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Minions of the Dark


some guy
just... beautiful looking seeds

When Sg said that I was like, "how beautiful can seeds seed be, I mean come on" . Then I see mine and I'm like DAMN! The stripes are so bold and eye popping they completely make the aesthetic of the seed very eye pleasing (unlike most other seeds which are a poop green/brown).

I popped 5 of 10 in soil last night. We'll see how it goes.


Hey folks! Catching up here. I just got back from an outta town R.I.P. celebration for a relative. I'll get some pics up later but my ravnus babies are moving a little slow. Also got some nocs to chop but I wanna let them go a little longer to see if I get em bit more dense like the last round did. I hope you all are having a great weekend.


Pagan Extremist
Very interesting documentary about legalized cannabis undergoing a corporate takeover and becoming the next big tobacco



Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Good article Sea.

This shows that idiots (Kennedy) that get heavily addicted to everything, think they are now qualified to counsel addicts.
Then pick on the only drug he wasn't addicted too.
Dumb ass!!!

On another note, I've realized corporations will take over the industry since MMJ legalized.
It's a no brainer.
This is why building a brand is so important.

Once the flood carries all the little boats(mom and pop shops) to their demise, only the biggest ships will remain.
Those smaller shops that do survive, will be bought out by the big corporations, or join forces.
Laws of business - clear and simple.

Eventually, all new weed strains will need to be DNA profiled, terpene levels legally documented, and then patented, and brand names copyrighted.
All this to protect your work.

We will not recognize the weed market in 10 years.
If a grower/breeder doesn't adapt into a big business mentality now, there will be no future for us later.


Pagan Extremist
Eventually, all new weed strains will need to be DNA profiled, terpene levels legally documented, and then patented, and brand names copyrighted.
All this to protect your work.

You know, the more I think about, the more that sounds like a horrible idea... Why should someone else own a major stake of all your strains just because they're the first to patent the DNA of mendo purps...

Life forms should not be able to be patented.... no one owns life.

The only thing I forsee is monsanto patent troll lawyers suing people like us into the stone age for working with genetics that they "own"

just look at what they do to corn and soy farmers who couldnt get rid of round-up ready bullshit if they tried.

then there's the supreme court ruling that held the farmers at fault for copyright infringement for monsanto seeds blowing off trucks and getting into their clean non-GMO fields....

I fear I will be forced into the deep underground in a damn legal state.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Genetics are very scattered to date.
Is there a real deal Mendo Purps still around?
I highly doubt it.
Test 5 supposed MP, you'll find 5 different genetic codes.

Can Monsanto just grab all of the cannabis genomes and patent them?
Also highly doubtful, that would be clearly theft of something they never created.
They will be forced to go to the source of any genetics, make outrageous $$$$ offers and buy them, then patent and copyright what they bought.

Never doubt the evil of big business.
Everything is for sale for the right price.
We have to think on their line of thought and prepare for it.

All individual grower/breeders will need to first protect their own work.
Then resist any large cash offers.

Let's use Ken Estes, the GDP brand guy.
Monsanto offers him say, 1 million bucks for his label.
He accepts the cash and moves on.
Then Monsanto owns the name which is trademarked/copyrighted/patented.
Then, Monsanto can literally have every product with the GDP label removed from all dispensary shelves.

So in a nutsack, we need to stick together, and not sell out.
All original cut only breeding stock, say Goblin Girl or Halo (originals only) need to be documented.
The exact genetic code must be protected along with the trade names.
Any offspring of seed grown can only be protected by NOT selling seed or cuttings.
Once someone buys your seed, they own it.
This is why I will never receive a dime for seed.

Reality can suck, but if we leave it to big business, they will take over.
I don't like the idea as much as you, but complacency will not do us any good.
We have to think like them, stay together as a team, and never sell out.
Just set up & getting ready to watch the Doc y'all are talking about...this is VERY interesting stuff to me....But first, what is the Khalisi project....Love the name, btw...love the name!

~Sundance~ Expanded all my rooms & now I'm ready to grow on larger scale...Your Halox2 & Dk Goblin needed somewhere more "stable" to grow up, SG...now they do! Outdoor experiment, Pak, has taken off & "put on" approx. 3-4" in less than a week...hasn't shown 5 fingers, but it will...


some guy
If Monsanto tries to steal rights to genetics you can bet your ass there will becivil warfare. Steal what pot growers have been working on for 60 years and I guarantee all of us who have been a part of the "stoner subculture" will rise against the masses. We growers, breeders, smokers, enthusiasts, etc will unify more strongly than any other subculture in existence. I'm not afraid of Monsanto patenting strains for the aforementioned reason, but I am afraid of cross pollination.

