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Mist's Ebb&Gro with ST#3XBlack Russian grow diary


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
way to blow up the spot mist
keep the shit up bro
i am glad to see all good health in all my subscr. threads....
no slackers in my posse!


New member
hey mist i got a question on light cooling if you can answer cool if not well some one will.Im worried about the heat coming from 6 1k watt lights. I was hoping to cool all 6 with 1 8" 750 cfm inline fan. I'm told no way wont work. I don't want to believe that. the cost of this room is already out of control. not to mention i have only so many vents in my roof i can access. maybe i should swith to cfls, maybe i should grow less. maybe i should wait and see play it by ear. IDK


Active member
Hey Mist,
How are the clones coming along? Last report was they were going slow.
Kinda like waiting for the next episode of "Lost" ----- want to know what happened. lol


hey mist i got a question on light cooling if you can answer cool if not well some one will.Im worried about the heat coming from 6 1k watt lights. I was hoping to cool all 6 with 1 8" 750 cfm inline fan. I'm told no way wont work. I don't want to believe that. the cost of this room is already out of control. not to mention i have only so many vents in my roof i can access. maybe i should swith to cfls, maybe i should grow less. maybe i should wait and see play it by ear. IDK

I would have to agree that one 750cfm can will not sufficiently cool 6 1k lights, but it may cool them to the point that you can get through one grow and then add another fan. I have "flown by the seat of my pants" before too, LOL. And since winter is coming on, your temps shouldn't be so much of an issue if you can route your air coming into the light cooling system from outside. What I mean is that with 8" ducting moving 750cfm from a source of, lets say 50-60 degrees, outside air that is nice and cool. That will add greatly to your cooling ability. And if radiant heat from the lights are an issue, you can always turn off the heat coming to that room and maybe crack a window or otherwise bring cooler outside air into the room.
Hopefully you are in a nice cool part of the country.


I am sorry, the clones all got rooted fine and sent off to their new home with another grower. I just got caught up in some family things that were going on and totally forgot to keep that thread line going. I will be doing the next rounds clones here in the next week of so and will pick up on that thread with them.

Happy Growing.


Hey Mist,
How's it going? I've initiated my hydro vegging system so hopefully that will streamline things for me. I got called away from home due to family issues. Have a buddy watching my grow...nervous as hell because he;s mostly a dirt guy. As long as no problems arise I should have some vegged plants ready to go in the big buckets when I get home.

A favor...a guy named bluey is having difficulties managing DWC and wants to convert to multi pot and needs advice. Could you (or any other multi-pot guys) look in on him and see if you can help him. He's posted on the Multi-flow/Ebb&Grow Users: TIPS&TRICKS thread. Thanks. I just don't have the time or knowledge and he;s sort=of hurtin'.
Thanks and best to you...


I will check it out. Good luck with your family issues, I know how that is. Got some of my own that are out of town too.


I will check it out. Good luck with your family issues, I know how that is. Got some of my own that are out of town too.

Thanks Mist...
Mom fell and hurt herself. She'll recover but needs help right now.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey mist i got a question on light cooling if you can answer cool if not well some one will.Im worried about the heat coming from 6 1k watt lights. I was hoping to cool all 6 with 1 8" 750 cfm inline fan. I'm told no way wont work. I don't want to believe that. the cost of this room is already out of control. not to mention i have only so many vents in my roof i can access. maybe i should swith to cfls, maybe i should grow less. maybe i should wait and see play it by ear. IDK

start with less and see what it can handle. take all of mists advise
n my advise is know what ur doing b4 buying 6 1k lights


Well I am doing better and am only going to be making weekly update picture posts. Things are getting crazy around here. I haven't gotten the new vegg tent setup yet and my mothers are also getting WAY out of control. I don't want to banzai them because I plan on just makeing new mothers and flowering out these monster girls. The two big ones are just under 4ft. tall and it is going to be interesting flowering them out. I think that I am going to do them in CoCo. It is the easiest thing to transfer them to from the DWC tub that they are in now. I know that the tub is not anywhere near stong enought to support these girls in flower.

