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montel williams on anderson cooper 360 tonight


resident slackass
hey guys,
montel williams will be on anderson cooper tonight supportring medical marijuana in case you havent heard.
check it out.



resident slackass
transcript of interview....

transcript of interview....

COOPER: When voters in Oregon go to the polls in November, they'll consider expanding that state's medical marijuana laws. Oregon is one of nine states with such laws, laws that the Bush administration adamantly opposes. Syndicated talk show host Montel Williams finds himself on the side of those who support medical use of marijuana. He uses it himself to ease the pain of multiple sclerosis. Tomorrow he's going to devote his entire show to that very personal and controversial topic. Montel Williams joins us now. Good to meet you. Thanks for being here.

MONTEL WILLIAMS, TALK SHOW HOST: Thanks so much for having me.

COOPER: You were diagnosed with MS in 1999. When did you start using marijuana?

WILLIAMS: You know, I, probably like a lot of people who are in my age group, used marijuana when I was younger. I kind of dabbled in it a little from time to time, didn't really even bother with it that much. As soon as I got diagnosed one of the things I found out on the Internet and I found out from other friends who knew other people who had MS in the same way that I have it--I have extreme neuralgic pain from my knees through my feet.

COOPER: What does that mean, neuralgic pain? What is the pain like?

WILLIAMS: It's hard to kind of equate but it would be if I liken it to you striking your crazy bone and multiply that by about 100 or 150.

COOPER: And that's all the time?

WILLIAMS: That's 24 hours a day. Sometimes I can bring it down when I'm in the middle what have is considered an episode or a bout it's at 10 which is excruciating enough that I think I wrote a book which is called "Climb Me Higher" and in that book I talked about the fact I wanted to take my life. That's how much it hurts. And I know other people are in just as much pain. So what I did was, after finding out how medicinal marijuana works, I started utilizing it every day because there's a saturation point you want your body to be at.

COOPER: And you tried other painkillers. OxyContin...

WILLIAMS: I have prescriptions for, right now, OxyContin, Percocet, Ultracet, Vicodin, Talwin, I've been down to--been through morphine pills. I've been down that path.

COOPER: What does marijuana do that-marijuana's not as strong as morphine. What does it do that the others don't?

WILLIAMS: There has been test after test, tests enough that the United States government understands this--I don't know if you know this, Anderson, or not. But do you know for the last 25 years our government has been distributing marijuana to 20--originally it was 12 different pharmacies across the country. Five of the patients died. Now seven. Every single month they deliver canisters of marijuana to seven people, grown at the University of Mississippi, studied for 25 years, we understand its efficacy. What does it do? For people like me it helps ease that pain, it helps me get up in the morning, go to work and be a taxpayer.

COOPER: Let me sort of tell what you the nation's drugs czar, Director John Walters told us. Let me put this on the screen. He says, "Research has demonstrated that smoked marijuana is helpful as medicine. We are currently funding research to determine if there are components of cannabis that may be used as medicine. A component in marijuana, THC, has already been approved in pill form by the FDA. It's called Marinol and doctors are able to prescribe this drug or any other drug that proves safe and efficacious if they feel it would best serve their patients' needs."

Can I ask why not use Marinol?

WILLIAMS: Let's go back. The same person that just said that didn't say to you that he himself makes sure that every single month seven patients get a can of 50 marijuana cigarettes to utilize because we understand just like Vicodin, Talwin, other drugs don't work for everybody. Marinol doesn't work for everybody. It's a synthetic form of THC that doesn't work. The majority of people who have tried to take it don't use it because of the way it affects them. So, truthfully, if you go to a natural product--that's what we're looking for. If he claims that it doesn't work, why is it the federal government distributing it itself and has been distributing it itself. It has been for 25 years and been studying it 25 years and is giving it out every month.

COOPER You're leading the fight for this. Do you find it a tough battle because it's sort of linked with the notion of legalizing drugs altogether?

WILLIAMS: Yes. It is a tough battle that way.

COOPER: And it's very different. You're talking about medical marijuana. You're not talking about legalizing drugs.

WILLIAMS: Changing it from Schedule I to Schedule II. If I have a doctor who can prescribe for me OxyContin, morphine, morphine drip, and let me drool in the corner and not be able to go to work and pay my taxes and that same doctor says, no, you know what, I think medicinal marijuana works for this patient. If we think he's smart enough to make me drool, is he not smart enough to make me better? And, if in fact our own government has been distributing it for 25 years and researching at the University of Mississippi for 25 years, I hold a can tomorrow on the show of what they shipped last month to a person. If our drug laws claim it doesn't work, why is our government trying to poison people? It's not, because they know it works. So, therefore, that's why they do it. Stop the madness, stop the stupidity. If they can give it to seven people, they can give it to other people who need it.

COOPER: And you're going to be talking about this on your show tomorrow?

WILLIAMS: Most definitely. For a full hour.

