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MMAR extension?


Genetic Resource Management
i have been hearing rumors now of 30,000 per licensee in the privacygate, debacle.

That's absolutely ludicrous. 37,000 people X $30,000 = $1,110,000,000.

If any of you think the judge is going to award damages totaling 1 billion, 110 million dollars is out of your mind. What do you think we live in the US?

Any of you thinking the canadian taxpayer should be on the line for this amount because the mailman might have seen that you use marijuana, need to get a grip on reality.:ying:

I could personally care less; I'll be donating the full amount to Conroy if the Allard case is ongoing, otherwise I'll be donating the money to a marijuana normalization cause like Sensible BC- that way we can use their money to dismantle this egregious prohibitionist system. :bongsmi:

I got a call from MCRCI in Vancouver and they are working on the note/prescription from the doctor under Section 53 of the Narcotic Control regs but have to wait for their lawyer to come back who is out of the country ATM.

They will have an answer by next week.

Would this be for people who fall under the injunction? Or is this for future patients in the mean time as they would technically qualify under Section 53?



That's absolutely ludicrous. 37,000 people X $30,000 = $1,110,000,000.

If any of you think the judge is going to award damages totaling 1 billion, 110 million dollars is out of your mind. What do you think we live in the US?

Any of you thinking the canadian taxpayer should be on the line for this amount because the mailman might have seen that you use marijuana, need to get a grip on reality.:ying:

I could personally care less; I'll be donating the full amount to Conroy if the Allard case is ongoing, otherwise I'll be donating the money to a marijuana normalization cause like Sensible BC- that way we can use their money to dismantle this egregious prohibitionist system. :bongsmi:


Nothing for Turmel?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
That's absolutely ludicrous. 37,000 people X $30,000 = $1,110,000,000.

If any of you think the judge is going to award damages totaling 1 billion, 110 million dollars is out of your mind. What do you think we live in the US?

Any of you thinking the canadian taxpayer should be on the line for this amount because the mailman might have seen that you use marijuana, need to get a grip on reality.:ying:

I could personally care less; I'll be donating the full amount to Conroy if the Allard case is ongoing, otherwise I'll be donating the money to a marijuana normalization cause like Sensible BC- that way we can use their money to dismantle this egregious prohibitionist system. :bongsmi:


there already was ruling, that the same counsel took on in the past. same type of situation, 800,000,000 payout

tax payers are paying for an injunction and appeal, and 500,000,000 fighting maryjane, per year, whats the diff?

privacy is privacy. the the charter is the charter. a deal with hc is a deal. its a sure win in any event



Yes BranchMacmaster did win a 800mil class action against hell can previously. If you know how or have researched how class actions work, money divided up between class participants depends on how each individual was affected by the breach. Some may get a few hundred dollars and others may get thousands. Theres no set rate across the board.


Active member
well across the bord the effects are pretty much the same as we have heard nothing linkinh the privacy breech to home invasions . I have heard if a person at an alberta work camp losing his job when his letter mail was on his bosses desk . but we would all pretty much in the same boat .

All so the BranchMacasters used there 800m settlement as a reference point of what could be coming .

I would not be happy with 20k-30k if my door gets a knock and my family get tied to chairs asnd my child gets beat and my wife gets beat and thug friends of some postal worker whoms seen my address .


HC is telling me that because I moved, even my pocession license isnt valid anymore,.. well I seriously doubt this is what the federal judge intended. I've read the injunction,. .doesn't say anything about moving,...

Exactly...It doesn't say anything about moving.

It is a limited temporary court order, allowing most people to continue growing at the locations and address on the original paper work, with all plant and storage limits remaining in place. The order changed the transport amount to 30 times the daily limit or 150 grams, which ever is the lesser amount. This change, demonstrates that it is just a temporary action with changes, not an order for the MMAR to continue in its entirety.

Unfortunately with all temporary measures of any kind, including court orders, it only covers the main issues/points.

One of the points not addressed in the temporary court order was moving the grow areas. The judge must have assumed that this wouldn't be an issue for most people, so it was not included or addressed in the order. There are many people that the 150 gram transport limit affects, they are addressing there concerns in another court appearance, with hopes of changing it to a more suitable amount. Unfortunately this is the route you and other in the same situation must take also.

If Health Canada was fair and accepted the fact that until the final decision has been rendered, people are allowed to continue to grow, they would have extend the MMAR until the final verdict. But they have never been fair, they have only been forced to comply with court order, after court order. This is why Health Canada repealed the MMAR on April 1 2014 as originally stated, all those continuing to produce Medicine after April 1 2014 are doing so under the protection of the temporary injunction with limitations, not under the MMAR program.

I feel for you and the others in the situation of having to move...Hopefully the situation will be resolved in a timely manner and we can all continue growing our Medicine in peace.


