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Monsanto's Really needs to be STOPPED HELP

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Active member
If you can't find the science explaining why GMO's are a bad idea you're just not looking. GM is being abused by corporates for money period. Testing is not being done, pseudo science is being reported and whistleblowers are vilified and ridiculed to the point their careers are destroyed. US govt is in bed with these fuckwits and the agenda is total control.

There are sterile animals because of GM corn. And it is in nearly everything you eat. There is pollen transfer into the heritage corn strains in mexico. And.. etc... bla bla...

Being in university now I've heard all the promises, and nothing to back the promises. Quotes as scientific as "GM is safe" do not impress me, that's the best they can do these days because it's not safe, it's lip service to the paymaster. They all claim they want to feed the world... Bullshit, that is the line they spin to justify their abandonment of traditional breeding for frankinscience.

I grow average 1 lb tomatos, these make up 6 normal tomatos, this will feed a lot of people with the type of cropping I'm seeing. But, will we find these heritage tomatoes in the market - hell no! Flava Sava tomato by monsanto... Even the fucking rats wouldn't eat them.

I'm getting massive cropping in my yard... about 50 varieties of food, 0 fertilisers used, no tilling, barely any weeding. I'm making sauces and chutneys, drying foods and freezing them. I'm collecting heritage varieties and spreading the seed throughout the neighbourhood. Traditional breeding and organic gardening yields tremendously, it preserves the environment for those who give a shit about their children's inheritence, and the extra labor it requires helps alleviate unemployment.

Learn to be independant, or eat shit.


Overkill is under-rated.
If you can't find the science explaining why GMO's are a bad idea you're just not looking. GM is being abused by corporates for money period. Testing is not being done, pseudo science is being reported and whistleblowers are vilified and ridiculed to the point their careers are destroyed. US govt is in bed with these fuckwits and the agenda is total control.

There are sterile animals because of GM corn. And it is in nearly everything you eat. There is pollen transfer into the heritage corn strains in mexico. And.. etc... bla bla...

Being in university now I've heard all the promises, and nothing to back the promises. Quotes as scientific as "GM is safe" do not impress me, that's the best they can do these days because it's not safe, it's lip service to the paymaster. They all claim they want to feed the world... Bullshit, that is the line they spin to justify their abandonment of traditional breeding for frankinscience.

I grow average 1 lb tomatos, these make up 6 normal tomatos, this will feed a lot of people with the type of cropping I'm seeing. But, will we find these heritage tomatoes in the market - hell no! Flava Sava tomato by monsanto... Even the fucking rats wouldn't eat them.

I'm getting massive cropping in my yard... about 50 varieties of food, 0 fertilisers used, no tilling, barely any weeding. I'm making sauces and chutneys, drying foods and freezing them. I'm collecting heritage varieties and spreading the seed throughout the neighbourhood. Traditional breeding and organic gardening yields tremendously, it preserves the environment for those who give a shit about their children's inheritence, and the extra labor it requires helps alleviate unemployment.

Learn to be independant, or eat shit.

Organic farming is another debate, but organic farming is the lowest-yielding and least practical of all farming methods. For example, for Africa to use organic farming methods, they would require 6 TIMES the amount of livestock they currently have in order to produce enough manure. Organic farming is fine for your backyard, but please don't get the idea that it is a suitable method for feeding the world, it's simply not. Think on a larger scale.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Organic farming is another debate, but organic farming is the lowest-yielding and least practical of all farming methods. For example, for Africa to use organic farming methods, they would require 6 TIMES the amount of livestock they currently have in order to produce enough manure. Organic farming is fine for your backyard, but please don't get the idea that it is a suitable method for feeding the world, it's simply not. Think on a larger scale.

indeed it is another debate - but to address the point that you chose to make here :) organic isnt just about animal manure

Studies show that the lessindustrialised world stands to benefit the most. In southern Brazil, maize and wheat yields doubled on farms that changed to green manures and nitrogenfixing leguminous vegetables instead of chemical fertilisers. In Mexico, coffee-growers who chose to move to fully organic production methods saw increases of 50 per cent in the weight of beans they harvested. In fact, in an analysis of more than 286 organic conversions in 57 countries, the average yield increasewas found to be an impressive 64 per cent.



Overkill is under-rated.
From your own article VG:

In the UK, however, a study by the Elm Farm Research Centre predicted that a national transition to all-organic farming would see cereal, rapeseed and sugar beet yields fall by between 30 and 60 per cent. Even the Soil Association admits that, on average in the UK, organic yields are 30 per cent lower than non-organic.


Organic farming is another debate, but organic farming is the lowest-yielding and least practical of all farming methods.

Perhaps for farmers who are just starting to grow organic, but over the longer periods the yields are not low, but high even when you use Sea-Crop which drops the use of normal fertilizer.

