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Milo Yiannopoulos....What an interesting person.


Active member
What About Timothy McVeigh? He was a White American Christian Terrorist..

...yeah, but that was more than 20 years ago, muslims are commiting acts of terrorism across the globe on a daily basis and have been for years.

...the truth is muslim terrorists kill way more muslims than they do infidels, it seems they kill anyone who disagrees with them.

...in the fullness of time we Americans have had our share of scumbags and nut jobs but the muslims are barbarians at the gates,

...except that our moronic leaders have opened the gates!

peace, bozo

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes well, it is quite evident that there is MASSIVE military/industrial complex interest in all of this, for sheer profit, combined with the fact that Israel is surrounded by hostile islamic states, so it is to their advantage to keep the wolves from their door by actively destabilizing as many of these countries as possible, and encouraging as many fit/young military aged muslim men to head for the western world, in the opposite direction to Israel to cause problems there where they can take full advantage of the Wests charitable nature.

Remember that it was not so long ago that the forefathers of many Israeli's were hounded out of central Europe by the nazi's, and many were slaughtered by the Germans.

So I guess that from their perspective they are engineering 'payback time' on the West, using billions of dollars in 'Aid' from American tax payers to do it.


Well-known member
Lets call for a complete and utter shut down of heart disease until we can figure out what the hell is goin on~~~~~~


Green Squall

Well-known member
Those middle east muslims countries have some of the lowest IQ averages in the world. Combine that with no education, add a big helping of indoctrination and you have a proxy army at your disposal. Its who's behind them directing them thats of greatest interest to most people. Some advisories use pawns to attack their enemies Gypsy. Smell the coffee.

I disagree. Most Middle Eastern Countries score in the middle of the IQ scale. And the ones from the poorer countries, such as Afghanistan, are some of the most resilient people out there, getting by in life with almost nothing.

Technically, the lowest IQ's come out of Africa and if I remember correctly, the Australian Aborigines are pretty far down on the list.

It could obviously be argued what country has the highest IQ, but the top 5 seem to be all Asian countries.


Glad icmag has become the new home for the alt right. Lets keep spreading anti islam hate im sure that will help heal the world

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I disagree. Most Middle Eastern Countries score in the middle of the IQ scale. And the ones from the poorer countries, such as Afghanistan, are some of the most resilient people out there, getting by in life with almost nothing.

Technically, the lowest IQ's come out of Africa and if I remember correctly, the Australian Aborigines are pretty far down on the list.

It could obviously be argued what country has the highest IQ, but the top 5 seem to be all Asian countries.

Actually the Azkanazi Jews top the worlds highest average IQ's, followed by the East Asians, then Europeans by all accounts.

The Azkanazi Jews have been selectively inbred for centuries, and since they have been traditionally money-lenders (and now big bankers), the smartest of them have bred most proficiently to produce off-spring that are very smart in calculus/math. But many of them exhibit multiple congenital diseases/abnormalities due to inbreeding within their gene-pool.

By a recent survey it has been found that over 50% of all muslims are inbred, due to the fact that it is customary for them to marry their immediate relatives - first cousins etc, which is an ever increasing burden on the western worlds social/medical services as more move to the west, due to many of their progeny (kids) exhibiting multiple congenital abnormalities, which need life-long support.

Green Squall

Well-known member
...yeah, but that was more than 20 years ago, muslims are commiting acts of terrorism across the globe on a daily basis and have been for years.

...the truth is muslim terrorists kill way more muslims than they do infidels, it seems they kill anyone who disagrees with them.

...in the fullness of time we Americans have had our share of scumbags and nut jobs but the muslims are barbarians at the gates,

...except that our moronic leaders have opened the gates!

peace, bozo

Dylann Roof? A White Supremacist who murdered 9 innocent people. Even though he wasn't charged with terrorism, his actions certainly meet the federal description of domestic terrorism.

Another recent example of non Muslim Terrorism is FARC, a Marxist-Leninist organization in Columbia.

Basically there are a shitload of non Muslim Terrorist attacks every year, they just aren't reported in the MSM.


Actually the Azkanazi Jews top the worlds highest average IQ's, followed by the East Asians, then Europeans by all accounts.

The Azkanazi Jews have been selectively inbred for centuries.

Nope - https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country

ashkenazi Jews are 75 percent in Israel so a pitiful average 95 IQ doesn't stack up.

Yes they are inbred, but the selection criteria was not based good genetics or IQ or physical traits, it was based on ancestry, inheritance and social standing. This why Jews are notably absent fro the upper echelons of any field of endeavour. There are no Jewish Sports legends. There are no Jewish inventions.
lovely people though

Stefan Molyneux been whispering in your ear? He sites the Jewish overrepresentation in the media as evidence of high verbal acuity. If he means they're good bullshitters... well maybe but Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Hemingway were not Jewish last time I checked.


All humans are inbred if you have any real understanding of human genetics.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Glad icmag has become the new home for the alt right. Lets keep spreading anti islam hate im sure that will help heal the world

Its not about hate, or whatever this alt right you speak of is, it is about being informed as to what is going on in this world, and being aware of it. Us individuals really have no power to do much about it other than to inform others, who can then make informed decisions based upon that information.

I don't hate anyone, since hate itself is a form of psychological cancer as far as I am concerned.


All humans are inbred if you have any real understanding of human genetics.

Thats such an obvious truism its redundant to anyone capable of reading it. The word is nuanced, qualified and used in carefully chosen context.


I don't hate anyone, since hate itself is a form of psychological cancer as far as I am concerned.

