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Million Man/Woman smoke out march!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It has been really hard to get people to take interest. Dont get discouraged though, people will get interested soon enough. South america, central america, and mexico are decriminalizing small ammounts of all drugs. This means the cartels will have less problems in those counties, and cause less violence. they will be more legitimized in a way. Also drugs will some what drop in price in those places. Much of the viloent people in those organizations will now turn their focus to the U.S., where violent crazy fucks are still needed, because the laws are so strict that black market drugs are a fortune. It's simple the cartels will invest more time and effort into an area that makes them more money.

This leaves the U.S. two choices. go to all out war with all of the cartel countries, or give in, decriminalize, and take the money from the cartels. Thus enriching the U.S. econemy with new capitol, industy, medicine, and jobs. Most importantly it will release the hemp industry, and save the human race. If you dont believe me, then go research hemp.
your right about hemp saving the human race. but first we need to overthrow most major corporations whose interests are in direct conflict with cannabis products...


New member
your right about hemp saving the human race. but first we need to overthrow most major corporations whose interests are in direct conflict with cannabis products...

But first we have to overthrow the banking slave masters of the world in which these major corporations act as their arms.

I will definitely attend and show support in a peaceful protest. How do I find out more information about the location for my state, if I have not heard already?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Only person has contacted me to be a march leader, and stealth organizer. So you can chose the location for your state and start the march yourself if you want. read the thread details. All you need is flyers and possibly a permit depending on where you chose. So It shouldnt cost much. I am chosing the new popular public park in my town, that is right next to a government office. I dont really care if I need a permit though. to me the idea of this protest is to be a pain in the ass, until we get our point across. If they want us to move along then they are gonna have to listen.

The more people you can get to pass out flyers the better. It just has to be on 4/20

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Now that state mmj laws are slightly more secure it will be much easier for people to have marches in those states. I think the majority of the protest should happen in these states because the numbers will draw the cameras. Think about how crazy we could go on it with youtube. Videos of hundreds of thousands of protesters over many different cities, lighting up at once and police cant and dont want to do shit about it. If the whole thing remained peaceful, which it better, it would be a huge success.


HZ, there are several annual smokeouts around the country already... Hash Bash in Ann Arbor, Boston, Seattle, 4/20 events, etc... I admire your spirit, but without the resources and commitment of large organizations, you're just not going to get enough interest.

The point about the grow community having much to lose is also well taken.

I would argue that supporting MPP, DPA, LEAP, ASA and repeatedly contacting your Rep about the current legislation before the house are much better methods of advocating for change than trying to put together marches at this point. Let your Rep know that you want the laws to change. Support the organizations equipped to lobby for change that are getting results, and national attention.

If you can afford to buy a sack, or a seedpack, you can afford to send MPP and NORML a few dollars. Think about it.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ I totally agree. We all need to be coming together under one name. I have contacted all of the major organizations asking for help, and for them to work together for a common goal, and they wont even talk to me. It is all personal agendas for these people. They dont really give a shit if legalization happens unless their organization name is branded as the savor of pot. It's all politics. pisses me off a lot actually.

You did however give me a good idea. Before the smoke outs we could march to the represenatives office and hand deliver letters of protest.

Also great avatar


I'm not sure what you think a unified 'name' is really buying us.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is contacting their legislators about the bills named in my sig. There is a great spot for unity.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure what you think a unified 'name' is really buying us.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is contacting their legislators about the bills named in my sig. There is a great spot for unity.


A unified name makes us one huge force with many arms. not several split factions.

Flying Goat

Just stumbled on this thread today... I was so pissed off at our HB642 "not making the cut" for hearing this week...

Fucking idiots (whom I did NOT vote for) are more concerned with hearing argument on "video bingo" & online gambling than STOPPING THE ARREST & PERSECUTION OF SERIOUSLY ILL PATIENTS...

Any Alabamians out there wanna get involved & organize a 4/20 Smokeout, please PM me... No doubt, Loretta at Alabamians for Compassionate Care already knows, but I will find out what our org. has planned & if nothing, I will go to the university at Mobile & stir up some shit...

For years, I've been collecting Email addys & weekly sharing the news on the MJ RE-legalization front... Perhaps we can make an impression this year!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It seems to me that the pro pot legalization folks are all now coming together under the banner of liberty and personal freedom. However I now think late 2011 or early 2012 is when the march needs to happen. Make it a major election issue, that the politicians cant pompously giggle off.

soon my friends
I like how a strong percentage of tokers see the corrupt world for how it really is, after all once the facts are shown it is no longer a conspiracy.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I think whats apparent is that even our so called "champions of industry" are only concerned with maximising profits and not at all interested in changing legislation pertaining to cannabis unless it some way benefits them yet further.

organisations claiming to be on the side of the "toker" and at the same time displaying the usual levels of greed and mismanagement that we would associate with any "big business"..

that's why they won't talk to you Zep... you can't make them any money or at least, they havent figured an "angle" to that end.

j ;)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^you are right, but they talked to each other and had a pretty big global march. Next year will be another and it will be even bigger. I hope we can hit a million in 2012, in DC . that would be incredible.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Lets Get It On!!!

Lets Get It On!!!

Well prop 19 has failed, so I say it's time to get this show on the road!
Now more than ever there needs to be a Million plus Person March on Washington over cannabis legalization.

We are baked as hell and we are not gonna take it anymore!!


I cannot believe what a small amount of people is taking part in this thread!

Maybe people should smoke the "legal bud" (one without thc, advertised in in hightimes a lot) in the protests, it smells the same (?), but in case of a bust they could not be prosecuted.

What exactly are you looking funding for? The protest permits?

I'd be interested in coming from Europe, it could be interesting, + I feel bad for the American stoners in general. I don't live in Holland, but small amounts are legal here nonetheless.

It'd also be important to make a point of how much tax funding goes into resources wasted for "cannabis crimes", it is a capitalist state after all.