I lost my DG,. or he lost me,. .whatever,.. when is the issue of putting it back in my own name (after all, its my license), going to be addressed? Does anyone think Conroy and company will be seeking to address this issue also, or do I need to start the lawsuit myself?

"The Allard case information will be posted on there website by changing what is already posted or leaving it the same, this would be as far as HC is concerned there only legal responsibility. The onus of the legalities or the status of growing(legal or not) is most likely viewed by Health Canada as your responsibility."

Budha,.can you clarify at all on this statement?

I don't know how much clearer it can be.

We thought the injunction covered most patients, until Health Canada's team of lawyers went over the order to fine a loop hole. And they found a it...If your ATP is not valid as of Mar. 21/14 you are not covered by the injunction.

This translates into...If your ATP is valid on Mar. 21/14(the day of the ruling for the injunction), and you have a had a valid PPL as of Sept. 30/13, and your situation has remained the same as it was on Sept. 30/13, you can continue to self produce.

Because of the interpretation of Health Canada(Conroy agrees with the HC interpretation...Here's a link: http://johnconroy.com/MMARlitigation.htm ), many many people have lost there legal ability to self produce. These people include...People that changed to an LP before Mar. 21/14, People that let there ATP expire before Mar. 21/14, People that moved there garden before Mar. 21/14, People that lost there DG and Health Canada will not accept any changes(this is were you fit in), and possibly many more have lost there ability to legally self produce because of Health Canada's interpretation.

Health Canada is NOT anyone's friend...All Health Canada wants is what's best for Health Canada...PERIOD!!

Health Canada was trying to eliminating all of us, but by some miracle we got an injunction to allow home production to continue until a Constitutional challenge could be heard by the supreme court of Canada. Health Canada's team of lawyers found a loop hole and used it to eliminate as many people from growing as possible. Unfortunately you, as did thousands of others, fell into one of the categories that disallowed home production. If you disagree with Health Canada, then you must go to court and prove there interpenetration wrong or accept it...Unfortunately those are the only choices.

I really understand where you are coming from but there are 10's of thousands of people in similar situations. Fair isn't part of life and definitely has never been part of Health Canada.

I strongly suggest...CanPotPatient...That you go to a lawyer, explain your situation, maybe he/she will have a solution you can apply. It will be the only way to have a sure understanding of the injunction and how it affects you personally.



The injunction saved HC and the MMPR.
If there was no injunction, someone woulda been popped, gone to court, been found not guilty ( violation of charter, reasonable access ) and the whole thing would be wide open instead of this bull shit mess we have now.


Active member
thankfully it didn't have to come to that point and it is a violation of charter already. It will all get sorted out in the appeal . Also nothing is to stop you now for getting "popped " and still challenging this in court with all your money .


Active member
Oh and for another thing .. Anyone who belives @ $10/gramm on april 1st until today that any lp couldn't supply its patients with enough pot would have been Wrong . There is no short of supply in the Canadian black market and thoese Lp would have made some calls and got that supply needed until they got there bases covered I guarantee it . And no agency would have questioned where the pot came from . And we all would have been like ..... but I thought they didn't hzve enough supply " Whats going on now ? what happens to my PPL . Anyone can sepctulate what could have or would have happened but the fact it we won an injuction and now you contuine with your meds and wait for the trial to be over and you get to grow just like every grandfathered license ....


Oh and for another thing .. Anyone who belives @ $10/gramm on april 1st until today that any lp couldn't supply its patients with enough pot would have been Wrong . There is no short of supply in the Canadian black market and thoese Lp would have made some calls and got that supply needed until they got there bases covered I guarantee it . And no agency would have questioned where the pot came from . And we all would have been like ..... but I thought they didn't hzve enough supply " Whats going on now ? what happens to my PPL . Anyone can sepctulate what could have or would have happened but the fact it we won an injuction and now you contuine with your meds and wait for the trial to be over and you get to grow just like every grandfathered license ....

$10 grams will kill the MMPR faster than any court in the land.

The prices being charged as stated over and over again are "Black Market" prices. MMPR should be boycotted by all Canadians just on that fact alone.

Lets look at the "Alcohol" prices during prohibition, say the gangsters were getting $2 a bottle. Once prohibition was repealed and Alcohol was legal once again, if the governments price remained $2 a bottle, then Organized Crime would have continued for years afterwards in competition. The price of a bottle dropped to a place that reflexes no danger of arrest or prosecution because Alcohol was a totally legal product. The gangsters couldn't compete and moved onto other illegal opportunities. Some gangsters opened Distilleries and Breweries with there illegally made gains(money) and became legitimate suppliers, paid there taxes and became even wealthier(The Kennedy's are a prime example of gangsters becoming legitimate).

