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Miracle Fruit Grow Show (From Seed)



Youre right Mess!! The pH is too high here in the ground so containers it will be for the lot of them. Ill go up to 10g rubbermaid totes if need be. But Ill need a handtruck to move them around easily.

Icon, I heard that the seeds are not viable for too long after being out of the fruit. Not sure if that's fact though.

I need to build somthing for them as I think that theyre suffering from low RH. Cant decide to build a tent from from PVC or 2x2s.


dasme said:
Youre right Mess!! The pH is too high here in the ground so containers it will be for the lot of them. Ill go up to 10g rubbermaid totes if need be. But Ill need a handtruck to move them around easily.

Icon, I heard that the seeds are not viable for too long after being out of the fruit. Not sure if that's fact though.

I need to build somthing for them as I think that theyre suffering from low RH. Cant decide to build a tent from from PVC or 2x2s.

I don't know the cost of a small, manufactured greenhouse, but, I would think a backyard shed base (most are sold separately from the structure) just might be the ticket for your own greenhouse. A good sized PVC (2" or so?) for the framework, joints, and glue; wrap in clear plastic, and watch them badboys grow!

Namaste, mess


For mini greenhouses just build a doghouse type structure and use clear plastic dropcloth if you can't find greenhouse plastic. That's what most horticulturists/gardeners do. You might want to paint the outside of it with a thin layer of white as to not burn your plants depending on your local light levels. You'll probably need a staple gun to tack on the plastic.

dasme, instead of rubbermaids, why not go to your local nursery and get some nursery pots? They'd be a lot cheaper than retail brand name products. Also, why not just grow in peat instead of having to lower your ph by hand? I think 2x2's would be a lot cheaper and stronger than PVC for your greenhouse. Can't wait for your updates!



8bitNES said:
I think 2x2's would be a lot cheaper and stronger than PVC for your greenhouse. Can't wait for your updates!


Agreed. Also, for a plastic sheeting skin, one should be aware of how much UVR is allowed to pass through that particular brand. But, my reasoning for using PVC was more towards portability, as just a few key joints could be glued, making breakdown a much simpler task. Then, there are the ever present insects outside and a room with the high rH required for tropical plants and I can't see a good future for untreated wood in those conditions.

But all that aside, how we doin' Das? Any updates?

Namaste, mess


the Revenant
How long did it take yours to germinate? I am tryin to get some to egress out of the soil. Im using 1/3 tsp of Liquid Karma per gallon.


Pirate138 said:
How long did it take yours to germinate? I am tryin to get some to egress out of the soil. Im using 1/3 tsp of Liquid Karma per gallon.
good question...., Me too..



Active member
FrankRizzo said:
Updates from anyone?
they probably just realized theres almost no market, and/or dont have the balls to grow somthing indoors for years at a time, before payout. :2cents:

~quite frankly i was hoping to see seedling but the lack of intrest i found makes me believe otherwise.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
ill do it.. if someone sends me the beans... sounds like a great idea.. ongoing project..
but 5 years is a long time for payout.. its the same with avacados.. pretty plants.. no yeild for 5 years.. and even if they do yeild.. you probably will not get anything close to what you buy in a store.. i tried to grow the avacados.. it just never really worked


Active member
dontstepongrass said:
just a stab in the dark here but im guessing a speedy euphoria and a numb mouth?

Not really, its more of a focused up feeling. Not jacked though, you just feel uplifted. Its not really speedy and I would call it euphoric. It just helps you focus and keeps you going. It is THE best thing for ADD that I've come across. I know that its off topic, but it just seemed like a bit of a misconception. Also while the tea does have some qualities and tastes good. Chewing coca is the way to go. You chew a quid with an ample amount of a vegtable ash. This basifies the alkaloid content. You know its working when your mouth numbs out. Also its the only way I know of to keep things like cactus sludge down with no nausia.


New member
ok, Im back... Sorry to keep you waiting.

ok, Im back... Sorry to keep you waiting.

What going on my ppls! I had to leave for min. (reasons Ill explain in "intrduce yourself" forum.) but Im back clean and free. :jump:

So this morning Im going to mix some Peat, Coir, and Perlite in a kiddie pool at maybe 50:25:25 or so. I wish I had worm castings, but I DO have a bag of the new Orgaicare Pure, that new shit by botanicare. I also have Espoma Bio-Tone. So Ill add some of that, not sure how much though.

they probably just realized theres almost no market, and/or dont have the balls to grow somthing indoors for years at a time, before payout. :2cents:

~quite frankly i was hoping to see seedling but the lack of intrest i found makes me believe otherwise.

Digital Hippy. Man I love you and you give out good info around here but sometimes you're so negative. Im not one to judge cause in a room of "glass half full" types, Im trying to figure out ways to get more in said glass. And getting mad at those who settle.

So as of NOW they are chilling in my storage room in a 4x2x4h Tick Sogg'n Box under 400w CMH running 18/6 I think. Ill post picks after the transplant into "treepots." They are growing pretty fast as that room with that light gets hot and humid, which they like. But I think that they are not as healthy as they could be from lack of food as Im not sure how much to feed and their pH is rather high for their liking (4.8pH.) Im sure that once I get them into a 50% peat mix, theyll perk up soon in that LOW pH.

Pics to come



New member
Oh, I dont belive in the 5year shit either. I think they fruit at about a foot tall. Given, if theyre outside under varible conditions or overcast and not so productive days and seasons, 5y may be true.

I truly belive that indoors under constant conditions theyll have a good ol' time just growing. Not sure what Ill do once I have 30+ one-footers Ill either need a large Secret Jarden or an ILL GH that has Lights for year round lighting.


In the spirit of the season, I vote for the greenhouse, as big an initial outlay as is feasible. IME, I think you will be a lot happier in the long run. Although, the Secret Jardin would come in handy for germ/seedling/early veg stages, later on.

Namaste, mess

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