Left is with treatment of Sea-Crop

Right is with treatment of Sea-Crop

Parvati treated with Sea-Crop

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
From your own article VG:

In the UK, however, a study by the Elm Farm Research Centre predicted that a national transition to all-organic farming would see cereal, rapeseed and sugar beet yields fall by between 30 and 60 per cent. Even the Soil Association admits that, on average in the UK, organic yields are 30 per cent lower than non-organic.

in developed countries the yield difference chem/organic is not that different, although there are obviously huge environmental and ecological benefits to Organic. in the less developed countries (where food is short) organic yields are much higher because the farmers cant afford the chem ferts etc.


Active member
haha and Monsanto is the same corporation that is purchasing a mega warehouse in colorado to grow weed in....LEGALIZATION WOOOOOHOOO!!

Is this really happening? I can't believe this is the first I've heard of this.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Monsanto has epically failed. intellectual property rights are losing the battle, Brazil for example has stolled Aids medication that was copy righted. but the Brazilians said if it is good for the people then they have no problem taking what they did not create, besides can one man be responsible for an IDEA when everything they know is from the greater world and the experiences that they did not create...


Overkill is under-rated.
in developed countries the yield difference chem/organic is not that different, although there are obviously huge environmental and ecological benefits to Organic. in the less developed countries (where food is short) organic yields are much higher because the farmers cant afford the chem ferts etc.

We're getting off on a tangent again, but compared to hydroponics, organic farming uses 81% more land, 70% more water, and significantly more pesticides. I actually think hydro is far less damaging to the Earth.


We're getting off on a tangent again, but compared to hydroponics, organic farming uses 81% more land, 70% more water, and significantly more pesticides. I actually think hydro is far less damaging to the Earth.

Companion planting, crop rotations, and beneficial insects are my ideas of organic pest and disease prevention.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
gm seeds or plants of any type should be removed from the earth. Especially those damn killer strains they are playing with. Why develop something so that it cannot produce seeds each year? I mean nature has done that for us FOREVER.

Also the diversity in the food we eat now is next to nothing. I could care less if a tomato was exactly like ALL the other tomatoes. I like the DIFFERENT fruits and veggies which sometimes offer less yield, less resistance to mold and other issues however just like our wonderful marijuana plant we enjoy having the CHOICE to choose which strains we grow or smoke. Why shouldn't our food be the same way?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
We're getting off on a tangent again, but compared to hydroponics, organic farming uses 81% more land, 70% more water, and significantly more pesticides. I actually think hydro is far less damaging to the Earth.

especially aquaponics style


Active member
Grapeman, The information contained in those websites comes from SCIENTISTS! ..... it is what they do. How can you say no science to be found. Sources were provided.

...I guess it really is true....you can lead ah horse to water but....you know the rest.

Scientists?? Maybe. But when I see key words like "can cross-pollinate", "may mislead", "could be harmful", "Scientists estimate", "may damage the local ecology", and "are vulnerable", it shows this to be complete BULLSHIT.

Just like global warming, except maybe worse.


Active member
If you can't find the science explaining why GMO's are a bad idea you're just not looking. GM is being abused by corporates for money period. Testing is not being done, pseudo science is being reported and whistleblowers are vilified and ridiculed to the point their careers are destroyed. US govt is in bed with these fuckwits and the agenda is total control.

There are sterile animals because of GM corn. And it is in nearly everything you eat. There is pollen transfer into the heritage corn strains in mexico. And.. etc... bla bla...

Being in university now I've heard all the promises, and nothing to back the promises. Quotes as scientific as "GM is safe" do not impress me, that's the best they can do these days because it's not safe, it's lip service to the paymaster. They all claim they want to feed the world... Bullshit, that is the line they spin to justify their abandonment of traditional breeding for frankinscience.

I grow average 1 lb tomatos, these make up 6 normal tomatos, this will feed a lot of people with the type of cropping I'm seeing. But, will we find these heritage tomatoes in the market - hell no! Flava Sava tomato by monsanto... Even the fucking rats wouldn't eat them.

I'm getting massive cropping in my yard... about 50 varieties of food, 0 fertilisers used, no tilling, barely any weeding. I'm making sauces and chutneys, drying foods and freezing them. I'm collecting heritage varieties and spreading the seed throughout the neighbourhood. Traditional breeding and organic gardening yields tremendously, it preserves the environment for those who give a shit about their children's inheritence, and the extra labor it requires helps alleviate unemployment.

Learn to be independant, or eat shit.

This is what passes for science?


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
This is one annoying ass thread that probably shouldn't be in this forum...

The problem is the GM debate is nuanced and the reality is that proper biotechnology techniques are benign. Unfortunately most of the time they're used to exploit and help a company's bottom line. So this discussion is really more of an anti-corporate blah blah that often degrades into hate speech that helps demonize the term altogether. UGH! I would grow GM cannabis tomorrow if it was properly made and tested.


Active member
^agreed, this has nothing to do with advanced cannabis techniques

have fun.

Last edited:


Scientists?? Maybe. But when I see key words like "can cross-pollinate", "may mislead", "could be harmful", "Scientists estimate", "may damage the local ecology", and "are vulnerable", it shows this to be complete BULLSHIT.

Never heard of the Canadian farmer who worked for 55 years on his Canola variety and thanks to Monsanto it got contaminated with their GM Canola and even sued by Monsanto for using their seeds unauthorized.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:
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