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Miracle Fruit Grow Show (From Seed)

the 45 king

Active member
I saw this fruit on tv some time ago, a guy from japan isolated the chemical and turned it into a tablet. The stuff actually works


New member
ok, lets have a look see...

ok, lets have a look see...

Ok they're in tree pots that are 3.5x9"h and planted in 80%peat, 20%coir, 20?perlite.
This is them in a tick sog box with no door. I dont need a door for legals.

Miracle Fruit SOG.

Ok it got cold for a few days so I put them in larger tubs squeezed em in good and have the tubs slanted up against the walls. This way all the plants are 22" away from the light.

Under the plastic. The empty can in the middle just has water in it for HIGH humidity. Once I put them in here, temps back at 85f ish, they have been strong and lookng WAY better. Still yellow a bit.

Ive been feeding them with Botanicare SeaPlex and EJ grow (311) in RO water for the lowest pH possible. I also mixed in the dry ferts mentioned earlier at 1/2 strength.

Ive never grown trees so Im not sure how to feed them as far as strength.

Hope you enjoyed these.


Aw that is sad to get to the end and nothing. I imagine they are still growing...
Someone else that is growing these should hijack this thread and take it over, very interesting plant. I had heard that air layering is the only way to clone it supposedly, but who knows, do they grow like cannabis, as far as topping them etc... or if you top it is it done? Surely you could take clones the ol' fashion way eh? water..cup? wait?


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
No posts from SRB since January ---
Think they got rich and moved away growing sweet red berries?


Active member
this was such a badass thread, I wonder what day/night temperatures it likes and does it overwinter or has to be grown indoors ???


From what I understand they need tropical like conditions, higher heat and humidity.


The real question I want to know the answer to is this.
How many fruiting plants would it take to produce 100 or more berries per week, 400+/month, and so on....
Assuming that not all the trees will be fruiting consistently and that you would have to cycle them in all likelyhood, I wonder how many total plants you would need. That doesn't begin to look at propagating the plants, which from what I see is not easy but possible, and may take quite a long time. I am guessing you would need a very large dedicated space, and plenty of time to establish plants that would provide a desired amount of product. Where I am living now, no one has even heard of this, but there seems to be 1 bar for every 100 people, and I suspect at $5 or more per berry, I would not be able to meet demand, but could make a modest amount of money. I am really looking at this, seems to be right up my alley, but it is most likely a pipe dream. It is compelling though.


Well, google, just showed me the way.
You can get 100 berries for a 100 dollars, 10 tablets for 8 bucks. Which yeah, I could buy them and re-sell them to local bars, but the minute they google, "miracle fruit berries/tablets" my cover would be blown. The gig would be up, and at those prices, doesn't seem economical to put an operation together to produce your own fruit, seems to be a novelty that would be good for hobby/home gardener curiosity, but that's about it. Unless you can do something on a massive scale and mass produce your own miracle fruit products, but it looks like that niche is filled. Oh well.