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MMAR extension?

It sure would nice to be able to just pick up and move to Vancouver. Unfortunate the prices were driven up so high!

Is deep cove VPD or rcmp? I have a line on a spot there
If I were growing my medical garden in the city of Vancouver, not only would I finish my last crop weeks into the end times, I wouldn't even think about stopping...Period!

The city of Vancouver has been on the side of the Medical MJ patient since before the opening of "The BC Compassion Club" in 1997( Link: https://thecompassionclub.org/ ). If I had the funds I would move to Vancouver now, so I could continue my personal medical growing. I'm only 100 km away and that is a pipe dream since I'm on disability.


Well if you close the dispensaries you kill lots of jobs, taxes and there' s a good chance the users will go to the black market/street to get their stuff. Which you obviously don't want heppenong. At least with the dispensaries they are controlled/corralled manner of speaking.


SAMC is an off shoot of SAM from the USA. Anybody familiar with their policies and lobbying knows they are not good for the cannabis cause. Even their name makes me die laughing, there is nothing Smart about their Approach to Marijuana.


Active member
Kirk Tousaw
The Chief Justice of the Federal Court just stayed (suspended) about 25 cases seeking MMAR related injunctions. The only one proceeding is Allard v HMTQ (aka the Coalition case).
Share · 15 minutes ago ·


Active member
I hope for the best...expect a big fat nothing....but you never know..

Shame tho...so many people doing homegrown clinical trials.....pollen chuckers...etc. etc...sets things back imho for the all mighty dollar for some corps..and the gov't of course.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
It sure would nice to be able to just pick up and move to Vancouver. Unfortunate the prices were driven up so high!

Is deep cove VPD or rcmp? I have a line on a spot there

hey dude

deep cove, subject to traficc, can be an hour away from vancouver.



Active member
John "King of the Paupers" Turmel, has some great work going on.




Heres a snap from a post of his from another site about the recent Conroy happenings and his response:

Jct: The court felt the ground shaking and tried to short-circuit more Plaintiffs. Some people are already saying it's not worth adding to their documentary workload. After all, it's our taxes so why make Health Canada, the Crown, and the court do all that work?

My point is that if the workload grows beyond their capacity to cope, I think they'll get the message they'd better fix it before it really gets big. The Conroy motion has all the MMARers eggs in the same one basket, easy to handle and dismiss by only 1 judge. I like a hundred eggs in a hundred baskets that all need to be signed off on.

I'm preparing a motion to file Monday morning demanding not to be linked to the Conroy case since the Coalition Against MMAR repeal isn't quite the same as our Coalition FOR MMAR repeal! Conroy wants to fix the medical exemption to keep the CDSA prohibitions alive, just like Alan Young fixed the MMAR in Hitzig to keep the prohibitions alive in 2003. Now, like then, we want the MMAR declared unfixable and the CDSA therefore invalid. And now, like then, the court lump us together saying that the Against MMAR repeal case is the same as the FOR MMAR repeal.

Besides, what does fixing the MMPR do for me and Parker? Nothing. So how can the relief two non-permits claim be the same as the relief claimed by the permitted one?

Finally, if the judge doesn't reconsider his decision to link my healthy case FOR REPEAL: from the case "AGAINST REPEAL" and give us a date before Mar 31, I have a route to the Court of Appeal (lots of short notice stuff coming up) as well the possibility of swamping them with Motions for personal relief.

Regardless, finding 25 or more new online filings when they get to work on Monday morning should squelch any hope that the Stay Order is going to stem the flow. Besides, if Conroy wins, all our MMAR permit Plaintiffs will get a nice order that their cases are moot since they won with Conroy. Except, they didn't. Keeping the MMAR isn't a win for them either since they can't afford it anyway.

How can anybody not invest a couple of dollars to get in on pressuring the court to understand that Conroy losing or winning isn't going to stop anything until Turmel is legal too. When I'm Prime Minister, I'm not going to ducking from any cops.

So keep filing to add pressure before they get my suggested "out" on Monday morning. If he wants real war, I'll have a kit for everyone to then ask and then for everyone to then file an appeal! Har har har. Swamping the Court of Appeal registry right after swamping the Federal Court registry! Wouldn't 60 appeals look good on their docket before Mar 31.

Of course, if anyone can't spare the 20 minutes to fill out the Claim and the $2 to file it, they can still hope for us and they'll only miss out on the gold stars for their trophy wall.

Spread this info around folks, times ticking!


