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midwest growers unite



whats up bird...good to see ya..

yep,thats the so cal MK cut...

and the GK male will pollinate the BS 2.2 i have..and maybe others...??
i'l post some pics of her this weekend...



yeah,im doing this just for fun...

hope it works out..

anyways here is the BS 2.2..
day 9 of 12/12..i think..lol..
so nothing really going on yet..


Total perfection Lu, those seeds should definitely include some tasty winners.

we're keepin a couple of each of the ice & a jock mum. haven't gotten a cured taste yet, but early results are reasonable & maybe we'll see what some cuts of each look like sometime this winter.

just ripped up the red widow sog this week too, a nice pile for a patient that brought smiles all around during the trimming.

we got a few SDOG f2s from JLP just about ready to get loaded up & hopefully some more seed projects on the way.

Hope everyone is doin well.. take it easy :joint:


damn...looking good bro..^:joint:

had the mr.nice ssh out...
she's a big one...


Horse-toothed Jackass
you know, it's funny, but the tub that had a ph in the 4's for a week, flo tub #1, that's the tub that's having more impressive growth than the tub in the 5's, flo tub #2.

and i calibrated my ph meter, and it was pretty spot on (only .1 off).
but i ph corrected it today anyway, cause u all were freaking me out.
it was having more impressive growth before it's ph dipped so low, so the most i can say is that the low ph did not seem to me to slow down the growth. although, they were drinking a lot and everytime i throw in a gallon of tap water it does help bring the ph to more normal levels, so i was somewhat correcting it.

but i WAS getting some upturned leaf edges at the top of the plants, but maybe that was because it's close to the hps... :joint:
both tubs #1 and 2 are going to give me the fattest nugs ive grown to date. already they look as thick as some earlier harvests and they have another 21-30 days to go! :rasta:

i dont think im trying to be TOO lazy when im growing. i mean, im not denying im somewhat lazy :rasta: i dont mind putting in work with my plants, i do enjoy this (especially the actual using of the product :rasta:), but shit if i can limit the time i put in im all for that too. :joint: i just think that if the plants look good and im seeing noticeable growth (and i am, every other day i open the closet and the difference is impressive) then im trying to let them fly for a while.

my prob before was too much nutes, so im trying to lay off them for a while.
although, ec is falling in all three tubs so i put in some more flower nutes, about 2 tablespoons split between the three. this is the first time ive added nutes in 3-4 weeks.

of course, if i open up the closet and they've fallen over dead, or their leaves are brown and crispy, then ill :bashhead:

ive had my ph dip in the 4's before, ive just never went without correcting it with ph up. whats a really low ph supposed to do? slow down growth? leaf curl? has anyone ever had problems stemming from low ph before and what were they?

LU: those cuts look pristine! should have no prob rooting those. those are your two new babies. you can scratch under their leaves and say 'kushie kushie koo" :rasta:

OS: nice sog! how much do each of those colas dry to? i hope my flo colas get to that size... im thinking, if they dry to .5 to 1 oz each, if i do a sog of 10 in each tub that's like 5 -10 oz each pull!


Bababooey said:
ive had my ph dip in the 4's before, ive just never went without correcting it with ph up. whats a really low ph supposed to do? slow down growth? leaf curl? has anyone ever had problems stemming from low ph before and what were they?

PH in the 4's will lock your nutes out. Your plants will basically starve to death. Personally, I shoot for a ph of around 5.6 and I allow a slight upward drift to around 5.9 before I readjust back. And this thing about not changing your rez out. I believe your ripping yourself off. Effort can be a wonderful thing. Changing a rez will diminish the waste products as well as built up salts, and will increase your yield exponentially. Im surprised your asking questions like these and actually getting any type of a yield. More power to ya I guess.

Maybe shoot for optimal ph/ec readings with weekly rez changes. Then work your way back from there to see what you can get away with. To me your plants sound neglected and are getting by minimally. I'd bet big bucks that if you put a bit more effort into your room your yields will reflect the effort.


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Baba ---

I gotta agree it's time to stop looking for the easy way. Take the time to do the work and get your grow dialed in correctly. Before you know it, it WILL become the easy way since it's so dialed in and second nature to you. Then it'll be time to start experimenting, seeing where you can cut corners without affecting yield.

Gotta start somewhere and a starting with a solid foundation is the only way to go imho. It'll make things a ton easier for you in the long run, imho and much easier to spot how little tweaks affect the system, either beneficially or negatively...



