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Legalize? ForgetAboutIt!

Isn't all this talk in the news of legalization grand? Doesn't it just give you some *hope*?.....................

Saw a quick blurb on the news of obama talking, and with a nice shit eating grin, his answers smash hope to pieces. His words in effect: "no I will not legalize marijuana and I do not think that legalizing marijuana will help at all with the economic crisis."

Forget about it folks, obama is just another puppet and pawn. He won't actually change anything, except that the people will get poorer while they waste billions on bailouts and needless government expansion, compulsory indentured slavery service for youth, continued wars in the middle east and on and on.

Hope flew out the window tonight. Any idea that the government by the people for the people will actually do what the people want, ask, crave, desire and demand is without merit. The power will always do what it wants. It will be up to states to enact such legislation and unfortunately the battle uphill on ice will never be won as power will do what it wants and money will always do what it wants. Drug dealers do not want drugs legalized and neither do the police and governments, and it is only both these camps that possess the necessary monies to legalize and actually make it happen. And because of that it will simply never happen, at least not in the next 4++ years like I and many had HOPEd.


Get two birds stoned at once
I never gave any hope to him just decriminalizing it. What I did hope for and still hope for is that he will allow study, then if results come back overwhelmingly in our favor I think things can kick off.

I wonder how long it will be till that UMASS prof gets his way and is allowed to study it.


If you think marijuana wont be legal in our lifetime then you havent been involved in the movement for very long and witnessed the massive progress we've made in just a short amount of time.

People use to tell me medical marijuana would never be legal either, now half the country is on pace to have legalized it by 2011.

True Obama won't legalize it but pretty soon states will start legalizing and taxing marijuana and eventually the federal government will have no choice but to follow.

It will happen in our life time.


Yeah, I heard him talk about us online community people too. He basically had a good laugh because we told him legalization would help the economy. Remember the Obama website, asking for our input? Well we got through to him I guess. Something to the effect......"I don't know what those online people are on......." Basically having a poke at us who are trying to reach him in a civilized manner. What an ass.



Freedom Fighter
He doesn't need to do anything-- He has said he will respect State's Rights...so as the States do their own thing...all he has to do is, "Nothing"--
I don't mean to get Racial here...but it is common knowledge that he is Black...and he can't come sporting a "Pimp Limp"...and declaring weed legal--
At least not on his first term-- Let a few States run this as a test...Federal Policy will change...if it is shown in dollars and cents--:dueling:


Take Five...
It would be political suicide for him to answer such a loaded question with a yes in a forum like that....don't read too much into it and don't give up all your good cards first.
Craker has been tied up in court with the DEA for over 5 years now. His case is going nowhere fast.

Russo is no help, he has his new baby in GW's Sativex and is making bank off that now I am sure.


that video made me sad. politicians are politicians. i think everybody was a little naive with that whole "hope" thing.
True Obama won't legalize it but pretty soon states will start legalizing and taxing marijuana and eventually the federal government will have no choice but to follow.

It will happen in our life time.

I'll believe it when I see it.

So what if states legalize? If the feds can come in and arrest you and take everything you own like they do in California all the time then what good are states rights? You are just playing the lottery or a casino game. You may win once in awhile but eventually everyone winds up nothing but a big broke loser.

obama doing nothing will not help the situation at all!, he must end the DEA's futile efforts to eradicate cannabis and imprison those who use and grow it. Only then will things change. But he has said over and over that he will not do this. The business and money machine that is the drug was is too great to be stopped. The policy may be poor but is eminently fundable.

It would be political suicide for him to answer

How is this true? EVERYONE wants it legalized now. Its all over the news. You have to be hard pressed to find a really anti-cannabis news anchor or journalist or article demonizing pot anymore. Nearly every time it is on the news you have anchors and panelists in favor. It was political suicide for him to answer in the manner he did. But he is only catering to the globalist elite agenda, not the wants of the people.


Obama needs to legalize it. if he doesnt he will be a sitting duck. he got all these black peoples *hope* up " Ohs Ims gonna vote me some Obama", people who have never voted in their lives and have never cared are jumping on the band wagon for an under qualified black man. If he sits back and lets them get persecuted for things like marijuana any kkk white guy will have a easy time assisinating him because there wont be that fear that " oh shit they gonna riot again". So essentially he will stab all his support in the back if he doesnt address this issue and they wont have his back if shit ever hit the fan. Thats the ONLY card that blacks have, if Obama gets killed were gonna riot and tear shit apart, but if no one likes him because he's just another uncle tom he is going to have huge problems. He already seems to be in the back pocket of zionest Israel, he probably wont legalize weed, but hey hes a moron you cant change that, if he gets himself killed by his own idiot policies oh well, lets just get the prince of Germany to run the country like the founding fathers originally planned. lol


Take Five...
How is this true? EVERYONE wants it legalized now. Its all over the news. You have to be hard pressed to find a really anti-cannabis news anchor or journalist or article demonizing pot anymore. Nearly every time it is on the news you have anchors and panelists in favor. It was political suicide for him to answer in the manner he did. But he is only catering to the globalist elite agenda, not the wants of the people.

apparently you've never heard of rebublikkkans....their latest thing is they are bitching that he uses the teleprompter too much to make political hay...could you imagine the banshee wailing if he had said he would legalize it right there?

Matter of fact Obama has Sen Jim Webb looking at the issue...

Even as President Barack Obama slapped down the hopes of American marijuana consumers as to his position on legalization, Senator Jim Webb (D-Va) was quietly preparing to introduce major legislation which has the potential to dramatically alter US drug laws.

And even President Obama, who flippantly dismissed a question on legalizing pot as not a "good strategy" for economic recovery, was quietly encouraging Sen. Jim Webb to move forward with legislation that would form a committee to study prison reforms and retool existing drug criminalization.

At the very least, one can say Obama's position on marijuana policy has been consistent. He has never once said he supports legalization. Let's flash-back to Jan. 21, 2004 ...

If his most recent statements sound like double-speak to you, get familiar with "Chicago politics." It's not 'say one thing but do another.' It's 'confuse your opponents by touching on common ground while your friends and associates work other avenues.' For drug law reform advocates, that's not such a bad thing. He's not a blunt progressive (no pun intended) and a second term is definitely on his mind, even this early in the game.

And let's not forget, Attorney General Eric Holder has said the only time a marijuana caregivers club will experience a DEA raid is if they're suspected to be in violation of state and federal law. After the announcement that random assaults on dispensaries would stop, California's medical marijuana patients breathed a sign of relief. But the news was followed by the feds smashing through a San Francisco dispensary. However, even here, the DOJ's argument was consistent: they were suspected of breaking state law, which likely means the DOJ thinks there was some back-door distribution going on.

That's why he's the President and you are not. This is one complicated body, this US gov and if you want something done there are many ways to do it...you don't lay your cards out and scream all in before the first flop comes out....besides, that question was clumsy and inartful. If people wanted a more serious answer they should have offered a more serious question, like addressing the Medical Marijuana side of the argument.....harder to say no to the sick and dying....unless you are an insane republikkkan.
Yeah, change doesn't happen overnight. Things are looking up that he addressed the question. The fact that the system is massively failing also isn't helping the policies of old. I'm already finding that they're talking about pot legalization on TV more than I can remember. Marijuana is gaining popularity.

People talking about Obama claiming he's let us all down are ignorant. He's a politician, that's how the game works, it's not like being king where you get to do whatever you want, he's got to make people happy. He can't afford to alienate people right now there's too much at the table. He faces enormous public scrutiny for what he says and does, and there are enough closed-minded a-holes writing him off without the marijuana msg boards. Give him a chance, I can feel the stock market hitting rock bottom already. Nowhere to go but up baby.


Active member
i am also feeling that legalization is near. maybe not near like in year or two, but it will come eventually.
That's why he's the President and you are not. This is one complicated body, this US gov and if you want something done there are many ways to do it...you don't lay your cards out and scream all in before the first flop comes out....besides, that question was clumsy and inartful. If people wanted a more serious answer they should have offered a more serious question, like addressing the Medical Marijuana side of the argument.....harder to say no to the sick and dying....unless you are an insane republikkkan.

Grow up. He is the president because the $$$elites at the top controlling the world made him president$$$. Just like they made bush 2, clinton, bush 1, etc, etc, etc. You think you *really* have a say and a vote? HAHAHA! Of course there is always going to be a minority of people (but a majority in government) that is against legislation. That jim webb legislation is bull. There is already legislation floating around that will decriminalize/legalize. But you don't see obama quietly pushing for that!! All this guy seems to do is want to form committees to see if we should actually do something, not *actually* do something. And in the meantime they keep raiding people and trying to send them to prison on BS charges that they violated this or that.
They are just paying lip service to stoners and sick people making them *think* there will be change when its not going to happen. So while everyone sits on their couch smoking pot watching the news tell us that even they are for legalization, making us *think* and *hope* it MIGHT happen, the police state grows stronger the drug war and DEA get MORE funding and __actual__ legalization is pushed further and further into the corner.

Things are looking up that he addressed the question.

They are looking up? In that he completely shot down legislation and/or decriminalization? Are you a bat who lost his sonar?

he's got to make people happy

Like his rich banker buddies and all the other special interests he caters to, quietly furthering the set up of the NWO.

He can't afford to alienate people right now

He alienated the people by answering the question in the manner he did.
This country is essentially bankrupt and we are in the third great depression. But you won't hear that on the FAKE nightly news.


donut engineer
Obama and company's internal view of marijuana.

Legalization: No. Political suicide.

Decriminalization: Maybe. Could negatively impact administration as it seems like an endorsement of the drug.

Deprioritizing: Yes. Will save money (inre: Jim Webb Criminal Justice Overhall), save police resources, and judicial bottlenecks. Will not generate as much negative press as it is not a direct endorsement of the drug itself. You can see signs of this already happening throughout the fed, including the Drug Czar election and Attorney General's comments.


Yeah, he lost me too after seeing how he just shrugged off the #1 voted on question. The American people voted that question into the number 1 position by quite a margin. The administration tells us that they listen the people, and they boast of the whitehouse.gov website & these online townmeetings. But as soon as the people bring up a rational idea he shruggs it off as coming from "those internet nuts". What the hell!

News to Obama, but the internet community is the whole country now!!!

Bottom line, he could have answered that question about a million times better than he did! To completely blow off the answer without any intelligent response was infuriating. Our country is in such a shitty position right now, I don't think the president should be shrugging any idea that the American people think is important.

Obama is not going to do anything about marijuana prohibition. He proved it, and now it is up to us and our individual states to start passing legislation. I really think, Obama lost alot of people for simply not answering that question with any thought out response.


they you'll go jumping to conclusions, just be easy. Obama, has it all under control...watch....just watch...............:smoweed:


spreadin da love
yea he sure has it under control. hahaha ha what a joke he is just a pawn for the global power which doesn't want weed legal because it encourages free thinking and that goes against there plan.


OMG, I can't agree with you more! Too bad the majority of people are asleep. Nobama was an empty suit from the beginning. Hope & Change- Hope what? Change what?! It's just more shadows on the cave wall.