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"Mini PPK Grow" - Jacks 15-12-26 - Coco/Perlite



I became interested in this PPK thing, and your grow from another site. Glad I was able to find you here and read the rest of the thread. Very interesting. I will be watching along to see the growth rates.

yes, WELCOME!!!

today someone on that forum wrote a poet (not in my thread in another)
that i am the only one sussing PPKs and jacks, and HE DID A search and nobody else knows PPK or JAcks

i think he didn't use google. certainly on 'that other forum' i AM the only one

how does one explain that knowledge gap

and after starting my first PPK thread over there, just about NOBODY cared. I was actually surprised. there were maybe 4 people who said hmmm, wow, whats this... and now its 5 counting you

jacks is exciting stuff

PPKs are exciting stuff

but I had to come over here to learn about either of them. apparently there isn't much knowledge flowing FROM here to there. AND there ISNT much knowledge flowing from there to here. It cant. they are behind knpplwedgewise for the most part.

when i realized i wasn't learning fuck all over there, and nobody wanted to learn f**ck all from my PPK thread,

i have had my last " 'no trust me, coco LIKES to be watered a lot, doesn't NEED A WET DRY CYCLE" with several coco boneheads over there

honestly, guys there telling me the PPKs won't work (though they had no idea what one was) . they were objecting to the concept of watering coco so much
one said i'd wash all the benes out of the root zone - another said everyone knows you CANT water coco more than about twice a day, it willassuredly kill the plant

and discussing these things rationally online with them was simply not possible. They were SO certain they knew coco. what they found out in their struggle with coco (but didn't know they had learned) is if you DONT keep it wet, it gets REAL FINICKY, and the way to handle it then is to let if have a wet dry cycle because the roots are not getting 02 from being fed, and then you CAN water it too much because the roots suck, then you have to let it dry out.... repeat.

there are some knowledgeable coco growers over there, but there are popular threads selling a non hydro way to think about coco. they use salt nutes, then feed once a day.and bitch about salt buildup

they get OK results that way. they could do better.

its not WRONG, thats not the point - but they don't KNOW they can do better.

one guy actually said that he was reluctant to try anything so "next wave". as a PPK and was quite dismissive of the concept.. after all he tried hempies recently and totally failed. and converted them mid grow to having holes in the bottom. got too much salt buildup with the hempies. go figure, unless you keep coco really wet you get salt buildup. and his hempy was like 20 gallons, absolutely did not want to hear that coco requires less, and a LOT less than soil is normal. made him angry

i tried to explain that hempies aren't "next wave", the concept having existed (for tomatoes and such) for at least ten years before dalaihempy claimed to have created them more than ten years ago.'

(so 30 year old stuff was considered "next wave")

and PPKs have been around for at least than 5 years (that I know of, it could be more )

and in response to that he flamed me, and threaten to get me banned. called my thread pathetic, said my plants were ugly....

my feelings are not hurt, considering the (bonehead) source

another time a guy hammered me for saying coco with salt based nutes, hand watered with salt based nutes IS passive hydro

he said, no - there is hydro, and there is soil, and there is soils. coco with salt nutes is "soilless "


i responded that ANYTIME a medium is used in hydro it HAS to be soilless. this happened in the coco section of that board which is

and he actually threatened to have me banned for putting out false information

so i decided to hang here instead - i wasn't banned, I've never even received a warning from ANY moderator over there EVER
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i've done more thinking about these cycle timers. there are several brands -all with the same model number, same case, color, mounting and circuit boards.

knowing how things are manufactured in china, i would guess they are ALL made in the same factory and rebranded in the factory before being shipped (it only takes a different face plate or a sticker for rebranding)

this is REALLY common with chinese electronics.

so buy whats cheapest.


good news:
three weeks ago - 6 inches high


yesterday, same plant, loads of LST for 3 weeks, now its 9 inches high and has more than 20 tops, and its in 12-12.

