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Preparing for rain


It's been 19 yrs since I've grown outdoors. I'm a bit rusty. What can I do to make sure all goes well thru the approaching rains.
I've tied up most of the buds with fishing line and trimmed up the bottom branchs. An overhead fence really helped alot in tieing. I'ts an old military camo canopy that I trimmed hell out of to let in more light. I wrapped a piece of green tape around the branch and tied a half hitch. Then I make a loop at one end of a length of 4 lb. fishing line and slipped the loop over one of the green tape tag ends. Then you finish tieing the tape into a knot and the fish line is tied into the middle of your knot where you can tighten it as much as you want and it wont cut into the stalk. Also with 4 lb. fish line if it gets snagged it'll stretch or break before pulling off the bud. So what am I forgeting to do besides pray that it doesn't mold the colas.


do a little no mold dance( similar to the rain dance but different) in a circle every time you wake up,but right after you pray. put your shoes under the bed so you have to get down on your knees, that way you can pray while your kneeling down.good luck.

two heads

Active member
Welcome back to the great outdoors.

A lot of people, myself included, have had mold issues this year and everyone is singing the praises of GreenCure - a potassium bicarbonate-based spray that kills mold and prevents it from starting by creating an alkaline environment mold cannot survive in. It is perfectly safe for smoking and approved for organic gardening.

I am in Canada where it is not available but Milstop is good Canadian alternative or you can make your own with one teaspoon of baking soda and one drop of dish soap in a gallon of water. I tried it and it stopped my mold problem immediately. Most people suggest using it sparingly as a preventative and blast away wherever you see mold.

A secular solution that might work better than praying...


good call with the baking soda trick, has anybody tried this, i cut some rott out this morning, i will do the baking soda trick if someone else will tell me this works.


good replies. I have used white vinegar while trimming( almost dried). Cut out the mold and then spray just a little squirt in the area you just removed. Learned that one back in ' 84. Of course, the problem I'm actually addressing is while it's growin'so I don't think the vinegar would be the answer there. I'll have to look around down here in Cali for that product.


i tried "amistar" this season and had almost no mold til now.


Well-known member
we have used greencure...

we started about 3 weeks ago.. the weather was dry, no rain for about 14days, but the locale we are in is near the ocean, hence there is always some humidity. we saw a little bud rot, so commenced with the spraying as directed on the container... 1 tsp per gallon.

what we noticed is it turned some of the hairs brown, but did not seem to harm the plant.

at the end of last week, we had 3 1/2 days of rainy weather, but i treated em again before the rain with greencure, but this time 1/2 of a tsp per gallon.

this week after the rains , i again cut out some additional rot, not too bad.. but any rot is toooo much..

now the weather is turning a bit more autumn like... high temps in the low/mid 60's, nice breeze, and no rain forecast for the next 7, maybe 10days..

this morning i contemplated spraying one more time with greencure, but decided against it...

i figured (right or wrong), no rain in the forecast, cooler temps, and breezy conditions and i will harvest next week, i'll take my chances...

i'll update next week


The damn stuff is so hard to detect sometimes, deep in a thick dense bud, and some years like this one its worse for some reason, Im having to fight mould and pm.

Zach, an application at about 4 weeks of flower helps greatly as it gets some of the greencure into the branch nodes that get hidden by flower production.

But if I see mould once, I mix a gallon of 1.5 tbs and use a windex squirt bottle and squirt the 2-3 sq. inches were the rot is and then treat with 1/2.


Well-known member
silverback said:
Zach, an application at about 4 weeks of flower helps greatly as it gets some of the greencure into the branch nodes that get hidden by flower production.

But if I see mould once, I mix a gallon of 1.5 tbs and use a windex squirt bottle and squirt the 2-3 sq. inches were the rot is and then treat with 1/2.

silverback... today it was... i'll spray... then nah i won't spray.. since the weather forecast looks tobe in the 60's, with a breeze, and harvest in 5/10days, i went with the no-spray notion... my fingers are crossed... will i be happy :joint: :joint: , or sad :badday: :badday:

i'll report back...


Active member
It's been raining like crazy where I'm at and it even hailed today for a few minutes!! It's getting colder everyday, low 40's today with frost approaching soon.. I only have one girl outside and she started budding late for some reason (not until the end of August/beginning of Sept.), so I'm afraid she'll be damaged before she finishes in time.. She's only been budding for a month, 43deg N..

Should I be worried??


Well-known member
Marcellas said:
It's been raining like crazy where I'm at and it even hailed today for a few minutes!! It's getting colder everyday, low 40's today with frost approaching soon.. I only have one girl outside and she started budding late for some reason (not until the end of August/beginning of Sept.), so I'm afraid she'll be damaged before she finishes in time.. She's only been budding for a month, 43deg N..

Should I be worried??

my opinion is since it is one lady, maybe on nites that will be cold, u can cover her with a tarp/plastic/etc. those few extra degree's, and no wind mite just get ya another week/10days of sun...


Well-known member
Great call on the Baking Soda and dish soap...I will need to do that today as the rain has been on for some time now:( It would appear that in my hast to pollinate this year I use a tad too much, which left some powder on the leaves/stems that held the water and a bit of mold started. I have removed the infected leaves and rubbed stem sites, so it's time to spray and pray.


That baking soda+soap trick sounds great. Just what I needed.
I haven't visited my babies for two weeks, and I'm affraid that this weekend I'll witness some massive buds along with a massive mold problem.

I'm preparing my pulverizer/spray bottle and a pack of baking soda right away.
Tha was really a helpful piece of info, 10x guys.


Yeah this time of year sucks, mine do fine right up until the very end of the rains, then I have to be ready to cut out anything that's molding--have to really keep an eye on all of them.


Active member
Suppose to be a bit of a warm-up and sun this week in my area.. Hopefully this rain is over and maybe the frost will even hold off for a while!! :rasta:

ooga booga

two heads said:
...GreenCure...It is perfectly safe for smoking...
It won't leave any weird taste if used in very late flower... say, 1 week before harvest? 1 day before harvest? The label says it has a 2-3 week residual coverage, so I would assume that means bits of potassium bicarbonate on surfaces sprayed for that long.

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