Here are the mothers. I put a folding chair in the doorway for scale, LOL!

Here are some shots of the girls in flower. They are starting to put on some weight now which is always nice to see.

I held them over a bit to show that the buds are not just on the very tops of the branches.

November 13-15th will be harvest time for this batch. Hoping for a good one this time.

Happy Growing.


Hi Mist,
That's a BIG MOMMA! That plant in flower should be fun to watch. Going to have a ceiling raising party? Actually, if it's been a Momma for awhile...it may have a pretty woody stem and may not stretch too badly. That was my experience with a Buddha's Sister Mom that I flowered about a year ago. And I've heard that Bushmaster works pretty good if you're into that.

Your flowering plants are developing nicely. Good to see what that system can do in the hands of an experienced grower.

Hey, thanks for helping out Bluey. I didn't realize he was so unfocussed on his plans but he needed more then I could offer him. Hopefully it wasn't a total waste of time for you.

I'm still away from home but finding it fun being in the big city. Going to do some shopping at the hydro store before heading home. None where I live.


Thanks ET, I bet you are going to have a blast at a real hydroponics store. You get to touch everything instead of just looking at pictures, LOL! I am that way with hunting equipment. I have to handle it before I can buy it.

Both of the huge mothers are very woody. It is time to make some new ones because of that. It is taking longer now to get the cuttings from them rooted with the stems hardening up like they are. I too have found that larger very mature plants like these don't stretch as much. And the largest/bushiest mother is the pheno that doesn't have a lot of stretch anyhow. So I think I will be able to make it through flowering with them with some creative tieing down of the limbs. Should be a nice haul too.

Happy Growing.


Hi Mist.
Ya, I'm sure I'll find something to buy, even though I don't really need anything. Though, i've been thinking of trying a scrog with my T5-HO light so I may need something to replace that.

Hey, on the woody clones. Are you using a scarification technique? I've found that stiff woody clones do fine if the lower stems are scaped and cut gently to allow root hormone absorption (scalpel is perfect). That technique kills young tender cuttings but really helps with the older lower woody stemmed cuttings. This is why I'm so enthralled with this activity. No end to the new experiences. Plus the obvious fact that I still love getting high!


Hi Mist.
Ya, I'm sure I'll find something to buy, even though I don't really need anything. Though, i've been thinking of trying a scrog with my T5-HO light so I may need something to replace that.

Hey, on the woody clones. Are you using a scarification technique? I've found that stiff woody clones do fine if the lower stems are scaped and cut gently to allow root hormone absorption (scalpel is perfect). That technique kills young tender cuttings but really helps with the older lower woody stemmed cuttings. This is why I'm so enthralled with this activity. No end to the new experiences. Plus the obvious fact that I still love getting high!

Actually I scrape the surface layer on all my clones with a sharp knife>

Now there are degrees at which you do this depending on how thick and/or woody the stem is. This can slow down your rooting quite a bit, but they will root.

I am sure that you will find something at the hydro store that you need. I only buy what is on my list when I go to my local store. Browsing around is just too dangerous.


A quick update on some changes I have made in my Canna Aqua feeding regimen. And also a new vegg tent and setup on the way.

For flowering I am using>

30 Gallons of tap water
Cloramine Buster- 30ml
Canna Aqua Flores A/B- 250ml ea.
Canna Boost- 250ml the first 3 weeks then dropping to 200 for 2 weeks
and then to 175ml till end of grow.
Cannazym- 175ml
Cha Ching at 1/4tsp per gallon

I plan on using the trio of Fox Farm flowering additives. Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching on the next round.

The new vegg setup will be as follows>

Darkroom tent> 2' 8"X4' 11"X7' 6"
2'X4'EconoJet ebb and flow system
4' T5 8 bulb with vegg bulbs
3"X3"X4" grodan blocks

This vegg tent will save me 4 weeks of vegging under the big lights. That will save both time and money since the flowering tent will just stay on 12/12 all the time now. So I will finally have a perpetual setup going.

I will post some pics when it is all setup.

Happy Growing.

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