Alcohol of the 1930's becoming legal and the new and legal Medical MJ industry, is the same situation with absolutely no differences. Medical MJ is as legal for the LP's as Alcohol is to Molson's Brewery and Seagram's Distilleries, yet they haven't dropped there prices to reflex any of that. The greatest and only different expense to illegal anything is the lawyer fees and the huge possibility of going to jail, this is the reason for/and need of huge profits. Since illegal is no longer a factor, the LP's need to drop there prices accordingly. One reason might be that some people will resell the legal MJ. I don't believe this would be a very big problem since amounts are regulated to such small amounts per month. If some individuals resold there legal MJ for profit in the "Black Market", they would be dealt with by law enforcement same as other prescription drug dealers. But, by no means is this a reason to keep prices high.

But try to explain any of this to the LP's, who in my opinion, are just the gangsters that became part of the legal supply with all there illegally made money. The Kennedy's of Canada if you will.


PS. This LP would be the exception http://www.mclcannabis.com/ , they are reflecting a legal pricing of there products...Surprise Surprise...They are not licensed by the MMPR yet.


We aren't going to see any small LPs with affordable pricing anytime soon. Why would Harper/HC/Our Nazi Drug Overlords want that? If they are set to make 13% tax or whatever the hell it is they are going to want as high of prices as possible. 13% tax on something that cost 10 dollars as opposed to something that cost a dollar is a big difference. They thought they were going to have a captive market to bleed dry with their complete experimental "medical model". Even if we do start seeing affordable LPs I bet we'll magically see an increase in the tax as well. This whole system is nothing but the corporatization of cannabis, profits and tax revenue, not care and compassion. If we see full legalization we'll see it taxed as much as cigarettes now, price for consumer = half taxes.
We aren't going to see any small LPs with affordable pricing anytime soon. Why would Harper/HC/Our Nazi Drug Overlords want that? If they are set to make 13% tax or whatever the hell it is they are going to want as high of prices as possible. 13% tax on something that cost 10 dollars as opposed to something that cost a dollar is a big difference. They thought they were going to have a captive market to bleed dry with their complete experimental "medical model". Even if we do start seeing affordable LPs I bet we'll magically see an increase in the tax as well. This whole system is nothing but the corporatization of cannabis, profits and tax revenue, not care and compassion. If we see full legalization we'll see it taxed as much as cigarettes now, price for consumer = half taxes.

The thing is unless they get insane amount of sales per month the PST and GST will be nothing in reality. If they sell 100K worth of weed per month that's only 13K from each company. The gov would collect way more tax from all the hydro stores around Canada each month supporting the MMAR growers.

As for corporate tax lol after dividends at the end of the year they'll probably pay nothing.

Exporting? Umm there is not tax on sales outside of Canada.

So there must be some thing in the works by the gov to introduce another tax to collect money. Other wise their "tax revenue" reason have as much truth to them as the mould and safety excuses they are using to shut down MMAR.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
good points

as well, building new places tales permits, inspections, jobs, machines, labor. gov takes a piece of that all. sale are just a fraction. i may be guessing that for exports will be purchased in canada before shipping, its the way most everything else is done that i have imported

from Budha:

"I really understand where you are coming from but there are 10's of thousands of people in similar situations. Fair isn't part of life and definitely has never been part of Health Canada.

I strongly suggest...CanPotPatient...That you go to a lawyer, explain your situation"

Thank you very much Budha,.. this is the most straight forward answer I have seen yet. This clears a lot up for me. So, I guess my next course of action is to retain my own lawyer or find a group to launch a class action suit? Are there any plaintiff groups, or coaliton already existing that I can just join quicker, hopefully cutting down on court costs?
I've had no more info from Do No Harm and MCRCI (will email them off once more today) past the few initial emails. I phoned Green Leaf in Abby today and their doc will only sign for MMPR and max 5 grams per day. They will not give out a prescription as Conroy suggested.

I heard the doctor that usde to sign in Vernon is doing these prescriptions but haven't phoned them yet.


Active member
KirkTousaw ‏@KirkTousaw

Decision on Crown stay application in Garber/Sproule/Newmarch being issued via email on May 12.

do not confuse the two cases....


KirkTousaw ‏@KirkTousaw

Decision on Crown stay application in Garber/Sproule/Newmarch being issued via email on May 12.

do not confuse the two cases....

What are the differences between "Allard" and "Garber/Sproule/Newmarch"?

Is "Garber/Sproule/Newmarch" the case for the larger gram limits Conroy was talking about? The patients that Conroy Stated were essentially house bound with the set 150 gram travel limit of the Injunction because that was there doctor ordered daily limit.

Please clarify...Thank You.
