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Milde's Smoking Lounge


Well-known member
Hey all,
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Some pictures from the last week, it's been really ,really misty here, occasionally it lifts for a little bit, I snapped some pictures at one such interval:


Cacti and succulents seem to be loving the moist, low light conditions, absorbing moisture like sponges:


Epic early morning sunrise taking public transport:


Well-known member


Some tasty smoke:

I felt that the IC mag community could only benefit from seeing my half-eaten, delicious sandwhich:

Saw this face in the mountains hiking last week, can you too?


Hats off to you!

Hats off to you!

Bravo Bingo White Zulu Tango Foxtrot Humba Humba.
Please sir, can I have sum mor like that!
Blow my mind bro, blow my mind.
Get some nice graphics software.
Free your imagination!


You get 2 types of graphic software: bit map and vector.

You'll like bit map based graphics, this is like painting.
Each dot on the screen is one pixel.

In vector graphics, you move objects.
Each object is layered on top of the previous one.
Forget about that for now, or just go to Powerpoint and mess around.

Use Paint, then experiment with some good bit-map freeware, get a feel for what you can do.

Use the spray can tool, you can adjust the flow, the opacity, and so on.

Use filters to add weird effects.

Play around, and SAVE your work ALL the TIME.

Have fun!!!

Post your test images here and we can all have a look.

Good work man, I'm proud of you!

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Well-known member
Yeah I studied a bit of graphic design, don't really do much art now, but when I do am more given to pen and ink than digital ;)


Yeah I studied a bit of graphic design, don't really do much art now, but when I do am more given to pen and ink than digital ;)
I respect that. But a foto of an ink drawing, or a train with some graffiti, doesn't tell us about you.
This way you can paint digital postcards for us.
Just doodle and see what can be done.
Or take a photo and then play with it.
Crop it, filter it, add graffiti on top.
Mess around with your bud shots.

Like this ...


[Vortex to another dimension reported in Brighton]


Well-known member
Yeah, I understand fully, was taught how to use a few digital editing programs, just never struck a cord with me, I don't find it artistically rewarding for some reason..

I've noticed that as far as my original intention for this thread goes, there has been mixed success and failure.

I am providing the wealth of pictures required to set the scene, but conversation seems to be a little lacking, so... (An open ended question to any and all reading this)

Tell me something interesting, ask me a question, relay an account of something that you've experienced or feel free to ask me about any of mine (the pictures and text of this thread will guide you).

This thread is our oyster


Well-known member
Yeah I have about 10 of varying size, couple peruvianus, couple pachanoi and 2 recently rooted cuttings of the rare trichocereus bridgesii monstrose variety. I really like succulents, and the longer I live the more severe this attraction becomes..


Ok here's the deal ... I've a slow internet connection, so looking at lots of images of trains is a waste of bandwidth. One picture of the chameleon is enough for me. If you do nice small digital postcards then you can compress all the images into one. Easy for me and fun for you. It is about signal:noise ratio, bandwidth, compression and bit candy.

Tell me about the chameleon, what movies you likes, the last good book you read, a childhood memory, a dream once forgotten, your hobbies. Do you chew peyote, or only mal pitte?

Use words to express your feelings and make contact with like-minded people, then use the images to blow our minds.

Hope this helps...

I'll come back and fix it up, late at night here.

%#~#@!@ &^% @##+-
The new pic of the man is the most amazing of all your images. You made it yourself from an idea.


// I've noticed that as far as my original intention for this thread goes, there has been mixed success and failure. //

What was your original intention! What is a failure, what a success. If you don't suck seed, try harder.


Well-known member
Ok here's the deal ... I've a slow internet connection, so looking at lots of images of trains is a waste of bandwidth. One picture of the chameleon is enough for me. If you do nice small digital postcards then you can compress all the images into one. Easy for me and fun for you. It is about signal:noise ratio, compression and bit candy.
Hahaha, I see where your coming from, but I'm not going to take up digital micro-post-carding for your express personal benefit, sorry:chin:

The new pic of the man is the most amazing of all your images. You made it yourself from an idea.
I am getting the idea that where your tastes lie, you appreciate what man has wrought, individual inspired action. I can appreciate that too, but this thread is not my sketchbook, it is less personal than that, though I am still giving the ICmag community a peek into select areas of my life.

What was your original intention!
I explain in the first post:tiphat:

What species of trichocereus do you have?
The three I listed?:tumbleweed:

Tell me about the chameleon, what movies you likes, the last good book you read, a childhood memory, a dream once forgotten, your hobbies. Do you chew peyote, or only mal pitte?
The chameleon is the one topic I think I've exhausted, movies are not my thing (my brain prefers the temporal structure of 20-45min episodes), just finished the fourth part of a clichéd fantasy series (probably intended for teens) that was surprsingly gripping, I forget all my dreams almost instantly and hobbies, hmmm, I'm a scientifically outdoors-ey, chimney-esque social creature with a passion for growing plants of many sorts. Throw in a rampant internet addiction, a keen interest in the human mind and talent for making things taste nice, and you can get an idea of what occupies my time.
I don't chew either if I can help it, the cactus needs an extraction to occur for me to consider it consumable and mal pittpe hold no draw for me...


Sorry about the sloppy posting, I stayed up very late at night to read your thread, won't happen again - I assure you.

OK so I went back to the start:

The point I am slowly working towards is that I recently realised I have been ignoring the social side of this forum ... This realisation led me to the decision that change was necessary, and this thread is the embodiment of this realisation.

I'm going to be sharing pictures that I deem to be more lifestyle related ..., sunsets, food, coffee, relaxing in nature, smoking with friends, etc. Anybody else is more than welcome to do the same, all pictures/opinions are welcome here!


MildeStoner said:
I see where your coming from, but I'm not going to take up digital micro-post-carding for your express personal benefit, sorry
Yep sorry, your thread is too graphic heavy for my slow internet connection, there is lots of noise, not enough signal. I don't have the bandwidth to figure out what is my contribution. Not sure where you are going, but I'm opting out, good luck with this thread.

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Well-known member
Sorry about the sloppy posting, I stayed up very late at night to read your thread, won't happen again - I assure you.
Not a problem at all ;)
Yep sorry, your thread is too graphic heavy for my slow internet connection, there is lots of noise, not enough signal. I don't have the bandwidth to figure out what is my contribution. Not sure where you are going, but I'm opting out, good luck with this thread.
Sorry the visual weight of the thread scared you off, but yeah, it's kind of what my threads are all about. Worth a thousand words, blah blah blah..

Been a busy day getting my cacti and succulents under the eves and out of the way of the incoming downpour. Will snap a few pictures and post them, they're looking quite good :D


Well-known member
A very happy Buddha:

Some garden pictures, first this coral euphorbia:

Another euphorbia, var. stellata:

Aloe nobilis:

Optunia monacantha var. monstrose:


Well-known member
2 newly rooted cuttings of trichocereus brigesii var. monstrose:


An aloe succotrina, endemic to the Southern tip of Africa. Looks quite unremarkable at first but it one unusual characteristic; when the leaves dry after suffering some sort of damage damage or ageing, they turn a deep maroon-purple hue. This pigment stains and has been used by the locals here as a dye for centuries: (copy paste hehe)


Not sure but I think this is an aloe haworthiades surrounded by stapelia, not sure though leaves look a little bulbous: