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Modern world ends... no more peanut butter and jelly in schools


Active member
It wasn't unheard of to see a huge turd floating by your head at the mouth of the Winooski river when the chit plants couldn't handle the rainfall levels........swimming off Northgate beach....it's a dead otter........yeah sure it is


Active member

Yep, 63 this year and have never been seriously ill in my entire life. I do not get a flu vaccine either.
Rarely am I ill and haven't had a cold, virus, infection/ bacterial issue in ages.
My immune system and over all health is excellent even though I've always carried some extra weight and smoked cigs for over 36yrs.
I quit those this Spring 2020 though.
Figured to hedge my bets on (hopefully) remaining healthy in my elder years to come.

Congratulations on quitting cigs
My grandma was a charge nurse and the most brilliant women I've ever met.....one of her ....now listen Jonathan diatribes was " don't ever smoke cigarettes" nicotine is worse then heroin to kick!
I will never forget seeing dudes out on work release from the jail fist fight over packs of cigs thrown from cars into their paths lnaop


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Now that I think about it, peanut butter is evil. Stuff is irresistible for dipping a spoon into and eating a blob, then it sticks right to your belly. School was right.


Well-known member
Pretty sure most processed peanut butter isn't good for you.cant remember what it was but most peanut butter has an ingredient that's toxic to dogs too.i don't eat it much anymore.almond butter is better IMO

Congrats on the smokes and beer imiubu and flylow.luckily I don't smoke but I can't quite the booze.i went 6 days without a drink last week which is a big deal for me.but now I got 2 30 packs in my fridge.dont drink the hard stuff much anymore at least

Brother Nature

Well-known member


Well-known member
Hell yeah, I'd be in a hospital for the criminally insane nowadays. I did a series of reports on guns when I was in the seventh grade. One week brought a shotgun, then a revolver, then a rifle, then a semi-auto. Then went on to do a series on bombs, complete with what would now be called a simulated IED. And a time bomb using an alarm clock. Fun stuff!

i took a rifle to let my shop teacher help me with it. passed the principal in the hall while carrying it. he asked "that thing loaded?" "no sir, taking it to shop." i told him. "okay" and that gentleman never even slowed down. i'd have been cuffed & stuffed (if not shot) out in the parking lot these days...


Active member
Pretty sure most processed peanut butter isn't good for you.cant remember what it was but most peanut butter has an ingredient that's toxic to dogs too.i don't eat it much anymore.almond butter is better IMO

Congrats on the smokes and beer imiubu and flylow.luckily I don't smoke but I can't quite the booze.i went 6 days without a drink last week which is a big deal for me.but now I got 2 30 packs in my fridge.dont drink the hard stuff much anymore at least

Could you imagine the facial expressions of kids seeing real deal ( oil seperates) peanut butter? Fuk peter pan boys....or jif .......ya don't add sugar to peanut butter omfg


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Sometimes natural PB can be a real pain though when it gets so runny that you can shake the jar. Reduced fat creamy Jif should be on schedule I, instead of pot.

Keep the jar upside down and at least the oil is on the bottom of the jar.
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I am remembering back to the pandemic lockdown, when I had laid in 3 months of supplies. I had several jars of PB, all gone now, most eaten on saltine crackers, but some straight from the jar with a spoon. That was part of the 15 pandemic pounds I had put on.

Some things should just not be sold. Vanilla oreos and spicy doritos are others.

I also ate a ton of nuts, still do. They say you do not digest nuts, but I dunno cause there is a nutrition label. If so, do you not digest PB too?

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I haven't touched Jif or Skippy in more than 30 years...

Smucker's creamy is the way to go...Look at the ingredients... Peanuts and salt...

Stirring it up is a cheap price to pay for PB that tastes great...

HINT: Before stirring, spoon out half of the oil at the top of the jar. Put it in a small bowl or cup...

Stir PB and add a little oil back as needed to get the thickness you prefer...

I eat this stuff right outta the jar with a table knife...



Well-known member
Could you imagine the facial expressions of kids seeing real deal ( oil seperates) peanut butter? Fuk peter pan boys....or jif .......ya don't add sugar to peanut butter omfg

They probably wouldn't even eat it.one of the reasons I like almond butter is that it's not very sweet.at least the kind I tried

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