We've had a civil war before during times like these so don't expect it to not happen again. It only takes the threat of World War III and a damn good internal reason for every U.S. citizen to open their eyes, see what's happening and try to stop it.
If Monsanto tries to steal rights to genetics you can bet your ass there will becivil warfare. Steal what pot growers have been working on for 60 years and I guarantee all of us who have been a part of the "stoner subculture" will rise against the masses. We growers, breeders, smokers, enthusiasts, etc will unify more strongly than any other subculture in existence. I'm not afraid of Monsanto patenting strains for the aforementioned reason, but I am afraid of cross pollination.

We've had a civil war before during times like these so don't expect it to not happen again. It only takes the threat of World War III and a damn good internal reason for every U.S. citizen to open their eyes, see what's happening and try to stop it.

Wow, just watched the Doc...Big Business? Hell yeah, did you see some of those prices?? They didn't get into the dispensary prices, but shows some at $15 gm? WTF?? And the lobbyist in DC?? As a grower I don't see how this can have adverse effects on me....in fact, soaring prices at the dispensary level helps me. But as a Breeder (which I'm NOT!!), all the investors & $$$$ would be a threat...I don't see how the Breeder could protect their interests & work...especially on a legal level! All that costs BIG MONEY to protect & I'm sorry, but the majority of breeders are just skating by, right? And even if you had the $$$ to defend what is rightfully yours, going up against a Monsanto-type??...well shit, they would make the Breeder/Grower bleed...until nothing was left. Done deal...they did it to the Farmers & still are doing it...Civil War, Tea?? Do you really think it could go that far?? Over weed? Now, I can see it could eventually happen to the Soy & Corn...these are food sources...Just like water, Food has been a source of war since the beginning of time...but weed??
~Sundance~ I'll just stick with my L'il Grow & provide for my family...excess may be "gifted" to others.....


Active member
Just set up & getting ready to watch the Doc y'all are talking about...this is VERY interesting stuff to me....But first, what is the Khalisi project....Love the name, btw...love the name!

~Sundance~ Expanded all my rooms & now I'm ready to grow on larger scale...Your Halox2 & Dk Goblin needed somewhere more "stable" to grow up, SG...now they do! Outdoor experiment, Pak, has taken off & "put on" approx. 3-4" in less than a week...hasn't shown 5 fingers, but it will...

That's good news. That's close to what I'm getting outside, about 1/2" a day. So at 8000' you've got it going. I'm hoping for both of us the fall lets these finish. Put up some pictures.

Congratulations on the expansion.


some guy
Civil War, Tea?? Do you really think it could go that far?? Over weed? Now, I can see it could eventually happen to the Soy & Corn...these are food sources...Just like water, Food has been a source of war since the beginning of time...but weed??
~Sundance~ I'll just stick with my L'il Grow & provide for my family...excess may be "gifted" to others.....

2 things Sunny:

1) You're small time grow is going to go out of business in 1-4 years. Once recreational greenhouses start springing up that $15/gram is going to drop to $3/gram. Can you match that with your indoor? No one can.
2) Civil war is imminent & weed is just the tipping point. Everyone in our country is unsatisfied with our government and there are already hundreds if not thousands of justifiable reasons to go to war with the government already. Taking away something that's been part of our lives for a long time and so passionately so will spark anger like they have never seen before, just you wait. What if they patent internationally bred strains? What will European countries think if Monsanto sues them over strain laws? Civil War become World War. The world already hates us, but Monsanto is just about to make them hate us more with this new area of development.
Last edited:


Pagan Extremist

your hit... and even if commercial shit does go to 3$ a gram... connoisseur quality will always have a place....


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Growing organically and recycling soil has enabled me to produce my stash for $10-$11 an oz.
Not counting labor of course, which averages 2 - 2.5 hours daily labor.
If I paid myself $50 an hour, I could still produce a high grade product for $50-$60 an oz.
Throw in taxes and purity testing, would raise the costs to $100 an oz.

I think there is plenty of profits to be made.
$1,600 to the grower, double the mark up to $3,200 for store front and employee expenses.

A dispensary/pot shop can actually sell high quality weed for $200 an oz and still make profit.
What's wild is that no potshop sells for less than $30 an 1/8 oz for mid grade.
Top shelf is 50% more costly.

I personally think I will have no problem selling my wares.(once fully legal)
No bugs, no mold, 100% fully sustainable organics, and a great selection of unique cutting only stock with high flavor and stone.

Quote from Albert E. Newman -------- What! Me Worry?
Not even a little.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Fuck yah - I believe it.

Believe it or not, my ole lady gave Alfred his first handy.
He grew freckles shortly after.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
But first, what is the Khalisi project....Love the name, btw...love the name!

I have an ICMag sponsored test beginning in days.
It's called the Khalisi project.
And yes, I love the name too :huggg:
It's a breeding between My old Jihad cut to The Purps.

I sent 20 seed packs to seedbay, and they are sending them out to testers.
I've started 30 seeds myself.
It will have much more focus on 1 seed run, instead of the scattered testing thus far on the Minions thread.

Should be a real fun test run.

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