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MMJ Patients cant buy or own guns.


Active member
if you want to get real serious about this shit. notice right wing and pot smokers are the most into hating the fed right now. perfect opertunity to split these fucks, take their guns and round up the dopers.


Active member
god i hate the ignorance of man. it will drag us to hell. our confidence in ignorance.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
what will really make you mad is reading some gun forums. most dont give a shit. they are saying "weed is illegal i dont want stoners running around with guns anyways" its fucking pathetic. its a classic devide and conquer tactic and these stupid gun nuts are too fucking busy hating hippies and sucking jesuses dick to see it. i love watching so called moral majority fucks completely turn their backs when its convenient.
yepper same gun toten rednicks out shootn drinking beer and what not

i'm a hippy stoner who was raised around firearms my 1st 20 gauge was given to me xmas 1971 when i was 8 yrs old. i was raised hunting and have been extensively trained by the us army to use many weapons i cant purchase now lmao. F em

oh i still own my 1st firearm in 2 yrs it's 100 yr's old patend on barrel is aug 12 - 1913


Active member
i love guns and would die to defend my or anyones right to have them. i just want some god damn support from the people that should know better.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Hmmm Mathews..silent but violent...and it's not a felony to own one


there is not one thing a goverment can give you that it already hasn't taken away!

TT :tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Next will be driver license...

Mark my words on this folks.


If they do that I'm gonna lobby a bunch of money together and just start buying rifles for state militias that agree that our current government and top one percent of wealthy need to be relieved of their freedom, and possibly heads.

seeming how there are marines occupying wall street right now in protest protecting protesters from gestapo nypd I think citizens won't have to worry about the military. Our troops don't wanna kill poor kids. half of the military is poor kids that joined it to get money for education or families because they could get no other job. Now they are getting out of the military and coming back to nothing. They are just another example of the poor being used to do the bidding of the rich and then being tossed aside when they are no longer needed to kill. More US soldiers have committed suicide after getting back from war than have actually died in the war. what does that say?


i dont have any, and the ones i had,are all gifted away to relatives, but if needed, i know where they are., ,i got mine taken away by my own doing, i used to be a dumbass (not that im not now), and i got into some trouble over my x cheating on me, and now im not allowed to own a gun, but for people who havent done anything violent and are just a known card holder/ weed smoker, the government does not (imo) have the right to take anything, from anyone, and if they are, it is just going to add fuel to the fire, this country is very close to a revolution, because more and more people are finding out that the government, and most politicians are thieves and liars,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
hammerhead you might look closer at your post history

hammerhead you might look closer at your post history

WOW 2 post of mine got deleted in this thread sometimes I just dont get it.

You will find your two post you thought you made here in this other thread. Might check your post history closer before jumping to conclusions about deletions .
there are your post


and i just read the post that Hammerhead has a link to, lol, its almost played out the same way.....a copy of a post, just different people saying the same things, its amazing to me, everywhere i go, and every state ive been in, there are people who burn, all over the place, now, how many people are there in the whole united states?, i would almost say there are more pot smokers than non-potsmokers, how is it we havent been able to get the majority of votes? well, partly because these crooked politicians can swing votes, and manipulate the system, or just flat out cheat and ''misplace'' ballots, like what happened down in florida, when bush jr. was up for election, its all just a game, and i am playing, by being informed, and doing research, ,i live my life according to natures laws, more than mans laws,(which i abide to avoid being away from my family, via the local lock-up) i do what i feel is morally right , i wish my government could say the same.,
Just wanted to give a quick thank you to the ICMAG mods and supermods that have been posting and lurking this thread. Much appreciated!

Only time will tell with these subjects. As of now, keep your head down and do whatever YOU feel is right.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ok ive merged three of these threads together. Sorry sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. Gets way to confusing for these to be spread all over the site. Hopefully having it here in this forum is enough. So far the discussion looks good. Long as we can keep it about the laws I think we are good to go .
thanks for your patience :)
In big cities where guns means handguns and self protection weapons this maybe is a bigger divide, but in Midwestern areas, where there are typically even more conservative political views on MJ and MMJ, the fall hunting season and harvest season go hand in hand quite well. The percentage of people in the midwestern states that own at least one hunting gun is staggering. I would guess a good 75% of men, and of that group we still have about 25% occasionally smoking up. Not necessarily at the same time, but it is part of the hunting season for many of us. The guys who talk about guns and how "stoners shouldn't have them" on the forums are not the hunting crowd that makes up a huge percentage of gun owners nationwide.

All that being said, at the end of the day the reason this is a problem is because a felon cannot own firearms and by federal law, possessing or using marijuana is a felony. I would like to see a jury convict someone of illegally owning a gun because of a simple MJ possession charge. That would be a fun court battle. "Our president admitted to smoking pot, can he own guns?"

I agree that the point of this is to separate two very strong forces in society. The gun advocates are a very powerful group, and the government can't control them. The MJ legalization group isn't quite that strong yet, but we are building momentum super fast. At the end of the day both issues are about governmental control, but they would prefer that we see it as guns and weed and try to pit us against one another so we can't unite and lessen governmental control in all facets of our lives. Anyone who is also active on firearm sites should remind those people of that fact. People who don't have intimate knowledge of the herb only know what they have been told so it is hard to blame them for being ignorant.

I don't think this move will pan out for those wishing to maintain prohibition... I think the people will see this as the government control and manipulation that it really is before too long.

Barn Owl

Active member
This is almost comical, but it is very fucked up.

I wonder who Obumfuck and his jackasses think they are protecting? I am personally much more afraid of a drunk with gun than a stoned person with a gun.

This is just War on Drugs bullshit. In a way you could say that at least the last group of Bush criminals were at least more up front about their drug war stupidity.

Just another way to punish all of us for using a fuggin plant. I have a medical and a firearm and I am keeping both.

Obumfuck has hid behind his liberal image while he acts no better than Dick Cheney.


New member
Sorry for being stupid here but I've never owned a gun or gone to law school.

I looked up form 4473 because it just seemed to silly to be true but line e. "Are you and unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana,..." Lower down it points out that not telling the truth is a felony AND you will be denied by answering "yes"

That is straight up asking if you are guilty of a crime you haven't been charged for. Isn't that demanding you to waive your 5th amendment rights to access your 2nd amendment rights?

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

There is something obvious I am missing here, right?


What's new , about cannabis use making it illegal to own a gun, it's been that way which is bullshit but that of course is our F**KED-up gov. at work, demon weed will of course make you crazy & do crazy stuff, just watch gov. propaganda! :wave:


Fuck this. I own unlicensed arms out of necessity. The property I'm on depends on guns to scare off/kill coyotes, armadillos and other varmints. I don't even do anything remotely illegal these days (including imbibing the herb due to job prospects sadly) but I'm NEVER giving up my guns for self-preservation reasons. There are very precious few legal occasions in which I agree with my state but at least this is one of them.

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