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Miley Cyrus lights up a joint on stage at MTV Europe video awards

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Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Hey peeps,
nothing against the kid, her music sucks but that's always depending on who you ask.
Well at least she decided to smoke weed, we got to give her that.

Then again no props from me for smoking on a stage in AMSTERDAM.
That's as courageous for the MJ movement as eating a burger at Mac D's.
If she had the balls to do that in let's say oklahoma, I'd tip my hat to her.
Anyways, she kicks up the debate in europe, not sure yet if perception is negative or positve
I feel it must just be me, that it may be there is something wrong with me, but I just don't find her at all sexy. In fact, she is a great turn off, like thinking of the Queen when I'm about to cum - thinking of Miley buys me extra seconds.

She's such a good girl acting bad, not even doing a good job of it.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I feel it must just be me, that it may be there is something wrong with me, but I just don't find her at all sexy. In fact, she is a great turn off, like thinking of the Queen when I'm about to cum - thinking of Miley buys me extra seconds.

She's such a good girl acting bad, not even doing a good job of it.

I assure you there's nothing wrong with you, Grobbleskin[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Active member
freaking old people out is what young people do...

...I think Little Richard started that...:chin:

Actually, i saw this show on how older chimps routinely ignore Any new invention of the younger chimps no matter how useful or fun it is.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

the talentless ALWAYS feel the need go the extra mile to be noticed, if bad publicity is all they can get then it's all good in their pathetic minds.

If she had been warned that somehow lighting a joint onstage would set the legalization movement backwards she'd fire it up regardless.......



Skank or no skank.

Doesn't matter to me.

Fair enough, bro but does the same go for 12 yr old boys? Cos that's what she looks like. If i was Billy Ray I'd be fuckin ashamed, mind you, he's
a talentless motherfucker too. Seems to run in the family.


Well-known member
She's not by far the first person to smoke onstage, and not only in countries like Holland. And worse than that, (see Lou Reed championing therapeutical heroin). It's a plain and square commercial stunt, in the mood of a yuppie wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. Now, to those spinners behind, the whole act should have ended with Sinead O'Connor entering and smacking her arse ignoring her cries for help. I don't care if she's pretty, chances for most of us of dating her are below quartering the atom, and even then, after hearing what most think of her music, she wouldn't want to shag. I wonder what was she smoking. Probably some fancy kush. Maybe a herbal substitute, after all she's an actress.


Active member
freaking old people out is what young people do...

...I think Little Richard started that...:chin:
My grandfather thought Frank Sinatra was a punk because he coudn't read music, at least according to my grandfather. Kind of ironic to see this perpetuated by the Pepsi generation :D

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
The ancient greeks already found that the young ones were "noo good and no use"


Anyone who gives their kid the birth name Destiny Hope deserves to fuckin fail. 9/10 it's the parents fault when their children turn out to be attention/fame addicted talentless whores. I blame Billy!


Active member
Anyone who gives their kid the birth name Destiny Hope deserves to fuckin fail. 9/10 it's the parents fault when their children turn out to be attention/fame addicted talentless whores. I blame Billy!
Definitely Billy's fault, but having been sold into prostitution at an young age, I don't have any problem with what she's doing. She's cleverly manipulating the system that exploited her for her own benefit. Good for her.

I'm more concerned about the people who think any of it means anything - good or bad. She's one more tiny step toward bring MJ into the mainstream consciousness.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
miley cyrus...aah,,the little girl who demanded a face to face with "radiohead" and when they told her to politely piss off,,,little miley makes a public statement "that she will ruin radiohead",,lol how fucking deluded is that? lol,,,,s2

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
miley cyrus...aah,,the little girl who demanded a face to face with "radiohead" and when they told her to politely piss off,,,little miley makes a public statement "that she will ruin radiohead",,lol how fucking deluded is that? lol,,,,s2

And even if she could, surely her efforts would be put to better use bringing down coldplay.



Active member
She and other music artist with shallow music are nothing then talent seized by the machine and used as a delivery method to manipulate society. She teaches degrading trends, pushes false ideologies all to perpetuate the shadow society.

She has sold her soul for fame and money. She may not even know it. Her music is integrated with subliminal bigotry to dumb down all the boys and girls; to keep them sleeping. She sells twerks and the notion that looking like a slut is more important then the horrible state America is in.

She signed a deal with satin and the only way out is death. Just ask Michael Jackson.

Anyone can go platinum with the power of Hollywood. They have and built all the resources to make or ruin anyone.

You want music? Listen to those that refuse record contracts with the system. Give me immortal technique.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And even if she could, surely her efforts would be put to better use bringing down coldplay.

oh yes harry:) how good would it be for someone to bring down the sanctimonious pricks that "coldplay" are??,,
i was very suprised there ego stopped them playing "fix you" when closing the special olympics..bunch of landed gentry "pricks of the highest order",,,s2
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