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Million Man/Woman smoke out march!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^that all makes good sense to me. This keeps it a simple grass roots movement. If everyone does a little bit, it will add up to a lot. Take pride in your local march, and let people know they are a part of something huge, and historical. let them know people around the entire nation are doing the same in other cities for the same cause.

And if you dont think people are gonna show up, just do like in the south park movie when they save terrance and phillip. advertise there will be free pie and punch, even if there is not...hahha

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I am surprised. For how much legalization talk these days, there doesnt seem to be a large ammount of people who actually wanna do something that involves leaving the P.C. This thread is showing me how apathetic we really are. (including myself sometimes)

This also proves to me that all this talk of government conspiracy, and a new, powerful, world order is just an excuse to not do anything. Some people just wish there was a new world order so they can seem justified for just sitting there and complaining.

No offense meant to anyone, I just expect more from the pro pot community. NORML, and MPP dont even seem to be interested. Which makes no sense, because any time we have had a major policy change in the U.S. it is because of protest and civil unrest. Change does not happen just because it is on a poster, it takes civilian action. Look at the civil rights movement. look how intense it had to get before blacks were even given full voting rights. I feel we are on the way, but need to step up the pace.
I couldn't agree more Hash...... I'm not sure if people these days are afraid to get in trouble or if it's more that people feel like they have too much to lose?

A few years ago when living in Nevada, it was put on the ballot for legalization of up to 1 or 2 ounces.... The ballot measure lost 53-47 if I remember correctly and I know a large percentage of my own friends who smoked did not take the time to go out and vote for this!

It is time we start looking to ourselves to solve this problem and stop making excuses or blaming the gov't! The government is made up by the people, they will listen to us if we stand up and UNITE!

I'll end this post with a few quotes....

"Every generation needs a new revolution. " Thomas Jefferson

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. " Thomas Jefferson

"An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. " Martin Luther King Jr.

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. " Martin Luther King Jr


No offense meant to anyone, I just expect more from the pro pot community. NORML, and MPP dont even seem to be interested. Which makes no sense, because any time we have had a major policy change in the U.S. it is because of protest and civil unrest. .

IF you really think about it, it makes sense. So long as the status quo remains, these "nonprofit" activist front groups continue to solicit money from us, in the name of "fighting" for us. This is job security, if they actually acomplished what they say they want to, then there would be no more need for them, their cozy nonpofit c3 corps would wither and die, and they would have to actually get real jobs as opposed to living off the well intended donations. All the while, can anyone point to anything that any of these turds have actually done?
Again you are right Hash, major policy change comes from us, the people, not these special intrest groups, no matter the political issue really. I feel, just my opinion, that these groups actaully do more harm than good. I am probably a little over the top cynical though.

I am finally on the ground here in KS, so it's on as far as I am concerned, sorry I haven't been around the last few days, been on the road. What did I miss, seems like a down kinda vibe? Everything oK?:joint:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I guess the thing that I should do is encourage dispensary owners to devise a new business plan that will help them become more successful after legalization. They need to have a plan in place to adapt quickly so they do not fall behind. Legalization in one state only will turn that state in to the Amsterdam of the west over night. There is fortunes to be made. I personally have already created my business plan, and found future possible investors, and future staff. Just need to find some lawyers that I trust. so that could take a while.

The battle will not be won just because pot becomes legal. Once pot is legalized in a state, or even federally, there will still be many battles to fight, for keeping it legal. Just look at what is happening in the Netherlands right now! All of these people will still be very usefull. We will need NORML and MPP more than ever. We will need the knowledge, and wisdom of the dispensary folks as well.

Hell, in texas they are still battling Alcohol prohibiton. In Texas they have the religious based, "Blue Laws" which are slowly dying. One of them is, you still can not buy liquor on a sunday.
It just gets disheartening after a while when the people who care about this issue constantly rant and rave and get angry about this situation while many do nothing in the end..... What changes do people think will occur when we do nothing except talk?
(I realize there are some here who are working to make change but I think most do not)

When did they take the fighting spirit away from us and make us so apathetic?

What ever happened to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Since when did we allow others to tell us what our pursuit of happiness means?


You know, you guys keep wondering why nobody stands up and fights for this "AS HARD AS THEY CAN", but the reason is staring us in the face. Most of the people who are pissed off at the illegality of this plant are the ones who are growing it for profit or not going by the laws no matter how unjust they are. Everyone knows that as soon as you say one word Publicly they are going to be put under a fine-toothed comb in an instant by their government and local law enforcement to try and discredit you as "just some pothead" or to throw your ass in jail.

And unfortunately, that's the way it is for the majority of us. Now me on the other hand, I have had an unfortunate run in with LEO lately and was busted for growing. Yes this is the first time saying it on these boards because I don't want it to cause a big fuss but suffice it to say, I am living a pot free life at the moment and it SUCKS! And I was one of those people who hated it but didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to stop my meds and have my entire life looked at through a microscope by my local government.

But now, because of this, I am 100% willing to say and do anything I feel necessary to further this movement so that others don't get their HUMAN RIGHTS taken away from them ever again like I've been robbed of. I am of course in one of the worst states possible to get busted (Florida) so I know there is an extreme uphill battle for me but I just don't fucking care anymore. They wanna treat me like a piece of shit and throw me under the bus for doing what I know is right for me.....then guess who's next??? LEO, the government, and anyone else who gets in my way! Let me know what you want to do to start organizing guys, I am all for it!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^sorry to hear about your misfortune. If everybody doesnt stand up and disobey at the same time the government system will continue to pick us off one by one.

This is why this movement needs to have no single person as the leader, but needs to still have one name. That name is. "The National Protest for Cannabis Decriminalization" It is on going and never stops. This is safe, and grass roots. members are not recorded on paper. The job of a member or representative is to constantly speak up for pot legalization. Each rep holds there own protest. They do their best to get it covered by local news. The Goal is to get 1 Million people to protest nation wide under one name.

Quote me from earlier. "I dont want to know which city or school exactly. In fact no details other than the state. Anyone who would want to interfere with plans could cause harm if any details were to escape. The only reason I want to know the state is so, I can know that somewhere in every state there is some effort going on connected directly to 49 other efforts with exactly the same agenda. We have to have seperate "smoking circles" operating with no knowledge of the other "smoking circles" in the same group. That way the whole thing cant be dragged down by one circle that might be pressured by local LEO to stop using our right to assemble. hahaa."


I think Obama should legalize home growing just like Carter did for home brewing. I think he would do it. He is pretty chill.

Well, actually in Virginia, where a large percentage of the people who attend the DC events reside, home growing for personal use is only technically classed as misdemeanor possession. Unfortunately they are rarely prosecuted this way thanks to lazy lawyers and zealous prosecutors.


Thanks Hash. :D I wouldn't mind being a forerunner of this or "front man" for lack of a better term. They can look at me all day now and they'll find nothing so I will say anything and do anything I want from now on. I'm sick of feeling like I need to hide, I'm ready to do something about this.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Whats the difference. Every American is on something, and a cell phone why they are driving anyways.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The best way to do this is to network together the heads of all pro pot and hemp organizations. Make a huge centralized pro pot organization out of all the ones that already exist.

Only problem is they all have such large egos that they will never work together because "they" want to be the ones who legalize it. Honestly, its fucking petty and it distrubs me that we cant unite on even the most important issues....