We all bare some responsibility for something that hurt somebody else, even if its was simply because we did nothing. Nobody can judge anyone else. God will judge us all.
Im not judging just because I see whats going on.. just sayin

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Nope - https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country

ashkenazi Jews are 75 percent in Israel so a pitiful average 95 IQ doesn't stack up.

Yes they are inbred, but the selection criteria was not based good genetics or IQ or physical traits, it was based on ancestry, inheritance and social standing. This why Jews are notably absent fro the upper echelons of any field of endeavour. There are no Jewish Sports legends. There are no Jewish inventions.
lovely people though

Stefan Molyneux been whispering in your ear? He sites the Jewish overrepresentation in the media as evidence of high verbal acuity. If he means they're good bullshitters... well maybe but Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Hemingway were not Jewish last time I checked.

Evidence for a group difference in intelligence.

The most obvious observational basis for postulating and inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have higher intelligence than other ethnic groups is their disproportionate prevalence in intellectually demanding fields and domains that take brainpower such as chess playing, mathematics, science and technology, politics and law relative to their small population.

In addition, Jewish contributions to fields that take an enormous amount of cognitive ability and mental capacity is far greater than that of their proportion in the population. Despite their small population, Ashkenazi Jews have won more than one quarter of the Westinghouse Science prizes, the Turing Awards, and Fields Medals.

In addition 54 percent of the world's chess champions have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry Among National Medal of Science recipients, 37 percent have Ashkenazi Jewish backgrounds as are 29 percent of U.S. Nobel Prize winners: 38 percent of American Nobel laureates in physics, 42 percent of Nobel laureates in medicine or physiology, and 28 percent of U.S. prize winners in chemistry.

In the United States, Ashkenazi Jews comprise 33 percent of the student body and faculty at Ivy League and other elite universities, and 30 percent of the U.S. Supreme Court law clerks. Ashkenazi Jewish achievements is not only limited to intellectual pursuits, but also endeavors where having a higher intelligence is an advantage such as business and commerce.

According to the 1931 census of Poland, Jews comprised 9.8 percent of the Polish population but controlled 22.4 percent of the wealth in the country. Despite their small population, Ashkenazi Jews in Poland also owned 55 percent of large and medium-sized commercial businesses in 1938 and dominated the textile, chemical, food, transportation, paper manufacturing, and building material industries.

A more direct approach is to measure intelligence with psychometric tests. Different studies have found different results, but most have found above-average verbal and mathematical intelligence in Ashkenazi Jews, along with below-average spatial intelligence.
The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be from a range of 110–115

*Einstein was also an Ashkenazi Jew



Evidence for a group difference in intelligence.

The most obvious observational basis for postulating and inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have higher intelligence than other ethnic groups is their disproportionate prevalence in intellectually demanding fields and domains that take brainpower such as chess playing, mathematics, science and technology, politics and law relative to their small population.

In addition, Jewish contributions to fields that take an enormous amount of cognitive ability and mental capacity is far greater than that of their proportion in the population. Despite their small population, Ashkenazi Jews have won more than one quarter of the Westinghouse Science prizes, the Turing Awards, and Fields Medals.

In addition 54 percent of the world's chess champions have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry Among National Medal of Science recipients, 37 percent have Ashkenazi Jewish backgrounds as are 29 percent of U.S. Nobel Prize winners: 38 percent of American Nobel laureates in physics, 42 percent of Nobel laureates in medicine or physiology, and 28 percent of U.S. prize winners in chemistry.

In the United States, Ashkenazi Jews comprise 33 percent of the student body and faculty at Ivy League and other elite universities, and 30 percent of the U.S. Supreme Court law clerks. Ashkenazi Jewish achievements is not only limited to intellectual pursuits, but also endeavors where having a higher intelligence is an advantage such as business and commerce.

According to the 1931 census of Poland, Jews comprised 9.8 percent of the Polish population but controlled 22.4 percent of the wealth in the country. Despite their small population, Ashkenazi Jews in Poland also owned 55 percent of large and medium-sized commercial businesses in 1938 and dominated the textile, chemical, food, transportation, paper manufacturing, and building material industries.

A more direct approach is to measure intelligence with psychometric tests. Different studies have found different results, but most have found above-average verbal and mathematical intelligence in Ashkenazi Jews, along with below-average spatial intelligence.
The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be from a range of 110–115

*Einstein was also an Ashkenazi Jew


Ive highlighted the problems with your "evidence"

The studies I linked you to that prove the average IQ in Israel is low, were done recently and to modern standards by international professors . 95 they score. Sorry. And Einstein is not evidence of anyone but Einsteins IQ. Nice try but one freak who's work has since been rubbished doesn't change things.

Its says the average was calculated. thats not just an average of the actual results. Its an estimate, supposedly. A rather obviously biased and generous one it now appears in light of actual proof.

furthermore, my best friend is Ashkenazi and he's as dumb as shit. He frequently runs out of petrol and has to get people to come out with cans cos he's so facing stupid he don't realise a litre of fuel won't tae him 50 mile lol if you can go by Einstein fine, but Im going by the facts and a person I know .

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ive highlighted the problems with your "evidence"

The studies I linked you to that prove the average IQ in Israel is low, were done recently and to modern standards by international professors . 95 they score. Sorry. And Einstein is not evidence of anyone but Einsteins IQ. Nice try but one freak who's for has since been rubbished doesn't change things.

I'm not talking about the average IQ in Israel. I am pointing out that the Ashkenazi Jews come out tops on most all IQ studies worldwide, and that particular cultural group are a VERY international lot. There are large groups of them in many nations, and traditionally, for centuries they have been involved in banking, and its the banks that control nations, not the politicians.

*go here and do some reading:
