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MMJ Rec & 2nd Amend.

Just wondering if a MMJ Rec within a "Legal" Med State = giving up your right to bear arms. So if your within your states laws & abide is it a bad idea to practice your 2nd amend right at your grow?


I love my life
All control freaks and power mongers will ask you to give up any hope. I have heard of people being deynied concealed carry permits because of PRIVATE AND SECRET enrollment in state run mmj programs.

The real answer is you never give up your right to bear arms and any attempt to impinge on your rights should be resisted to the death.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
they can have my firarms when they pull my cold dead rotting fingers from them.
they can have my firarms when they pull my cold dead rotting fingers from them.
If you ever get busted, you may just live to see the opportunity to bring that shit-talking into practice. Because, as someone very close to a bay area attorney specializing cannabis laws for twenty years, they'll give you the opportunity.

I don't approach with hostility, only caution; I just hope you know that should the day of reckoning happen, you might as well be firing at your DEA or local police intruders. Go out with a round of glory. Because a large grow coupled with any firearm and your life is over.

Completely and utterly over.

I respect your views, I really do, I just hope people are aware of the precedent. First time offenders in this climate have lots of options with a cannabis growing charge, and virtually zero when guns enter the equation. You've gone from a serious risk to your life being effectively over.

I spoke at length to my attorney about this in the last few hours, fwiw.


Active member
i cant recolect where i read this(i tried to search),but i beleive it was related to the sovereignty issue wich is open to interpritation of course,that turnning your rights into a crime is a federal offence punishable by upto 20yrs in jail!! since i cant remember the source i say due dilligence is justified and encouraged.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Check with State law precedence.
On a Federal level, you will be charged with 'Weapons in the Furtherance of Drug Trafficking' (or something like that).
Whether it sticks is up to your lawyer and bank account.

May I invite you to learn about other techniques of self-defense.
#1 Avoidance.
#2 Castle Security
#3 Hand-to-hand combat

Not everyone needs a gun, not now, at least.
Learn you risks, learn you weaknesses, go from there.

You don't want to pick up a firearms charge, regardless of State or Federal.
But one will buttfuck you harder than the other.

As Bentom said.


Overkill is under-rated.
In the event some clown with a shotgun comes kicking in my door, I would rather be judged by 12 than.carried by 6.

Even having a baseball bat will get you a felony for posession of a deadly weapon in California. They would rather we are killed by the intruders than able to defend against them.


I need to check the laws in my state. I got rid of my guns because I was growing again but I still have a bunch of swords, knifes, machetes, axes, and other weapons around the house.


Active member
a friend of friend runs a decent sized warehouse in the bay area...last week some guys tried to crowbar the front door in, friend stood at the top of the stairwell and emptied a whole magazine at the rippers, who then ran away. nobody was hit, which is probabl a good thing. dont want to have a body on your hands...

if he didnt have firepower they might have been robbed or killed....if he gets raided and has the gun its most time in prison..

very tough choice to make....i own several guns but i keep them at a seperate house 30 minutes away....i keep a subcompact pistol around with only one magazine hidden somewhere in my house for the "just in case" scenario...and im gambling that if i do get raided *knocks on wood* they wont find it...


Active member
also there was a news article released in california, either SF chronicle or one of the papers, about this very issue. im trying to find it again but cant....


heres one i found...

also i want yall to know that having a gun around a grow isnt some garunteed life in prison type shit. i checked california law and using a firearm in a commission of a felony is 2-3 year sentence...however the wording states that the firearm must be "readily available" etc....there is certain wording around the law that gives leeway for interpretation...now im not a lawyer, but ive seen several gun cases go to court and the outcome wasnt as bad as anyone thought. if you have an illegal gun, on your waistband while doing a drug deal, or get raided and cops find you hiding in your grow room with a gun...might be alittle different than if the cops find a legally registered gun on a totally seperate floor stored properly and not "readily available"....

you WILL lose your gun rights for sure, but i would rather go up against a jury of 12 and hope they can understand my plight, than be carted out of my house on a gurney...

theres been lots of debate about this on my gun forum...and the general consensus is that marijuana is still federally illegal and gun ownership is a federal issue not a state issue...so having a legally registered gun and a medical marijuana card means that you lied on your DROS form and committed perjury...however i dont know of any law cases where this was prosecuted...many many people here own guns and have medical marijuana cards...the key is making sure you dont get caught mixing the two..keep them as seperate as possible and keep the gun somewhere as far away as possible from your grow...
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One day you will have to answer to the children of
Even having a baseball bat will get you a felony for posession of a deadly weapon in California. They would rather we are killed by the intruders than able to defend against them.
Even selling Foie Gras
Will get you a charge in Cali.

