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Might be going away for 2 less a day


Well-known member
almost forgot but
when you go in for your pre-sentence report dress nice and try to develop a rapport with the worker but don't overdo it
just their report can make the difference between a custodial sentence and house arrest

Jonny Lan

Well-known member

Jonny Lan

Well-known member
franks buffalo wing sauce makes a great bloody mary...few cubes of cheese on a stick as a side

So just had a sentencing hearing. the judge will be giving his sentence next week. My lawyer says that I will not likely be going to the penitentiary despite the crown asking for 3.
Im really happy that i am able to be a part of the curing process of my harvest as i have harvested last week. I had a whole bunch of reports to use and i am pleased with my layers efforts. The PSR (pre sentence report) was very positive too.
Thanks to everyone here on ic mag for support!


Best of luck dude. Why does the crown have such a hard on for you? Hopefully with the house arrest and going to school and having a kid and all that jazz the judge lets you off easy. guns are trouble and so are mandatory minimums.



Active member
Good luck.

If you do get house arrest...Take it seriously... Sometimes they will let minor infractions slide (missing a phone call by 5 minutes)....but others will land ur ass in Jail.

I buttered up my PO with organic veggies from my garden, and farted rainbows when I was having my "check-in" meetings.. By the end he cancelled the phone call check in's and relaxed my conditions to just sleeping at home :) with extra 5 hours of "free" time after work to do whatever I wanted vs being stuck in my house.


you would get out quicker with 2+ a day than 2- day, rockwood is probably better than any provincial jail, good luck


Active member
what is this mean when u say 2+ a day .. and 2- a day.. don't understand lol. never heard it put that way.. is that a Canadian thing? lol..


Well-known member
what is this mean when u say 2+ a day .. and 2- a day.. don't understand lol. never heard it put that way.. is that a Canadian thing? lol..

Yep its a Canadian thing under 2 years provincial/municipal lockup over 2 years federal penitentiary

As a inmate federal is preferred


Don't forget about parole, provincial you do all the time. Federal you are eligible for parole after 2/3 sentience.


Active member
haha, just read the thread from the start. was getting all into it and like "oh no!, its been too long past his sentencing since he responded, i hope he's okay!" glad it wasn't too bad for you. welcome back