I had earlier estimated it was a foot tall - the ruler don't lie. 9 " tall, 20 inches wide, more than 20 tops



and best of all

its a girl!!! and one of the other Mt. Cook's is for sure a girl, and I have three feminized plants in the other tent, so:
i will have NO LESS than 3 plants in one tent and two in the others

i am pumped, i had said i thought she was a girl maybe week ago or so, but i was nervous because this diagnosis was REALLY early and based on hoping this 'thing' was pointy enough to sprout a pistil

i had also reported evidence that all 5 Mt cooks had the same pointy things...... and all appear to be heading toward NOT growing into pollen sacs. they are now pointier, longer... this was after 24 hours of darkness, the photos were taken immediately after opening the tent
they are going into revving up toward high gear on the stretch already - not a lot yet, but it is BRIGHT in there.yesterday this plant was 9" tall . today it is 12

there are several, i could get a good shot of one that has two tiny white filaments starting
i sure wish i had a place to grow a clone. cant do it though
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oh man. its going to get crowded if i have 4 Mt cooks in one tent. Latterly, its already getting crowded. I like the plants not to even touch each other. if the get too crowded stretch can get crazy, in my experience.

in PPKs i am not sure i could even get three in there without touching unless i keep on wiring them.

this was at lights on after 24 hours dark - they haven't woken up yet.



so is this always normal.

will it necessarily become a plugging issue?

is there anything i should do now? cut them off )will that make them bush out inside the tailpiece and be be even more of a problem?

these look really healthy.... growing in 86 degree water, only gets aeration every 90 minutes

i have screen over the perlite, separating the medium from the perlite sump. (1" of perlite in bottom of bucket,
so a screen does little to prevent roots from getting into the tailpiece.



need opinions

at this size, as displayed here, those look like filaments

but i zoomed it up and they are green... and it looks like a wider ball link thing is forming, but not right on the stem, its already away from the stem

this one i think is male


then i compared to picts of known male pre flowers...

which means, if i was wrong on this one, i may have been wrong on any of the others.

except this one looks different.....

here is a zoomed photo (original was posted 4 posts back), its nice that they are starting to show sex (better than they had been in veg) the first day after 24 hours of dark

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Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
So sorry RB. Thats a male in pic 1,2 and 3 dunno on pic 4 but my guess looks fem. You can watch it for a while to make sure... but those appear to be nads
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Still Learning
good news:

there are several, i could get a good shot of one that has two tiny white filaments starting i sure wish i had a place to grow a clone. cant do it though
RB, you cant muster a glass of water ina window or ina drawer with a 12 w cfl?? did we talk about this before??


RB, you cant muster a glass of water ina window or ina drawer with a 12 w cfl?? did we talk about this before??

i don't think we discussed or you'd remember the answer maybe

i live alone in argentina. expat. there is NOBODY i trust to help me care for grows or mother plants when a grow isn't happening. so to travel at all, i have to stop growing.

i don't take clones, because after a grow is done i don't grow for a while, i travel around in argentina (and other places, but i don't have to smuggle weed though a border if i travel in argentina)

so no need for anything but seeds. I could get clones here before a grow starts , i don't like welcoming spider mites and such into my grow room ... as it is i never ever have anything but the occasional gnat. thats right. singular.

i don't keep mothers either


its ok. if i take clone now and do a grow immediately after this grow, then I have to deal with grow room temps of 99 plus (at time) in december and january. my AC sucks, and is in the wrong part of the apartment to do an y good anyway. and i am not buying one here for the grow room. a portable purchased 3x as expensive here as in the states. even me having a split installed - the installer would know why. its a small apt. i live alone.

on the other hand with our raging inflation, i could sell it for a lot than i paid for it when i return to the states..... hmmmmmmmm
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So sorry RB. Thats a male in pic 1,2 and 3 dunno on pic 4 but my guess looks fem. You can watch it for a while to make sure... but those appear to be nads

i agree totally. pic three is from the internet for comparison, so even though its early in the photo, its male.

number 1 looks nearly identical.

pict 4, that plant has nothing that looks like picts 1-3, they are still pointed, no bulges showing. and some are developed more than pct 4 but i could not get a good photo.
still, its entirety that pict 4 is male too, its just so early in that photo its are to say.

