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316,000 Terrorist Bongs Seized by Homeland Security!


Active member
The customs forms said they were Christmas Ornaments. That's $2.6 million worth of bongs shipped from China and now in the hands of customs agents.

Isn't it wonderful that Homeland Security is keeping us safe from terrorist bongs?


Good to see Homeland Security has it's priorities straight! Don't let terrorist bongs terrorize us!

Don't want your Bongs confiscated? Then LEGALIZE IT!


Green Supreme

Wonder if cash numbers were based on prices in China or N.America. Hahaha. Peace GS


Funny thing is that the only people terrorized by bongs are the ones who DONT use them. How many people have been terrorized, or lost every penny they had because of this seizure?


Active member
Funny thing is that the only people terrorized by bongs are the ones who DONT use them. How many people have been terrorized, or lost every penny they had because of this seizure?

The real question is:
How many people have been terrorized, or lost every penny they had because of EVERY MARIJUANA BUST?

People we need to pull together as never before and fight this insane War on Marijuana Users.


I'm torn on this, because IMO we should be making and buying locally blown glass and not chinese knockoffs with an 80% profit margin.


Active member
haha protecting us from lead-laced bongs!!!!!
hahaha china cant make anything right, there glass is shit anyway.


Well-known member
80% profit margin? try again! more like 800%
did you guys know Jerome bakers were made in India for $5-8 at the time of their demise? Do you know ROOR is made in SoCAL by illegals, and not all of them are made in Germany? or that the american ones are made of Pyrex and not german schott glass???? Chinese glass is heavily leaded glass too FYI.


There are knock offs all over the place. Best to get locally blown glass. You know where it comes from and who made it.

Skip I totally agree, LEGALIZE IT! :joint:


damn thats alot of sweatshop hours wasted, now they will have to force labor on hundreds of other unlucky mofo's now to make up for todays christmas ornament flop


Active member
Where they went wrong...

You don't label a package contents as something MUCH LIGHTER (or heavier) than it should be as it will certainly arose suspicions at customs.

In this case calling the shipment "Christmas Ornaments" means the box should be light, as anyone who has ever had a box of Christmas ornaments can tell you. Glass bongs weigh far more.

I once had a shipment confiscated by customs cause it said "socks" on it. It should've been light, but it wasn't. So customs opened it, and I got a letter about the confiscation, along with a pair of socks and empty stash containers (that weighed more than socks). Funny thing was they left behind enough for a couple of hits... (how nice of them!)

So there's a lesson there for those naive about shipping thru customs...
Why it illegal to import "tobacco water pipes" ?? there is lead in them for real??

"Customs spokeswoman Cristina Gamez says the importer remains under investigation and there have been no arrests. She says it is illegal to import or export drug paraphernalia in the United States."

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