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MMJ Rec & 2nd Amend.


breathe deep
you are a victim you cant garuntee what the rippers will do...you really want to gamble with your life? giving up your property is no garuntee of being spared, because a good criminal will kill all witnesses....

as for my buddy the cops didnt come because its industrial warehouse...even if they did he shuts the door and claims he saw some kids playing with fire crackers. if those rippers had gotten in they would have had 40 lights worth of purple to chop up....not good. these people dont care about a gun charge they care about profit..

your mindstate seems very naive and young, while growing pot should be all peace and love its not the case out there, criminal activies bring in criminal elements if you are too soft to deal with them find another career....if you dont have a gun at least buy a tazer, knife, baseball bat, something to help you fight back...

It seems to me that getting into a shoot
out with a ripper(s) is as big a risk or more than attempting to avoid a fight. My life and my families is worth more to me than my weed. I'd rather lock myself in my daughters room and tell them to help themselves to anything in my home, but please dont make a mess.

RaNgEr RiCk

Thats what sold me, I said the hell with it. My .45 is on a shelf directly under my mouse, and it goes to bed with me every night :) Baseball bat next to my bed as well. 2 year min mandatory here, I would rather do two years then die.

No doubt PK!! A 2 year sentence is worth it if you ask me.