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MMAR article in the province


Done a few years allready. Didn't mind it. Would I go back? In a second.
Can you do much to help from jail? Not really.
Will going to jail help the cause? Not at all.
We need a united front. Individually we well just fall like dominos.
They have all our names and addys.
They have a projected income based on what people are prescribed.
These #'s don't reflect shit as a person who grows their own doesn't pay street prices.
I can grow or I have at $13.50 a oz. So less than $1 per g.
$8.50? Who can afford that? Dissabled lawyers or pollititions?


Well-known member
Done a few years allready. Didn't mind it. Would I go back? In a second.
Can you do much to help from jail? Not really.
Will going to jail help the cause? Not at all.
We need a united front. Individually we well just fall like dominos.
They have all our names and addys.
They have a projected income based on what people are prescribed.
These #'s don't reflect shit as a person who grows their own doesn't pay street prices.
I can grow or I have at $13.50 a oz. So less than $1 per g.
$8.50? Who can afford that? Dissabled lawyers or pollititions?

not trying to be a dick but have you talked to anyone who has recently served pen time?
unless God (or insert your own deity) doesn't like you your odds of going to jail is directly related to your level of outrageous behavior
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-Not surprised. Harper appoints the health minister and he won't give a prestigious position to someone who doesn't agree with his ways. He is 100% anti-pot.

-The next step would be to delay the implementation of these new regulations legally and legitimately. The good thing is they want this done by April 2014. The next election is MAXIMUM May 2015. So you need a 14 month delay. Harper most probably won't win another majority (he has less than 20% general vote support) and the NDP and Liberals would never push such a thing.

-The consultations are just a PR stunt. They don't care what you think or say. They have an agenda. To end home growing, to end dispensaries, to push people towards pills instead and to give medical marijuana as much as a bad name as possible. No exceptions and nothing can be done because of their majority mandate in parliament.

-What ever happend to the case in Ontario that started all this in the first place? When a judge ordered health canada to revamp its MMAR program or pot would be legalized. Do these policy changes meet his demands? Will he accept this? I doubt it.

-When will they release the exact policies for giving out commercial licenses? Will their be a limit? A hefty price? Unrealistic demands that only large companies with huge capital can meet?
So I'm curious. What is to stop someone for applying for the new production license, applying for the license to sell and then opening a dispensary and selling at compassionate prices?


Active member
So I'm curious. What is to stop someone for applying for the new production license, applying for the license to sell and then opening a dispensary and selling at compassionate prices?

Common sence should stop most . Think of the cost . They will have to charge $8/g jsut to cover over head . They will need to pay insurrance throu the ass . They will have to pay employees cpp eI Equpiment cost Lawyers . They would have to be covered heard to toe It will have to be set up like a LAB. Then you get your meds in the mail from one of these outfits and you find out there mold on it and its causing you to get sick and you sue Large. Its just a Gong Show Man .

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Imagine this, distributor gives Canada Post your weed to mail. When you get it, it is moldy. Distributor says, it happened in transit, lol. Peace GS


Done a few years allready. Didn't mind it. Would I go back? In a second.
Can you do much to help from jail? Not really.
Will going to jail help the cause? Not at all.
We need a united front. Individually we well just fall like dominos.
They have all our names and addys.
They have a projected income based on what people are prescribed.
These #'s don't reflect shit as a person who grows their own doesn't pay street prices.
I can grow or I have at $13.50 a oz. So less than $1 per g.
$8.50? Who can afford that? Dissabled lawyers or pollititions?

You may have the social and financial ability to go to jail on a whim, but my wife would kill me if I were an hour or two late for dinner. If I ended up going to jail over this... yeah, we'll just say it wouldn't end well.

I appreciate your tenacity though. I'm willing to do a lot to get this going but I'm not smart enough to organize any sort of protest. If someone could steer me in the right direction though, I'll certainly do what I can. Already wrote our stupid Health Minister letters which won't be read, and sending them to MLAs and anyone else I can think of.


My wife wouldn't give a shit.
If I got throwen in jail she would probably just find somone who wasn't disabled who could help with bills. Who gets up before 1pm because they can fall asleep without tossing and turning all night. Who isn't pissed off all the time cuz their in pain all fn day.
Who doesn't ask for $$ everyday to buy weed.
Things were looking up around here and I was happy for 2 days after I completed my spot. Then this news.
Oh well. It's surely not the worst thing to happen.
I will most likeley continue to grow at another point in my life.
I just hope I can grow enough to last me a couple years in the next 15 months.
I can't even make a phone call to orginize a protest as I couldn't afford to pay my cell bill for the last 3 months because I put all I had into my spot.