You're state has a lot of good going for it, but sometimes you (er...the others) are living in a Disneyland.
i know this soudns stupid but its easier to just run out the back window or just let them steal shit than shoot somebody breaking into your grow. the guy who shot people stealing his plants is facing criminal charges of murder now because of it i think it happened in stockton. i want to get a gun but i just dont see it being reasonably useful unless zombies invade or some shit. if someone broke in and i shot them dead wtf would i do? gotta buy rubbermaids like in Breakin Bad and decompose their bodies!

y4p so he shot the guys did the cops come? wouldnt shooting guns off in your warehouse compromise your security? sorry if you dont want to go into details just wondering.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
the guy who shot people stealing his plants is facing criminal charges of murder now because of it i think it happened in stockton.
I think if you are referring to the incident posted here many months ago on the 'Front Page' forum, then you are waaaaayyy off.
And it was Viets and it they have a good chance of having ties to OC, and they shot meth-head rippers.

Bring back 'Yummybud', you're such a bummer.


Active member
i know this soudns stupid but its easier to just run out the back window or just let them steal shit than shoot somebody breaking into your grow. the guy who shot people stealing his plants is facing criminal charges of murder now because of it i think it happened in stockton. i want to get a gun but i just dont see it being reasonably useful unless zombies invade or some shit. if someone broke in and i shot them dead wtf would i do? gotta buy rubbermaids like in Breakin Bad and decompose their bodies!

y4p so he shot the guys did the cops come? wouldnt shooting guns off in your warehouse compromise your security? sorry if you dont want to go into details just wondering.

you are a victim you cant garuntee what the rippers will do...you really want to gamble with your life? giving up your property is no garuntee of being spared, because a good criminal will kill all witnesses....

as for my buddy the cops didnt come because its industrial warehouse...even if they did he shuts the door and claims he saw some kids playing with fire crackers. if those rippers had gotten in they would have had 40 lights worth of purple to chop up....not good. these people dont care about a gun charge they care about profit..

your mindstate seems very naive and young, while growing pot should be all peace and love its not the case out there, criminal activies bring in criminal elements if you are too soft to deal with them find another career....if you dont have a gun at least buy a tazer, knife, baseball bat, something to help you fight back...


One day you will have to answer to the children of
criminal activies bring in criminal elements if you are too soft to deal with them find another career....if you dont have a gun at least buy a tazer, knife, baseball bat, something to help you fight back...
All the love in the World won't keep a meth/crack head from robbing your ass blind, and maybe worse...Depends how long they been up and how desperate they are.

P.S. Bear Mace! The shit works.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6"

Thats what sold me, I said the hell with it. My .45 is on a shelf directly under my mouse, and it goes to bed with me every night :) Baseball bat next to my bed as well. 2 year min mandatory here, I would rather do two years then die.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ya I'm in the same boat. I have a few shotguns and a custom 45 I bought from the master shop. I love my guns and wont give up my right to bare. I keep a pretty low key since my home is my grow and I dont do and trafficking so I can only pry that they never find me.


also there was a news article released in california, either SF chronicle or one of the papers, about this very issue. im trying to find it again but cant....


heres one i found...

also i want yall to know that having a gun around a grow isnt some garunteed life in prison type shit. i checked california law and using a firearm in a commission of a felony is 2-3 year sentence...however the wording states that the firearm must be "readily available" etc....there is certain wording around the law that gives leeway for interpretation...now im not a lawyer, but ive seen several gun cases go to court and the outcome wasnt as bad as anyone thought. if you have an illegal gun, on your waistband while doing a drug deal, or get raided and cops find you hiding in your grow room with a gun...might be alittle different than if the cops find a legally registered gun on a totally seperate floor stored properly and not "readily available"....

you WILL lose your gun rights for sure, but i would rather go up against a jury of 12 and hope they can understand my plight, than be carted out of my house on a gurney...

theres been lots of debate about this on my gun forum...and the general consensus is that marijuana is still federally illegal and gun ownership is a federal issue not a state issue...so having a legally registered gun and a medical marijuana card means that you lied on your DROS form and committed perjury...however i dont know of any law cases where this was prosecuted...many many people here own guns and have medical marijuana cards...the key is making sure you dont get caught mixing the two..keep them as seperate as possible and keep the gun somewhere as far away as possible from your grow...

Hehe, the DROS came about more recently than my firearms. New laws made to protect us people from ourselves, and take away our ability to defend against tyrannical leadership suck, but all we seem to do is vote in more of the scum (or re-elect) who use the power we grant them to herd us! Who is at fault for this, I ask?

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