should be ready to transplant at the end of the week into their 6 litre veg pots. I will post up some more pics once I have done this.

MOSCA- just a quick question for you. What do you expect the stretch to be on these babies? Just so I can get a rough idea on when to flower. Like I am thinking maybe 14-18 inches to end up with a 3 ft plant approx. Let me know m8, cheers.

And here are the babies:


Here is the smaller pheno that nearly got classified as the runt. The leaves on this one are nearly twice as long and twice as wide. And it is shorter than the 2nd pheno. So I'm guessing we have one Indica pheno and the other is more of a Sativa Pheno as it is taller and the leaves are way more slender and smaller.
Pheno 1

Pheno 2

Take care all,
Mel :smokeit: