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midwest growers unite

K Double O

Whats Fellow Midwesterners? Here some SOL Blubonic I just finished up. Not very potent but extremely tasty!!



Some pre harvest pics


CMH- I did a full grow with them about a year ago and was not impressed with yield. But the plants were healthy as hell, very green with very short internode lengths. They did have a tad more resin then using straight hps in flower as I have my own cross that I could compare too from before. I think they are an excellent veg bulb, and for the price you can not beat it. I still think the eye blue is the best veg bulb out there in terms of 400watt, but too damn expensive. I have now found a happy medium as I have a 400 and 250cmh that I suppliment with hps in flower and get great results. If it's yield you are after then hps is the way to go in flower, if you want a product that is a tad better in terms of strength, then cmh might be for you. The problem is that the highest watt bulb is a 400.


half cat half man half baked
starting week 3 in the micro-midwest :]



Lost my cloning virginity tonight and I'm spraying they'll come back for more :]


Active member
How did I ever miss this thread going to take me weeks to read, hello to all midwest growers tho am one myself, both indoor and out but mostly going to be out this spring and can't wait for it believe me....ndnguy:laughing:


Horse-toothed Jackass
K Double: They look potent enough to me. Very sugary. What makes you say it's not very potent? What's the taste like? Very smooth?

Greengold: Thanks for your thoughts on the cmh. So maybe they're not the end all be all of bulbs, but they sound like they're well worth the price ($50 for a 400w).

Catman: The microcab is looking nice! So have they pretty much stopped stretching? I guess another reason you took clones is to give them a little bit of a haircut...
I took clones tonite also. My last clone run I completely lost because I let them dry out. Geez, i dont water the perlite for 2 days and they get dry. I lose a lot of moisture through the lip of the dome. :wallbash:
Sucks that ive been cloning for a year now and still can't seem to get it right. I'd have a max capacity closet now if not for my recent cloning failures. Well, at least it's a challenge...

Keep it green, Midwest.


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I've been a member since 2004.....

I've been a member since 2004.....

How did I ever miss this thread going to take me weeks to read, hello to all midwest growers tho am one myself, both indoor and out but mostly going to be out this spring and can't wait for it believe me....ndnguy:laughing:

just like u and i just discovered it bout 8 months ago while doing a search for LED lites.....my big grow room will be shutting down in about 1 1/2 months. I was planning on shutting down in July but I decided to do it sooner..I figured its time to move on to another place, been here for almost 4 years...i will take pix of the room and my swc/tron grows next time i post.....gots lots of time on my hands since i retired on my b day 2.17.09.....45 is a good age to retire. I dont want to wait till im too damn old and sick like most people. I've seen it so many times in my life including my parents. By the time people retire they get way too old and sick. There's no way I'm gonna let old age & sickness rob me of my retirement, not if i can helps it....Hope this helps.:asskick:


damn CONgrats phil on the retirement!!!!

and happy belated birthday man.

Smart move on hte move. good luck with new found retirement.

my bagseed is at 45 days into flowering today. I'll post pictures next week
Here's a few pics at 3 weeks of flower. Should have taken one from farther away. One of the C4 turned male as well as a WW. So far so good.


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Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
started out as a runner....

started out as a runner....

at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange right after high school and worked my way up the ladder...Been working at the Chicago Board of Trade since 1989 and I figured 45 is a good age to retire when I'm somewhat still young. Got a nice crib and 2 summer places and gots everything I wants and needs...Here's some pix of my grow room as of today.

Growroom with just 7 buckets... half of the buckets will be chopped in the next 2 weeks. I had 4yrs. of great grows in this 1 room and now it's time to move on.

experiment....seeds that have been vaporized have sprouted..Vietman Thunder Fuck strain. Hope this helps.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Philcuisine: Congrats on the retirement! I only wish Im able to retire at 45. You've still got a lot of life ahead of you. Maybe you can move to Humboldt County, get a medical recommendation, and grow 12 foot tall trees in your backyard. :joint: And invite me to come smoke all the washing machine bubble hash you'll be making.
Sad that your growroom is winding down... lot of good weed grown there, I bet. I'm sure your next one will be even better.
I watercured some seeded nycd and still got a 30% germ rate. Amazing how resilient seeds are...

Greenisgold: Things are looking nice and frosty. I'm betting you're seeing daily bud growth now. Isnt it nice when everything is clicking? :rasta:

Chef Dude

hey guys sorry about the hiatus, I had a lot going on in my life and didnt really have time to post much. My last harvest went off without a hitch and i pulled a whopping 468g from it(dry weight). as far as the smoke let me tell you, the mental floss really lives up to her name with a sweet berry skunk aroma and like flavor, its a very heady high. It makes me want to get up and invent something or find a cure for cancer or something. the sweet tooth on the other hand is a crippler with a very very sweet and a hint of spice flavor and an almost citrus aroma when fully cured, its a "you aint getting shit done once you smoke me kinda weed!"

Im in texas right now and on holiday with my female of the moment and she broke my camera, go figure the one time i have to sit down and update my homies, my girl goes and drops my cam in the san antonio river!! your killing me smalls! ill do my best to dry out the mem card and get some pics on here soon. good to see everyone rocking along.

on a side note and somewhat of a cautionary statement, be careful who you ally yourself with and let close to you and your garden. I recently lost a very good colleague, confidant and best friend(or so I thought) and all over an ounce of cannabis. He was a friend at first and has been for 8 years now and i have always gone to him when i needed a second pair of hands in the garden. after last harvest however, he decided to steal from me and tell me to fuck off when confronted about it, only to tell me later that he would pay for it. now his giving in did come after a little persuasion on my part and a few threats of blackmail and defamation of character in my work place on his part, but he did finally come around and apologize and give me some of what he took. so now even though he has been apologetic and returned what he took I can no longer trust him and have to very very seriously consider moving my entire operation and home to a new location just to make sure he cant fuck me. So the moral of the story is no matter how much you think you can trust a person they will likely fuck you in the end. and furthermore make sure that if anyone is able to blackmail you, that one you can put the fear of god into them by sight, or two, you have better blackmail on them.

It really is sad though that people such as myself who want nothing more than to be able to live comfortably and smoke good herb, get hassled by assholes who let their jealousy and greed get the best of them.

So moral of the story: Your business is yours and yours alone, if you must trust someone make sure you can handle them in some way if they get out of control(dont kill them though, that would not do good things for what we want here).


Horse-toothed Jackass
Chef Dude: Yes, I would say definitely, killing anyone would not be good for the mj cause, wouldn't be good for anyone involved really, especially the killee and the killer. :rasta:
Sucks that you had a falling out with your friend like that. Sounds like it got pretty ugly. This was over an o? Did you normally pay him in bud for his help and he took more than was warranted?
That was a nice haul, though. I hope to pull one pound harvests, although realistically I think i'll be lucky to get 8 o's. That would still be an improvement over what ive got before.
The smoke sounds very nice indeed. It's also ideal that you got a head-high weed and a body-high weed. Variety is key.
Ive been to San Antone before. The Riverwalk's a nice attraction, lot of good restaurants, gotta love all the tex-mex and steak and bbq joints. It's crappy that she dropped your camera in the river, I suppose you're lucky you were even able to fish it out. Maybe it's still under warranty?


Tub of NYCD, about 2 weeks into flower. Hit with Phosphoload the first day of flowering. Stopped stretch instantly. It's budding out but I'm thinking this might be a 70+ day flowering strain....


Closeup of one of the tops. It's looking nice but I think it's suffering some heat stress. Temps in the closet probably average 80-85. Too warm. Ventilation is inadequate. This is why I want the tents. We'll see. I think I can still pull pretty decent yields from my setup as is.


i agree, that plant looks like ph lockout, possibly going to get real bad, real fast!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Really? Ph is about 5.5-6.0, with an EC of 2.70 at .5 conversion (so about 1300 ppms). Maybe it's overnuted? I'll check ph again later tonight and just feed it plain water for the foreseeable future.
I thought it was heat stress myself. It's definitely not heat stress?


Buteo Jamaicensis
baba i think theyre refering to the claw aspect of the fan leaves. the claw is not that big of an issue but johnny is right, it can go south quick. when in doubt double check and then triple check it just to be sure. how often do you recalibrate your meter?
Damn! Im sure enjoying all these lovely photos and to think all of ya lovely folks are doing it in the great midwest :), Good job ladies and fellas on ya grows, Im off to catch up on the reading as ive been lacking on that!


Horse-toothed Jackass
I calibrated my ph meter, it was only off by .1.
Ph is a solid 6.0. EC went down to 2.5.
I added a gallon of tap water and about 4 tablespoons of a silica solution (recommended dosage: 1 teaspoon per gallon, I put about .75 teaspoons per gallon).
Buds still seem to be growing but I definitely agree that the curling leaf thing is not normal, I didnt see it before they went to 12/12. Maybe the phosphoload did something to it? It does have plant growth regulators in it...
Ah well, maybe I should post this in the cannabis infirmary forum...

Professor420: Welcome!
Ty Bababooey :), Sure am enjoying my new home here at ICMag its finally time to stop lurking and start posting so I can get into chat and pm hehe!
I use silica as well on my last grow and I had 2 plants with the claw and I'm positive the silica was part of the issue due too silica helping in the uptake of nutes. Go easy with that stuff. I'm not a hydro grower, so can't comment on anything related to that. The claw can also be strain dependent from what I have noticed as some plants are very finicky when it comes nutes. And I'm positive that phos. is also the problem as it's locking out other nutes. I have used bushmaster and many other bud boosters and there is happy medium with that stuff. I never give it to them until at least 2 weeks into a grow as I have found it stunts growth as well. Don't judge me by my little grow as one time I used to grow a hell of a lot of weed and have tried a lot of different additives. Go easy with that plant from now on, flush it and go from there. The claw will stunt a plant for sure and any growth stimulators if used too much will also stunt a plant. See what happens if you feed a plant too much super thrive as you will get the claw for sure (been there, done that).
Peace out.