Thanks for posting this Pangea.
I've been following John "the engineer" Turmel for awhile. This guy is really a formidable force. Kudos to Turmel, I personally have more faith in him than Conroy.



I just briefly looked at the youTube and other links you previded on John Turmel. It was, in my opinion, quite interesting. When I have more time I will continue my review and Thank you for the post.

I would like one of these kits John Termul was talking about in the YouTube video, but can't find the link. It is quite possible, I just haven't gotten far enough along in the material to find them. In any case, could you post a link to the kits to make it easier for all us. I and I'm sure many others would love to file a claim of loss and challenge the MMPR personally.



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey buddha

i posted up the link to all his kits in the mmpr thread ages ago




I just briefly looked at the youTube and other links you previded on John Turmel. It was, in my opinion, quite interesting. When I have more time I will continue my review and Thank you for the post.

I would like one of these kits John Termul was talking about in the YouTube video, but can't find the link. It is quite possible, I just haven't gotten far enough along in the material to find them. In any case, could you post a link to the kits to make it easier for all us. I and I'm sure many others would love to file a claim of loss and challenge the MMPR personally.


Here you go:



Active member
wow now they are rats!


March 14, 2014
For immediate release

OTTAWA - Health Canada does not endorse the use of marijuana and is taking the necessary steps to protect public safety while providing reasonable access to marijuana for medical purposes, as ordered by the Courts. The program introduced in 2001 under the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations was open to serious abuse and had unintended consequences for public health, safety and security, as a result of allowing individuals to produce marijuana in their homes.

The Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, which came into force in June 2013, strengthen the safety of Canadian communities, while making sure that Canadians who are authorized, have access to marijuana grown under secure and sanitary conditions.

As of April 1, 2014, producing marijuana in a home or private dwelling will be illegal. As of that date the only legal source of marijuana will be produced under secure and quality-controlled conditions by licensed producers. Licensed producers will have to comply with strict regulatory requirements to demonstrate security and quality.

Possession and use of marijuana remains illegal in Canada unless authorized under the regulations with the support of a doctor or nurse practitioner.

Recently, the Government of Canada amended the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations to require participants of the Marihuana Medical Access Program to provide written notice to Health Canada by April 30, 2014, stating that they no longer possess marijuana (dried marijuana, plants or seeds) obtained under the old program. Those that were authorized to grow marijuana must also attest that they have discontinued production. Participants are also required to confirm the amount of marijuana and number of plants destroyed, if any.

If participants do not comply with the requirement to notify Health Canada, the Department will notify law enforcement. The Department will also continue to cooperate with police and provide information needed to protect public safety, as appropriate.
wow now they are rats!


March 14, 2014
For immediate release

OTTAWA - Health Canada does not endorse the use of marijuana and is taking the necessary steps to protect public safety while providing reasonable access to marijuana for medical purposes, as ordered by the Courts. The program introduced in 2001 under the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations was open to serious abuse and had unintended consequences for public health, safety and security, as a result of allowing individuals to produce marijuana in their homes.

The Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, which came into force in June 2013, strengthen the safety of Canadian communities, while making sure that Canadians who are authorized, have access to marijuana grown under secure and sanitary conditions.

As of April 1, 2014, producing marijuana in a home or private dwelling will be illegal. As of that date the only legal source of marijuana will be produced under secure and quality-controlled conditions by licensed producers. Licensed producers will have to comply with strict regulatory requirements to demonstrate security and quality.

Possession and use of marijuana remains illegal in Canada unless authorized under the regulations with the support of a doctor or nurse practitioner.

Recently, the Government of Canada amended the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations to require participants of the Marihuana Medical Access Program to provide written notice to Health Canada by April 30, 2014, stating that they no longer possess marijuana (dried marijuana, plants or seeds) obtained under the old program. Those that were authorized to grow marijuana must also attest that they have discontinued production. Participants are also required to confirm the amount of marijuana and number of plants destroyed, if any.

If participants do not comply with the requirement to notify Health Canada, the Department will notify law enforcement. The Department will also continue to cooperate with police and provide information needed to protect public safety, as appropriate.

Funny as shit! Wow I think someone realized the LP"s were going to be the golden tax egg as fast as they thought so now they are going overboard.

Also this looks like they are also firing back at the cities and some RCMP detachment for saying they wont go after small growers who they don't know about.

Holly shit imagine if no one sent it it and 1000's were charged and they had their lawyers all set the trial dates to the same week/month. The judges would go ape shit.


Active member
the crowd cheers coalition against repeal! coalition against repeal! coalition against repeal!