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Modern world ends... no more peanut butter and jelly in schools


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
So its official the end of the world is coming soon... and no I don't mean the Arab uprisings regarding Youtube hate movie.

Im talking about the end of innocence. THe end of childhood as we all knew it.. and its all due to some weird shit called a peanut allergy.


Take a quick look,, its a quick read. Whole schools were you can't eat peanut butter. I have to say that many of these allergies are caused by exposure early in childhood and maybe from the overuse of vaccines.

Do any of you have peanut allergies? your kids? man that would bite the big one.

What do you do about this. Tough lesson to teach a kid thats for sure


Active member
maybe its an insect allergy.i mean theres alot of insect parts and rhodent droppings in there also. more testing is needed


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
If one kid has to die so that like 14 can have some PB & J whats the big deal, theres like a billion kids already right? pussification I tell you, survival of the bitches


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
no peanuts
no milk
no camo clothes
no team caps

pretty soon it will be MANDATED government food only, no homemade sack lunches anymore.


Well-known member
some schools out law home made bag lunches. Schools are PRISONS/LIBERAL Re Education camps for our children and even force vaccines on your child.

1984 I took my dads shotgun(with shells) to school on the bus and put it in my locker. We were going Dove hunting after school. NO PROBLEM

Now if you have a PLASTIC butter knife in your car/lunch bag, you are arrested and kicked out of school for the rest of the year and you now have a criminal record.



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I can't go into too many details, but I now work in a kitchen that services local schools. The shit we make them, with govt food stuff, like govt cheese, govt deli meats, govt chicken cutlets etc, wouldn't even be able to be sold in stores. We won't eat it at all. We make it and deliver it, we even bolster the quality so that people don't think our products suck.

The kids, our future, what we spend billions on every year are getting served dog food in cafeterias, and its all Federally mandated. The ratios of this to that are fucking laughable. I think cheese is now considered a vegetable.

and when parents find out and want to send lunch you can't even give them a normal lunch because of fear of lawsuit.

if I had kids Id want to homeschool them, except that would suck for the kids too.


Active member
Hell yeah, I'd be in a hospital for the criminally insane nowadays. I did a series of reports on guns when I was in the seventh grade. One week brought a shotgun, then a revolver, then a rifle, then a semi-auto. Then went on to do a series on bombs, complete with what would now be called a simulated IED. And a time bomb using an alarm clock. Fun stuff!

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Wow, just wow. Helicopter parenting at it's finest!

I feel sorry for the kids growing up these days. When I was younger, you could eat peanut butter or whatever sandwich. You could play in the street in front of your house or at the local construction site, or wherever as long as you were home by dinnertime.

Sports is another thing that bugs me today. Back in the day, if you won, you would get a nice trophy and if you lost, you would get a plaque or a ribbon that said "second place" or "third place." It was clear that you lost and it made you work harder to want to win next time.

Now, everyone gets a trophy, regardless!

All this stuff sends the wrong message and isn't preparing our kids for the world as it really is.

It's got to be tough being a parent these days if you remember how things used to be.



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
like a fart in church, thats how

what I want to know is how can they prove this. do the parents have to submit some serious paperwork from a physician saying, "my kid will die if a peanut comes within 10ft"

makes me want to get some peanut butter cologne and see how many kids die... that article says theres 1 in 25 kids with PB allergies now. WTF?


We had smoke breaks in high school, and cannabis was sometimes burned, no big deal. Different and better times. Stuff is just nutty now.


it does make you wonder where all those allergies people have today came from, some say it's the pollution levels, some say it's all the electro smog, while still others are convinced it's all the vaccines being used today? what ever it is one thing is sure it's not normal, just like the incredible high cancer rates in certain places are not normal, same with all the cases of ADHD with kids. you never had so many cases of the above mentioned problems back when i was a kid in school.


Active member
It all started with the prius.. contry has gone downhill since!. The start of the pussification of America... now its"we don't want to hurt their feelings" our grandparents our rollin in their graves. Sad..

..... 8 years later.... BAM!
its all good in theory just keep yourself away from nuts have your own table and even a nut free classroom....not! the kids smear pb on the nut free tables and make sure there is nuts on the rugs they crash on. that's in middle school and k-5

that said in the 4 years I was a school custodian we never had a nut free kid get sick or anything
if I was not so anal about keeping the place clean because with most other janitors they would swell up like a tomato
some kids are heartless

St. Phatty

Active member
I can't imagine life without PBJ.

I went to elementary school in the 60's and EVERYBODY ate PBJ. There was no reason to be ashamed of a peanut allergy but we never heard about it.

Is it a subtle thing sometimes where it causes diabetes or Eczema, not choking to death ?

Also, birds love PBJ, and birds are miniature dinosaurs, sort of. Does this mean that the Dinosaurs would have liked PBJ ? Or were there taste buds more oriented towards BLOOD ?

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
It is probably a result of never getting outside and building the immune system. We used to play in creeks, junkyards, anywhere outside where we would come home dirty and exhausted.

Nowadays how much immune system building happens sitting in front of a glowing screen all day? I know parents who don't let their kids go outside, like ever. Play in a sand box? Oh hell no, they might get a deer tick or lyme disease! Combine that with anti-bacterial everything and the immune system is as fragile as a Chinese water pipe.

Now with quarantine rules, when these kids do go back and get exposed to each other they are all going to turn into allergy ridden monsters.

Damn glad I was a kid when it was cool to be one.