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Modern Warfare 2


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
There hasn't been a single PC leak yet, that should change in the next few days. Reloaded will probably be the first. That or someone will post a clonedvd which I will download then crack later.

master shake

Active member
Just killed a 40, gonna smoke some Skywalker and Love potion and go get my ass in line!!! This will be the longest 2 hours of my life!


Active member
Indeed it is almost over! My local gamestop is doing a number system like a deli so i went at 10 and I'm number 21. I'll be up until 6am playing for sure.


Anyone know what the minimum PC specs are? Requirements?

I have a quad Intel Kensington cpu with 8 Gb 1600 ram mainboard and an Nvidia 260.
Will that handle the photo-realistic mode?


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I know there are a few, most are original xbox games and there are a few 360 games (you would need more than 20 games to fill up a 120gb). I have 1Tb of HDD space in my PC, so no need for marketplace downloads. I don't see the point in paying for video's on my xbox when I can get them free on my PC in better quality.

In other words its not needed for anyone if you have a computer.

Boy, you sure do like to argue, don't ya? Whatever, keep hating. I have better things to do than argue with the likes of you. :wave:
It's a quality game, I have the Xbox version, I played all three game modes and the campaign is the stand out at the moment(sick as fuck airport level), the multiplayer is practically the same from the first one but with some cool tweeks and special ops looks cool but I've only just opened charlie up and they keep getting harder. It would be cool for us stoners to kick some ass together online. I wouldn't think about putting your gamertag if you grow, if you do grow remember that your tag could still be linked to your credit card/address details, so if in doubt don't.


Active member
game is frakin' awesome so far. just slapped up some noobs in ffa for a couple hours. only thing that sucks is their shitty leaderboards. waw had awesome detailed stats for every game mode.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
going to get mine later in the day

too old to hang out at midnight for a game

fuckin cold lately lol

either way, can't wait.

I have been playing Modern Warfare 1 all day with my son and a friend which is a blast. My boy is going to be stoked when MW2 is sitting in the xbox 360.

I want to put it in without him noticing and see what he says...

wow new levels?
wait what?

my boy is only 6 but kicks my ass in kills online all the time. I just turn down the cussing and other than that as I dad I don't personally worry about the "save the children from these games" bs.

You can ask him the difference between video games and war and you would be SHOCKED to hear my sons answer especially for 6.

Real war = real dads, sons, daughters and moms die and there is no reviving or starting over.

Video games = fun to play with dad and all the blood and body parts are designed by artists and nothing is real.

SO anyone playing MW2 online right now?

any ingame shots to post?

can't wait to get it in my console

good drown

if you get it at toys r us today from 10am-2pm you get a $20 gift card. you must be a game zone member, you can sign up online

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Ok I was walking past the game shop and bought it today. said I wasnt gonna, but its a new game its pretty good, multiplayer has more perks than ever including a riot shield.
single player is hardcore even in hardened mode.
;) you guys have to wait another day, The favela is hardcore.

Lucky 7

Active member
I'm in for Modern Warfare 2 . . . just have to wait till the eagle flys again as I bought Op Flashpoint thinking it would be a gas . . . it's not quite the original but good enough for a diversion.

and how about Borderlands: gets great reviews . . .

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