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MMU flips out after eating two pot cookies, diverts his flight.


Thought this was funny.


newser said:
Crew members said Chan made odd gestures before he entered the plane's rear restroom shortly after takeoff and began to scream, according to the complaint.
Chan told the FBI that he "came back to reality" and exited the restroom, at which point the crew noticed his "pants were down, his shirt was untucked and all the compartments in the restroom were opened."
When crew members tried to get Chan to sit, he fought them and had to be subdued in a choke hold, the complaint said.
Chan told agents who interviewed him in Pittsburgh that he ate marijuana cookies while waiting for his flight to depart in Philadelphia.
"Chan advised he has a medical marijuana card and he took double his normal dose," the complaint said.

Sounds like this guy had a full-fledged psychotic episode after getting way, way too high. lol. Seriously what was he thinking.


FBI: Unruly passenger blames medical pot cookies

FBI: Unruly passenger blames medical pot cookies

This is bullshit. However, there are plenty of people who have never smoked or ingested MJ that are more than willing to believe BS like this. I hope they do a drug test and see what else was in his system..

PITTSBURGH (AP) - A San Francisco man claims he was high on a double dose of medical marijuana cookies when he screamed, dropped his pants and attacked crew members on a cross-country flight, forcing its diversion to Pittsburgh, the FBI said Wednesday. Kinman Chan, 30, was charged in a criminal complaint with interfering with the duties of a flight attendant on allegations that he fought with crew members of US Airways Flight 1447 from Philadelphia to Los Angeles on Sunday. His federal public defender, Jay Finkelstein, declined to comment.
Crew members said Chan made odd gestures before he entered the plane's rear restroom shortly after takeoff and began to scream, according to the complaint.
Chan told the FBI that he "came back to reality" and exited the restroom, at which point the crew noticed his "pants were down, his shirt was untucked and all the compartments in the restroom were opened."
When crew members tried to get Chan to sit, he fought them and had to be subdued in a choke hold, the complaint said.
Chan told agents who interviewed him in Pittsburgh that he ate marijuana cookies while waiting for his flight to depart in Philadelphia.
"Chan advised he has a medical marijuana card and he took double his normal dose," the complaint said.
Margaret Philbin, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney's office in Pittsburgh, said Chan has a legally issued medical marijuana card for a "legitimate" health issue, which she declined to identify.
The flight was diverted to Pittsburgh International Airport, where Chan was arrested, then jailed until a federal magistrate freed him on bond Tuesday, Philbin said.
Chan arrived at Philadelphia International Airport after attending a conference in the Dominican Republic. The flight to Los Angeles was part of his trip home to San Francisco, authorities said.
Chan was scheduled for a preliminary hearing Wednesday afternoon in Pittsburgh. The charge carries up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



I don't understand why you don't believe someone could freak out like that by getting extremely high. While I personally enjoy getting exceedingly stoned, often I don't think cannabis gets enough respect for being a potent drug. It sounds to me like he wasn't an experienced smoker and did way too much. I had a space cake in Amsterdam early in the morning a few years back, smoked a joint and I can't really recall much of the next few hours. Seems to me some people can black out on weed just like alcohol.


cant stop wont stop
cannabis effects people in different ways but this guy was definitely over the top and doesnt seem to be acting how ANYONE would react to ingesting thc.
however if there are some mental instabilities with this individual it is possible, that too should be reviewed along witha full blood test before they rule cannabis as the culprit


...K, maybe I was a little to judgmental. Maybe the guy got super paranoid and this is how he reacted. I would be interested to see if anyone has had a reaction like this guy. Still, people with pre-conceived ideas about the effects of MJ use stuff like this to spout their ignorance.


A foot without a sock...
Doubled his medicine, does that ring true with anyone ?

Christ, anyone doubling their meds is in for a ride.

Oh yeah, what's up with the double posting today ?



Active member

on one hand...

I feel he is a dipshit for blaming weed

on the other hand..

it's possible he really miscalculated his dosage and wound up really really high..


dropping his pants and attacking people?

get real

if he really freaked out, he could have just went to the bathroom and cried :)


Even in Arcadia I exist
A high dose of edibles can totally shatter reality for some people, no doubt.

