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Monsanto's Really needs to be STOPPED HELP

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Active member
Monsanto don't care about poor people.....they care about money.......

They give the shitty GMO for free to the poor people just for research........Treating the Poor Like Lab Rats.

without more money they would not be able to develop more GM seeds. Then what?


Active member
It takes generations for genes to be passed throughout an entire species, quite a lot of them. The Terminator gene prevents this by ensuring that those who possess it do not get the chance to breed for generations, therefore the terminator gene terminates itself, rather than all genes within the species. Thats the whole point of it. (together with ensuring future sales of course). I'm not a fan of GMO being released into the wild, but if it is going to be, I'd rather it be released with the terminator gene inserted rather than without.

or a burst of radiation, which happens frequently in scales of earth time.


Active member
Damn, beat me to it. GMO foods are designed to yield better, require less nutes, harvest sooner, and resist bugs and disease better. Like you dont want the same things out of your weed? You can be jealous all you like, bit they are trying to feed animals that feed people. Unless youre aa commercial food farmer, your tiny garden couldnt feed the billion people that have been saved from starvation with GMO wheat and rice. Or do poor people not deserve food?

But lets put a stop to all those good things because we dont understand them! Fear dictates my decisions, yaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Don't forget drought resistent also.... so we can save the planet and it's water resources.


Green Mujaheed
Damn, beat me to it. GMO foods are designed to yield better, require less nutes, harvest sooner, and resist bugs and disease better. Like you dont want the same things out of your weed? You can be jealous all you like, bit they are trying to feed animals that feed people. Unless youre aa commercial food farmer, your tiny garden couldnt feed the billion people that have been saved from starvation with GMO wheat and rice. Or do poor people not deserve food?

But lets put a stop to all those good things because we dont understand them! Fear dictates my decisions, yaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Hmm, looks like ignorance dictates yours...

Go tell that to, say, haitian farmers who took the Monsanto "gift" and found out afterward that their soil, they had been growing local cultivars in for years, wouldn't sustain anything non-monsanto after giving a try to their poison shit ? Or maybe all the Rajasthan coton growers who tried BT coton with the promise of amazing harvests, but in the end worst harvet ever, leading many to suicide. GMO crops are there to make big a quick bucks, and get rid of as many small scale farmers as possible, period.


Irie !


Señor Member
Monsanto is wanting to have a monopoly over all the food supply.....this is not fair! paying royalties for food is not fair.....

everybody will eat soylent green! ahahahahahha

without more money they would not be able to develop more GM seeds. Then what?

• When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
~ Cree Prophecy

this technology in the hand of Monsato is like a gun in the hand of a baby.......


Monsanto and Merck are going to build some growsites here in CO according to the rumor mill.


without more money they would not be able to develop more GM seeds. Then what?

Bye bye finito with that company no more evil seeds in good soil.Big problems have been arisen with those GM evil seeds.Huge outbreak of weeds (US,Canada), insects (India, China) etc.Sick people (Argentina) thanks to Roundup.Monsanto has done more harm to the world than any good, actually what has Monsanto brought this world, Agent Orange (people still suffering today), PCB (whole the world is contaminated, even places like Antarctica, North Pole), Saccharin (worst nightmare in your food) etc.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


The Tri Guy
I don't get it. Farmers who own land can choose what they plant. They can keep seeds from last years crop and plant them, or they can buy GMO and plant them. Its the farmers choice. No one is saying you must plant GMO. Its just another product on the shelves for consumers to buy or not buy.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Damn, beat me to it. GMO foods are designed to yield better, require less nutes, harvest sooner, and resist bugs and disease better. Like you dont want the same things out of your weed? You can be jealous all you like, bit they are trying to feed animals that feed people. Unless youre aa commercial food farmer, your tiny garden couldnt feed the billion people that have been saved from starvation with GMO wheat and rice. Or do poor people not deserve food?

But lets put a stop to all those good things because we dont understand them! Fear dictates my decisions, yaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!

I think you're missing some seriously poignant facts.

1. Yield increase at the cost of nutrition isn't necessarily a good thing.
2. The bug resistance you speak of is due to Bt Toxin inserted into the very DNA of the plants. Bt cotton has killed many cattle and sheep that have fed on it. That's progress?
3. Hell no I don't want anything like that with my weed.

Is feeding the world a bad idea? Absolutely not.

Is poisoning the world under the pretense of helping everyone? Well you may have already made up your mind.

I have no fear so I won't look directly at anything yaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't get it. Farmers who own land can choose what they plant. They can keep seeds from last years crop and plant them, or they can buy GMO and plant them. Its the farmers choice. No one is saying you must plant GMO. Its just another product on the shelves for consumers to buy or not buy.

That's not how it went down in the War on Terror.


The Tri Guy
hey MMM, erm, the war on terror? well when you're at war, feeding the enemy isnt the first priority. Again, not sure what you're getting at. Maybe I've got my stupid hat on today, but I'm missing the point of a lot of posts.


The Tri Guy
lol come on MMM, save everyone who reads the thread some time will ya, just tell us the important points in those links so we dont have to traul the internet to see what you mean.


Damn, beat me to it. GMO foods are designed to yield better, require less nutes, harvest sooner, and resist bugs and disease better.

On paper it sounds so nice, but in practice it is the worst nightmare for a farmer.Spending by a farmer $ 500.000,- in three months to get rid of weeds in a GMO Soy field and still the weeds are there.(Arkansas).Weeds resistant to Roundup and what was the answer of Monsanto; in 2016 we'll have a new herbicide.I think by that time the farmer is already bankrupt.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


The Tri Guy
what and they were dumb enough to use them? someone gives you a kicking and then says ok give me the keys to your home Im just going to go and tidy up for when you get home, you cant expect to find your home tidied. Also I suspect they will resent the bombs and bullets more than the seeds that they had the choice to use or not use. Not like they had the choice to turn the offer of being shot down.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
how many people in this thread stop to ask whether the dirt cheep meat they all demand was fed on GMO soya or alfalfa ?

if you all want to help feed the world then stop eating meat. for all the calories the animals eat you get about 10% back in meat. poor return.
No science here. Move along.... move along.

Grapeman, The information contained in those websites comes from SCIENTISTS! ..... it is what they do. How can you say no science to be found. Sources were provided.

...I guess it really is true....you can lead ah horse to water but....you know the rest.


They don't have a lot of choice in what seeds they can use, from my understanding of Order 81. The Iraq's usual crop seeds do not meet the standards set forth in Order 81. These standards don't have much to do with the end product, more about buying the seeds from big corps like Monsanto...


The Tri Guy
I'll be straight, I've never heard of order 81, if someone tells you what you can and can't grow I'm against it, but I'm all for giving farmers the choice on what crops they grow in their own fields.
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