COOPER: Montel, thanks. Nice meeting you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you so much.

COOPER: Good luck to you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
call me dumb, r montels comments about mississippi uni, growing weed the same stories to do with G13??


The University of Mississippi is the only college/school that has been sanctioned by the US government to grow and study the effects of marijuana as well as grow the product that is distributed to the handfull of US recognized patients.

That is the same University of Mississippi that is part of the G-13 clone theft myth.

Currently John Kerry and Ted Kennedy are in a fight to get the University of Mass. cleared and protected to do research on medical marijuana. They make the arguement that the selcted protection provided to the Unuversity of Mississippi is arbitrary and unconstitutional. It was ment to limit other academic institutions from pursuing the same research activities.

To me that means that the government may be posturing for a national medical initiative and U.Mass. doesn't want to miss out on the giant payday coming as a result of the eventual medical marijuana legalazation. Currently there is no competition, you can only get it from the one supplier.(gov. monopoly)

Anyways just some ramblings


Oh yeah, I love Montell, I have sent a few positive emails of support to him through his website and got very personal and appreciative responces from him, what a guy.
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Yes that's G-13,

Saw the fences on the other side of the fields, man are they big, bigger fences to keep the governments pot safe, bigger than the fence holding that murderer or rapist in jail.

I heard people used to cast fishing poles over the fence to snag a bud or two, who knows, I always got stares, when I was trying to get a glimpse of the fields.

So, on wednesday, the whole montel show will be on medical marijuana?


Yeah, that will be the day,

Cannabis Botany 101, I think I will take that class every semester, What a trip it will be when college students are quoting BOG and those guys for term papers!


Everything I have read about the product coming out of the gov. lab in Mississippi was second rate herb. At least the product that they actually distribute to the patients. If my memory serves there is only one guy left that is on the list (I thing Steve Kubby is the only guy) and I think they make him drive to dispensory 4 times a year to get a three month supply at a time.

Joe, I do think the whole show is devoted to mmj.

Fight the good fight



Cannabis Creeper
HEy Tex,
the weed they get is low quality... Phillip Morris or R J Reyolds rolls the joints up in there Cigg makin machines... they dont use the sticky buds cause they said they would clog up the machine... so the med user only get low quality joints....

the guy(wasnt Steve Kubby) i saw on tv that was a government marijuana user got like 300 joints per month... he has to smoke 10 or more a day.. and can smoke them anywhere... he was shown on the tv program smoking if front of the White House ..

If you want to see something that is true and fuuny... Try and find the PENN & TELLER show BULLSHIT " THE WAR ON DRUGS"


now at peace
Actually Kubby isn't and never has been a Federal IND patient. Yes, he does some 10 j's a day but only smokes the top third or so. Amazing.

I did see Elvy's monthly "tin" from the farm in Mississippi. What schwag! She had to unroll all the cigarettes, sift them for seeds and stems, then rehydrate what remained. At roughly 4% THC this government pot can't compare with good organic home grown.

Dr. jay


That's what I was watching, Penn and Teller's Bullshit

I got my names mixed up, step away from the bong Tex.lol

If all they are putting out is schwag, what kind of research are they doing? All government propaganda sites private growers as being able to produce this "super weed" and not their own research. Are we to assume that the government, givin all the time and resources at their disposal, can't hit the same THC mark as us closet growers?

Hypocracy is so hard to figure out, isn't it?





I fully agree, though one might suspect that the reason for th elow level quality is because the government doesn't care about them and wants the tests to fail.


now at peace
Dr. Ethan Russo has done the ONLY study of Federal IND patients and that was independent. NIDA has NOT studied these patients whatsoever.

The Mississippi facility uses rolling machines that are clogged by high resin cannabis. So, the government uses the flowers and leaves (and some small stems) of mediocre pot to insure rolling will work. The bud is then left around for months or years before being sent to patients.

As a member for ten years of the California Pharmacy Board, we'd call NIDA pot a misbranded drug. It is not fit for patients (who routinely trade theirs) nor for research.

Today's medical grade organic cannabis averages about 10% THC which is more than double the governments potency. Some strains produce as much as 20-25% as measured by law enforement assays. The more potent pot, well grown and fresh is far more effective and requires far less smoking.

Dr. Jay


ICMag Donor


he had a show on today about medical mj..it was great, he really needs to talk about it more, he has the perfect oppertunity with the talk show, he can try to make ppl understand that it is medicine. i hope he does more shows like the one he did today, i missed him on the anderson cooper show. mrs. b


New member
natty i just saw the montel show at 3pm... I guess they repeat the episode. It was very touching; montel is sending the MM movement in the right direction.


It is suppose to be showing right now.. it is listed and described on the information page.. BUT! not playing.. They are playing the Tony Danza Show!!?? :confused:
Is this an on purpose mistake? Is anyone else's TV showing something other than Montel, when it is suppose to be showing??
< i am kinda pissed - i wanted to see that so bad >