(of course the plant in pict 1 is the second best plant. pict four is of the BEST plant, i sure hope it IS female )
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i just had an interesting grow room electronics idea

take a TH20 temp/humidity relay (has two relays one for temp, one for humidity, separate

and a cycle timer as in the posts earlier,

and build a box with all three, with outlets so that

you can use all three separately

or in pairs (ON if either is latched)

or all three at the same time (on if ANY of the three is latched)

the fan could be on used with any single relay that is latched, leaving the other two available to do anything else not involving the exhaust fan

or the controllers could be used in combination

in combination:

2 at a time:
fan on if temp is high, or the humidity is high
fan on if temp is high,and ten minutes an hour regardless of temp
fan on if humidity is high,and ten minutes an hour regardless of humidity

3 at a time
fan ON if the temp is high, or the humidity is high AND every ten minutes an hour

i like having the cycle timer in there because if gives me this

when its NOT too high and or humid i want to run every ten minutes anyway to control the odor in the room,

which i can do NOW by manually changing what the fan is plugged INTO for control

and my idea is not to have to do it manually.

if the controllers relays are all mechanical (i think so, i hear them click) i don't need to worry about isolating the control relays from each other, but to be safe, i will 2 isolation relays, solid state relays that latch when 230 vac hits it. (20 bucks on eBay).
then there are no worries about combing the AC outputs of the three relays in the controllers

and i need to get a few spst toggle switches for configuration

the nice thing that the TH20 is the same case as the cycle timer. and it has BOTH re;ays: humidify/dehumidify and cool/heat
and it also won't even bounce at the latch point (turning on and off when temp or humidity hovers around the latch point )

so it will make a VERY clean panel.

when i get the parts (a few weeks) then i will to a what could be an interesting kind of multi-controller DIY thread.
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I'll definitely be watching for it.

imordered the parts but they won't get to argentina for a month at least - first they go to my daughter in the usa, then she repacks and ships all in one box. then 6 weeks later or so, its thru customs . sometimes it takes three weeks, sometimes six.


Labor of Love. Pity one has to go thru such to cultivate one that will grow so freely with little-to-no interference from us. I've read the trials and tribulations you go through just to get equipment and such to grow, that I MYSELF took for granted on a daily basis. On another site.



in other news, WOW here in Argentina i can get a plethora of Arduino stuff.

I use arduino to control the humidity and temp , but I would like to improve it and expand the feature set.

I am retired, but a long time hacker/coder, embedded systems, network engineering - worked for one of the big companies in seattle.

the arduino junk reads a temp/humidity sensor, looks up a VPD from a table using the temp as the key, finds the right humidity, and twiddles with the humidifier (a pond mister in a tote and two fans) to keep the humidity and temp at a good VPD.

even with the controller running the show, the temp ranges from 82 to 87 - it swings up and down - its not possible to hold it at one temp, its not sealed. when the heater turns off, the rooms tempo coasts a few degrees higher, when the heater is off, the room temps coasts a few degrees downward. this happens about 6 to 10 times an hour. so the humidity VPS calculation keeps the VPD in a good place. even if the heater blew out, the VPD would automatically follow the temp down.

but there are times it just cant keep up (like when ambient air is really low humidity) , so it lowers the temperature in the room until it finds a stable RH and Temp (so long as the temp is above 75)

and i want it to send me an email with status regularly , and also to signal me if i need to get back to the grow room and make adjustments in order to handle out of range low and high temp. I manually handle out of range conditions, but i'd like to be notified.

and right now the systems doesn't "know from" AC.

so i need the WIFI/Internet capability , and the IR stuff to turn on and adjust the temp of the AC - added to my setup,

and now i have options for that that i can BUY LOCALLY at only 200% markup

but this stuff is pretty cheap, and it beats shipping it here.
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well, 3 of the 5 Mt. Cook photos are female.

of of the remaining two, one is almost assuredly male, but its still early, and the other is just too early, but in a couple days will tell us

the one that is almost assuredly male is the best pop the 5. This happens a lot to me. I guess maybe there is a tendency for males to be attractive to me

cannabis males.....


Males usually show the most vigor and "good looks" early on. They try to get the jump on the girls in order to sprinkle sprinkle. Well, in my garden this happens more often than not from a reg seed pack.

Peace, C.O.B.


yup. I've seen this almost every time a plant is spectacular compared to the rest. i think i mentioned WAY back in this thread about this plant .... it had me fooled for a little bit, but its looking male .....

the other three, i believe are definitive. actual calyx shape.. wide at the bottom getting longer and pointier . no pistils that i could find yet.

lights on at 8, I hope its decided..... can pull the PPK out of the tent and have more room

so i will 3 in each tent, or 4 in one, three in the other.
actually 3+3 would be fine. its already crowded in the tent thats in flower.

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