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Moonshine Mix... use bloom for more weight/potency?

use nutes to get more fatter and potent nugs? any suggestion on yes or no and if so, what kind of nutes and how much to use?

I really just want to go all moonshine mix but i want to add weight but dont wanna spend too much on nutes. doing a SOG of OG kush and Master Kush either in 16oz cups or 1 gallon bags, have not decide yet. suggeestions?


I'm totally organic soil. so for the bloom phase, ya want to cut down on N as it can cause hermies. I add P and K for better blooms, which I get from dilute tea of fishy ferts.


use nutes to get more fatter and potent nugs? any suggestion on yes or no and if so, what kind of nutes and how much to use?

I really just want to go all moonshine mix but i want to add weight but dont wanna spend too much on nutes. doing a SOG of OG kush and Master Kush either in 16oz cups or 1 gallon bags, have not decide yet. suggeestions?

i would imagine that a 16oz cup of ferted soil is not going to last through a full cycle.


I personally use the Moonshine Mix, the fert-free edition that is on like page 6 or 7 of the thread.

I only water when the soil is dry, and do NOTHING ELSE. That's right, nothing. Not only does this mix get me some primo smoke, but it also is easy as all get out.
I want more flower from this SOG, thats y i ask what I should do for more.

what is the minimum pot size can i use if i veg for 1-2 weeks only thur to harvest. Doing a OG and Master kush SOG.


use nutes to get more fatter and potent nugs? any suggestion on yes or no and if so, what kind of nutes and how much to use?

I really just want to go all moonshine mix but i want to add weight but dont wanna spend too much on nutes. doing a SOG of OG kush and Master Kush either in 16oz cups or 1 gallon bags, have not decide yet. suggeestions?

I never add anything to moonshine's mix,...that's the beauty of it, ALL YOU ADD IS PH'D WATER.

I get fat big healthy buds

and no "P overdose headaches/harshness"

most growers just blast the things with WAAAAAY to many nutes, and you get the equivelent of "pumped chicken", sure you get more weight, but kinda like little ceasars pizza: how many square feet of really bad pizza do you WANT?

I'd go for 2 less ounces, and get QUALITY, CRAFTED smoke if it was me.

I'd work on nutrient BALANCE, and make sure the PH, and water purity are perfect, if it was me.

also your pots are way to small (imo) I go MINIMUM 3 gals for indicas, and 5 gals for sativas,....BIG root balls make BIG plants, and BIG plants make LOTS of weight

think "physics", and not so much "chemistry"
genetics is your key to more yield. evereythig else is just fluff or good luck. u need proper high yielding genetics. then, if u want yield, u cant expect much with 2wks of veg man. the more veg, the more roots, the more photosynthesis, the more flowers. reduce any of those factors & you reduce yield. you have reduced all of the factors. i would increase those factors instead. go for the bigger pots, longer vegg & balanced nutes. i use molasses during veg & flower. i use superthrive during mid veg & early flower. again, ill emphasize that genetics is the largest singular factor in your end results & yield.
genetics is your key to more yield. evereythig else is just fluff or good luck. u need proper high yielding genetics. then, if u want yield, u cant expect much with 2wks of veg man. the more veg, the more roots, the more photosynthesis, the more flowers. reduce any of those factors & you reduce yield. you have reduced all of the factors. i would increase those factors instead. go for the bigger pots, longer vegg & balanced nutes. i use molasses during veg & flower. i use superthrive during mid veg & early flower. again, ill emphasize that genetics is the largest singular factor in your end results & yield.

How do i grow OG and Master right to get at least 1oz per plant? 3weeks veg in 2 gallon then flip it? Again, this is a SOG of Kush, a low yielding plant.


Veg veg veg. Kush needs massive veg time to get high yields, also if you are SOG for weight why use a known low yield strain? SOG begs for PPP or other high yielders. If you want more weight from your SOG, take more cuttings, veg more, and don't overpump your ladies with nutes.

If you go to the cannabis infirmary, most of the issues come from people trying to OVER-nutrient their ladies. Nature has been growing sensi for thousands of years without FoxFarm nutes. Let the old mother do her magical work on your ladies and you will be happy. Moonshine mix is the best soil mix imo because it doesn't need 100$ worth of nutes for each growth stage.

Moonshine mix can veg for at least 2 months without a huge flush, I doubt you would want to veg for THAT long but you would get some monster yields in your SOG.