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Mold prevention


Uhh..shit I'm making alot of bad threads but I was reading ( I swear !! ) somewhere than there is a spray that is used before flower that prevents mold?? does anyone know this product or link to the thread? ? :tiphat:


I dunno, is SM-90 just for PM? anyone k'now the thread I'm talking about? It's a spray than prevents all types of mold mostly from rain (budrot) I think?? Maybe I'm wrong....

two heads

Active member
Yeah greencure is good, i can vouch for that. I'm not sure how long it remains a viable deterrent though.

I like to spray sulfur once, then greencure (which is just uber baking soda), then start spraying compost tea's.

Also a little extra Calcium in the plants diet helps ward off molds and mildews, hardens or thickens the cell walls and they have a harder time penetrating.


Well-known member
immunox or eagle 20. i use immunox, it has less of the same active ingredient, it works


I guess you guys grow in a damp climate BUT don't forget that insufficient Potash and phosphates at flowering predisposes yr plants to mould attack.


Thanks wilbur, will look into that, obviously we are looking at preventative sprays and once mold is spotted cut and spray, but information like that is priceless! great thread people, alot of people's fear only come from fucking deer and mold!! great thread ppl

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