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Military spraying "Chaff" Over NorCal

sac beh

Whether you are correct or not my observations tally.

I first noticed this in 1998 when (I later learned) people everywhere began to notice chemtrails. My shades made rainbow-like colors appear in some "contrails" that seemed to be spreading out in the Western sky in a way I had never noticed before.

It seems like your method is to ignore evidence that explains what you're seeing as contrails and only repeat your belief that they are chemtrails. Putting quotes around contrails isn't evidence for chemtrails, nor are spreading contrails (see above explanations of spreading contrails). Nor is the fact that you notice something that you never noticed before evidence of anything.

Anomaly searching, anecdotes, and flaws in your memory/observation are stuff that ghost hunting is made of. Its shocking to me how pervasive this method is, feeling that its normal to believe things for which there is no evidence and overestimating your personal ability to perceive phenomena without flaw.

el dub

Dear Jesus: Please help me out of this puddle of stoopid that I just walked into.....

It seems like your method is to ignore evidence that explains what you're seeing as contrails and only repeat your belief that they are chemtrails. Putting quotes around contrails isn't evidence for chemtrails, nor are spreading contrails (see above explanations of spreading contrails). Nor is the fact that you notice something that you never noticed before evidence of anything.

Anomaly searching, anecdotes, and flaws in your memory/observation are stuff that ghost hunting is made of. Its shocking to me how pervasive this method is, feeling that its normal to believe things for which there is no evidence and overestimating your personal ability to perceive phenomena without flaw.

Do you seriously think conditions are right nearly every single day to make contrails persist? Do you know how dry it gets when temps are at 0 degrees F on the ground? How do you suppose persistent contrails changed from forming under rare conditions to forming any old time?


This is fucking hilarious... kinda makes me feel hopeless for humanity.

^Do you realize you're not a meteorologist? At some given altitude on any day, there's likely to be the required set of conditions.


Sweet! Can someone resize that so I can use it as my avatar pic?

LOL. Best post on this thread! :laughing:

I love these threads. We all know that this is the best Country in the World to live in. However, not all of us know, that is also the most corrupt and experimental country on the planet.

Reap what you sow.

As long as I can grow and go fishin, it's all gravy.

When it gets too bad, I'll grab my GUN, with the rest of yah!


When it gets too bad, I'll grab my GUN, with the rest of yah!

By then they will be poisoning everything you have been eating the last years, youll be sick and weak, guns would probably have been taken by then anyway.

mdk ktm

LOL. Best post on this thread! :laughing:

I love these threads. We all know that this is the best Country in the World to live in. However, not all of us know, that is also the most corrupt and experimental country on the planet.

Reap what you sow.

As long as I can grow and go fishin, it's all gravy.

When it gets too bad, I'll grab my GUN, with the rest of yah!

Sounds like a good plan! What kind of fishing do you do the most? And for what?


(Better) to be confused in the search for truth than fully confident and sound asleep in a dream of lies. ~ Michael Nystrom


Sounds like a good plan! What kind of fishing do you do the most? And for what?

I know you aren't talking to me, but I love fishing, here's some pics.

Sorrrry to all the fish lovers<3 :wave:

Some snapper

Shark bait

I think this was a bull shark. 300ish lbs, maybe a tiger. I was up for 3 days that trip, can't remember much.



Okay, Now we are talking, this was almost a state record. 749 lbs hammer head.

THis is a 676lbs tiger shark



Wenching the monster in the boat.



676 lbs tiger



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Man, leave the sharks alone.
You're not convincing anyone of your intelligence by killing apex predators that you won't even eat. And those pictures don't look like catch and release to me. There's a reason why hunting lions, bears, wolves, tigers, etc.... is bad and it's not just because it sends them further down the path to extinction. They play a vital role in the ecosystem.
And if you are eating them I hope you enjoy all that mercury.


Active member
Oh meye eye those dear dead fish....you poor sharks......how beautiful those fish are when they are living......its too bad! Lets just hang them all up to show how big our dick is..whoops i mean "catch"...:D


Haha, I have no idea if its a big deal for the shark thing, but damn those pics make it look EPIC haha.

I agree with keeping things intact here as best we can, but more people in this world disagree so yeah, not much I can do.

Also would like to say that I myself have no idea where to even begin trying to catch a fucking shark, gotta give the guy props for the hunt and catches.


Active member
Bears and wolves endangered wow thanks for that I will go tell the wild life officials that are worried populations are so hight ungulates are being effected. As for the shark pics man sweet looking fish you caught, looks like a blast and a half, I hope to go get a few sharks next summer while im in cuba ( I will never go to america again dont like haveing my balls touched)


Its not like you can just kill a huge shark like that for fun, its illegal. We had a special license, and you can only catch one shark per boat. Trust me, we've heard the full brunt, on this fishing site im a member of "peta" people actually called the Feds and game warden on us thinking we caught a illegal shark. Everything was fine cause it was a legal tournament.

So its only a one time deal, its not like we shark fish every day, its way to hard, time consuming, and $ consuming.