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Mist's Ebb&Gro with ST#3XBlack Russian grow diary



Watch your pumps very carefully mist using LK. Your plants look very happy though!:deadxmas: happy holladaze yo!:grinch:




Well the citrus phenos are really showing their stuff in the stretch. I was hoping that by doing a lot of training on the citrus girls and almost none on the other pheno that they would stay closer in height. But alas that isn't to be obviously by the pics.
Well at least they are leggy and that is allowing good light penetration for the less stretchy girls.
I am going to end up finding out what the max height of the lights is in the tent, lol!

Merry X-Mas and Happy Growing.


Dam Mist....you're not kidding on the stretch!! LOL!!

Looks great....to no surprise!!

My operation is coming along great....and the new adventure should be online very soon.....


Just messing around a took a couple closeups of the buds forming. I love it when they are in the troll head stage. A little frost is forming on some of the buds a little down from the tops too. I am sure now why I saved this pheno and am wishing that I had done the whole run with it, but with just 8 plants so that they could really spread out.

Gotta get some more space to work with!!!



So update pics of my monster mess. The citrus pheno girls got WAY out of control height wise so I had to do some supercropping on the tops. They were shading the rest of the plants and that just wasn't going to be a good thing for the small less strechy pheno.
The rest of the plants are quite happy now too.

The "small" purple mothers and the citrus mother are thick ass bushes now and ready for the move to the larger location in Jan.
Lots of cutting will come off these girls.

A few semi-closeups

This pic shows the difference of height from the last grow at finish.

And a parting shot of the lights coming on.

Happy Growing and Merry Christmas:xmastree:


Christmas is done so back to business~!

Girls are coming along nicely and starting to get nice and frosty. Still liking the PBP better than Canna. The smell is so much better I can't believe the difference. You can be the judge of how it looks.
First an overall shot and a picture of the 2 purple and one citrus mother bushes in the ebb and flow setup and also the purple clones for the next round. I am only doing 8 plants on the next ro und since this tent setup is just too crowded for 12 large plants and I like to grow trees, LOL.

A whole bunch of bud shots for you. They are getting nice and frosty.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
real nice bro,i have the same set up but i havnt set it up yet,gonna make some room for it after new yrs.nice to see the success you had with it...this will be my 1st venture into the water systems...sick of gettin rid of soil yo :D


LOL, you think getting rid of soil is hard. Wait till you have to get rid of huge amounts of hydroton. That is provided you don't reuse it. It is my only complaint with this setup. I could do a couple years worth of DWC in a 12 plant setup with the hydroton I have used in the past 3 grows. Other than that it is a great system and I have had no issues with operation at all.


Welcome back from the holidaze Mist. Looks like the PBP is working nicely for you. I re-use my hydroton, I also set up a laundry sink and garden hose to wash it in :) Your plants are looking fantastic. Great job.


Well thank god the holidays are over and I don't have people coming to my house almost every night. It was getting hard to work in the room with constant traffic. As a result I got a little burn on the leaves from the ph being too low. Something for you PBP users to watch out for on your grows if you follow the Botanicare PBP feeding schedule. By the feeding schedule you switch from the regular PBP bloom to the PBP soil formula bloom for the last 3 weeks of flower. The plants are loving the soil formula, but I wasn't aware that the soil formula would drop the ph level in the nutrients drastically. With the regular bloom nutrients I needed to add ph down to bring it down from 6.9-7.0 to around 6.0. But with the soil formula and no ph down I ended up with ph levels around 5.3-5.5. I didnt realize it was doing this and had added a small amount of ph down like I normally did and since I was in a hurry because people were coming over I didn't check it till the next morning and found it to be around 5.3, OOPS!
No worries though. The plants are fine and a little burn on the edges isn't going to hurt anything at this point in the grow.
And to all the people who have used Canna and PBP in comparison and said that the Canna grown plants had a better smell. All I can say is that you must be doing something wrong because the PBP grown buds here are kicking the Canna plants ass in look, smell and I am betting flavor too.

So here are some pics of the progress including some root pics for you root crazy people out there. I am rather disappointed with one aspect of the grow which is that the 4 cirtus phenos in the middle pretty much crowded out the other pheno on either side. Oh well, the next grow will just be 8 plants so that won't be a problem again.

These are the purple pheno clones for the next grow. They have been in the cubes for a week and the roots are going nuts.

And yes I know that the ebb and flow table is dirty as hell. This is Sunday and each Monday is the day that I pull everything out and scrub down the tray. It gets nasty fast with the liquid karma, but the plants sure love it.

Happy Growing.


New member
Great thread Mist, just read through the whole thing and it was very informative. Youve got the touch..