I have irrefutable personal experience with this on multiple occasions - so yah edibles can cause people to do the same kinds of dumb, reckless, unexplainable crap they do when under the influence of some other drugs. And like earlier posters said, no two people are affected in the same way.

Charybdis, your initial post about how people underestimate cannabis and seem to forget it's a post drug is well said, I completely agree.

Think of it like this, how unusual would it be for someone to take double the dosage of some other potent medication and have a melt down? I've reacted in crazy ways before to cannabis, always in edible form, meaning I've only had these "bad trips" when eating them, and always when eating too much.

Do i believe the article? Absolutely, why wouldn't I? I'm surprised some of you doubt the legitimacy of this event for no apparent reason other than you've never had a similar experience.. Make no mistake though, it does happen.


If he had just been smoking, I'd tend to think it was bs. But with consumables it's fairly easy to take a huge dose. If each cookie had an eighth, then he could have gone from sober to a quarter of kind in a few minutes. If it were from some strain like cinderella 99 that could be a lot like a bad acid trip for some.


Newsflash, a man lost his job because of cocaine. Cocaine made him sit on his bed and live off of potato chips and sodas, and did nothing but watch TV.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Newsflash, a man lost his job because of cocaine. Cocaine made him sit on his bed and live off of potato chips and sodas, and did nothing but watch TV.

Well, no. He lost his job cause he was an irresponsible addict. Cocaine didn't make him do anything, nor did it get him fired. Just like the guy on the plane. He may have freaked out and acted fool, but it wasn't the pots fault, it was his fault for being a dumbass and eating too much.

I wasn't sure if you were being serious or. either way. I picture a coca leaf holding him hostage at gun point, ordering shit with his credit card. lol

Moldy Dreads

Active member
LMAO, I bet he did the same thing in Frisco last night off some Tequila and he probably got lucky at a gay bar, so he tried it again while mile high on MJ LMAO


Patient Grower
I don't understand why you don't believe someone could freak out like that by getting extremely high. While I personally enjoy getting exceedingly stoned, often I don't think cannabis gets enough respect for being a potent drug. It sounds to me like he wasn't an experienced smoker and did way too much. I had a space cake in Amsterdam early in the morning a few years back, smoked a joint and I can't really recall much of the next few hours. Seems to me some people can black out on weed just like alcohol.

I'm skeptical because of the time line. It takes at least 2 hours for edibles to kick in full force. The flight originated in Philadelphia and had to land in Pittsburgh. Unless this plane sat on the tarmac for an extended period waiting to take off there just wasn't enough time for a guy to reach that level, flip out, and then end up only in Pittsburgh.

Alcohol blackouts are caused by a specific action on the brain. A blackout is just a matter that the brain isn't recording when you're in one. No, cannabis doesn't cause blackouts, but regardless, blackouts have nothing to do with this incident regardless. The man seems to be able to recall what happened.
lol I used to fly Flight 1447 monthly on my way to Carpinteria Wish I was on that flight.
PS Never trust the US Airways guys in Philly with your luggage seriously clothes only everything else carry on. They will break your stuff or lose your bag


Active member
i can see this easily hapen, have you ever tried those 9x strengh brownies at the club?

not a fun time man.

i have seen seasoned blunt smokers turn white after eating too many edibles. one of my friends thought he was gonna die, and he smokes like 3 blunts a day. i remember not feeling too well either, like i was more paranoid than usual.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
i can see this easily hapen, have you ever tried those 9x strengh brownies at the club?

not a fun time man.

i have seen seasoned blunt smokers turn white after eating too many edibles. one of my friends thought he was gonna die. i remember not feeling too well either, like i was more paranoid than usual.

Did you get nekid and attack people?

Dude, pass me that dank, the worst that happens is you get nauseus and you get light headed sick feeling..Getting naked and attacking people and being from Frisco is not normal LMFAO!


Active member
maybe he was super paranoid and felt claustrophobic.

he went into the bathroom and realized that reality is bogus and that people dont need to wear clothes. halfway through taking off the clothes he got distracted by all the cool looking drawers. he started opening each one looking for the magic answer. then he realized the bathroom was shrinking and ran out of there where a bunch of crazy space cops attacked him.

sounds more like a shroom trip to me haha. i suspect he was tripping off a quarter of some cubensis!