Sorry if I missed it but whatd you pull off that harvest on page 13 or so? And with only ONE 600w?
Does the CAP controller allow you to set your own watering schedule?

BTW I like your idea of a large ebb n gro setup next to some flood tables, thats always been my ultimate goal.

Keep it up man! :smokeit:


And to all the people who have used Canna and PBP in comparison and said that the Canna grown plants had a better smell. All I can say is that you must be doing something wrong because the PBP grown buds here are kicking the Canna plants ass in look, smell and I am betting flavor too.

I was one of those people, I was expecting all my strains to do better with Canna. Some of my strains really shine with PBP while being downright awful on Canna, others are fantastic on Canna but lacking on PBP. The variation in flavor from the same cut was astounding.

Are you using the LK through flowering? I just started using some in veg, really makes a mess.

Here is some info I found helpful:

Your garden is looking great. best of luck.


I have only run PBP as a stand alone. I wanted to get an idea of what it does by itself so I could see the difference the additives would make. I'm curious as to what your EC is with all the additives. Do you check EC? I think I recall you saying you didn't, but if ya do inquiring minds want to know. Keep up the great work.


I don't think that the PBP is really meant to be a stand alone one part grow and one part bloom nutrient. By everything I have read it is the primary component of a mix. That is why I always go by the manufacturers feeding schedule just like I did with Canna. I used all the reccomended additives with that too. I still use the Rhizotonic with my clones when I put them into the large grodan blocks and in the ebb and flow setup to get rooted. They really put out the roots fast with it.


Lots of pics of my disappointing grow

Lots of pics of my disappointing grow

Well this grow has turned out to me a big mess. 12 plants, as I have said before, is too many for this setup. The middle 4 plants totally over crowded the outside rows causing them to not produce shit for buds.

You can see in these pics what I mean>

Those are the plants on either side.

The ones in the middle, on the other hand, have flourished and are being flushed right now because they finish in about 7 weeks which is nice. I plan on taking them down and then putting the rest back on nutes for a few weeks so that they can have a chance to redeem themselves.
Oh well, the next grow won't have this problem with just 8 plants.
The middle plants are also flopping over on me now. That is a problem that I have yet to get solved with growing in a tent. I used to have a PVC frame that went around the grow area and would put tie wire across it to tie the plants to when they got big. I guess I need one of those in the tent too. the netting is proving to be not strong enough to hold these girls up.

There is also fun in other parts of the room. I am of course refering to the ebb and flow table which needs to be cleaned at least every 10 days. But that isn't a real big deal since it is easy to lift the plants out and put them into rubbermaid trays while I scrub out the table.

The areas that still show staining will not come clean. The brush I use has soft bristles and I am sure that if I used a stiffer bristled brush I could get the stains off, but that would lead to scorring of the plastic and then I would get real bad stains. So this is the best I can do. Mostly I am after the algae.

Happy Growing.


:smokeit: I see a whole buncha smoke in your future. Those buds are looking real nice. Let me know how they smoke compared to the canna grown.

I just started using garden trellis to support the plants. I just tie it to each corner pole in the tent and....

I've just been placing branches where I want them. I am also thinking of adding a second one to support the colas as the grow, time will tell if its needed.


Well those middle 4 plants got harvested on Friday and after a couple days hanging they got a first pass manicure and put into paper bags. There were some little popcorn buds that were dry enough for smoking in a pipe and I can say without any doubt that the Pure Blend Pro has kicked Canna's ass in smell, taste, smoothness and also the high. One of the biggest and most obvious factors is that after a 5 day flush, where I changed out the water in the resovior ever 24 hours for the first 3 days, the bud burns clean and turns into nice gray ash like it is supposed to as opposed to the Canna which still turned into a black glob after the same amount of flushing.
I used everything exactly how it said to in the Botanicare feeding chart pdf that you can find through google. The only thing I used that wasn't on the chart was a small amount of liquid KoolBloom during flowering and a very small amount of dry KoolBloom for the last 10 days of flowering.
So I won't be going back to Canna. I am going to be a PBP user for quite a while.

Hey CovertCrops, you should tighten that trellis up some so that it isn't floppy. I pull mine pretty tight and it still stretches some, but it will give better support if it is tighter. I am wishing that I had added a second layer on this last grow myself. It is some handy stuff.


Sorry, I have been sick and have fallen behind on my weekly reports. But since all I did was take the tops from the middle 4 citrus phenos the garden is just cruising on nicely and will be finished in about 10 days.

The dried weight on just the tops from those 4 citrus girls is 14 ounces. Not too bad I'd say.

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