Horse-toothed Jackass

shot of a flo in the tub that had the ph around 4.3. this one has a main cola almost 2 feet tall. the portion you see here is about 18 inches long.

shot of a flo in the tub that had a ph in the 5's. both tubs are about 3-4 weeks from harvest :rasta:

shot of a flo bud in a tub that may be 10-14 days from harvest.

maybe i got a pheno that responds really well to low ph's? this is like my 4th time running her, ive never noticed problems when the ph got too low. i dont think it's laziness when i leave them alone, so long as buds continue to swell and grow and get frosty. :joint: now, if growth stopped and they started looking sick and i STILL didnt do anything, then i'm a lazy bastid. but honestly, they're growing the best ive ever seen them, the ones in the first tub just as well as the others.
i did throw in some ph up in that first tub, didn't measure it afterwards but ph should be back in the 5's. i was worried too, no doubt, same as you guys, but like i said, growth continued at the same pace...

RC: thanks for the charts! useful info, that.
no offense, but no way am i doing weekly rez changes. there's a 4th tub going in soon, each tub has like 13 gallons of water, im not changing 104 gallons of water every week (13 out, 13 in for each tub). i use a sub pump and a 5 gallon bucket, which i normally fill to 4 gallons. im not lugging a bucket full of water back and forth from the bathroom 25 times a week. i think that's overkill the other way.
i dont believe im neglecting them. if i am, then that's some good neglect! it's like looking at a fat kid: you wouldn't say to yourself, that kid is being starved. i dont see how im neglecting them if the buds continue to swell and fill in. believe me, i know what happens when they're in distress, when i was overnuting them growth pretty much stopped in its tracks.
still, i appreciate your advice and your experience. thanks!

OS: is that the nirvana seeds ice and jock horror? will u have a smoke update in about a month? ive heard good things about nirvana seeds; as inexpensive as they are, there's always gems in every pack.

AS: yeah, im definitely trying to dial this in. big upgrade for me was getting the ec meter and stopping the constant overnuting. next upgrade will be more clones per tub for a nice sog style grow, trimming the undergrowth, etc.
once i get my closet at max capacity, im thinking i can pull a 4-8 oz harvest every 3 weeks (4 tubs, 3 of them with strains that finish in 60 days - that's 3 harvest every 60 days, one tub with the thai, which i hope will finish in 4 months if i use the phosphoload on it).
rock on, midwest!


Buteo Jamaicensis
hey lostinethereal, how are the chemSGs doing?

damn thrips, checked my bubs and one got infested from the locos. one appears to be completely untouched and the other only slightly. whats the best killer that isnt a fogger ?
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M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
for thrips? try some monterrey garden spray (contains spinosad)

no pest strips come to mind, but that might fall into the fogger category for you (i assume you don't wanna turn off your ventilation)


Yeah, spinosad for sure. You can grab a Garden Safe brand bottle at the Home Depot for about 5 bucks.. Just make sure when ya spray them that it's shortly before lights out, else you'll burn the new growth tips where the solution pools and doesn't drip off...



Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
go out and enjoy life..

go out and enjoy life..

Bababooey said:
i dont believe im neglecting them. if i am, then that's some good neglect! it's like looking at a fat kid: you wouldn't say to yourself, that kid is being starved. i dont see how im neglecting them if the buds continue to swell and fill in. believe me, i know what happens when they're in distress, when i was overnuting them growth pretty much stopped in its tracks.
still, i appreciate your advice and your experience. thanks!

:joint: IMHO, Babs i too dont think ur neglecting them u just want to keep it simple & less hassles... in a thread a lot of ppl told me back in the OG day ur gonna kill ur plants if u dont use the meters b/c u will over or under nute them not to mention the ph factor but then 5 or so other OG growers posted on the thread and said they were growing the same way i was...the non-believers they all told me to do this and that but why mess with it if its growing vigorously...in the end im the one who's gonna be doing all the work and i wanted growing homegrown to be simple and easy...there are other things in life to enjoy u know..I can't/won't be hanging around the grow room evryday checking things(ppm's, ph, etc.). I'm not here to change evryones growing habits but u can make it more simple and a lot less hassles...

i know of 2 big time grow op in the midwest area they have been growing way longer then me and when i told them my way and they never looked back..they ditched the meters and res changes. and did it my way..folks these guys have over 100 buckets to tend to and they hated it. well its been 3yrs. now and they have their stuff all tweaked out...all they do is add water and nutes to the buckets. now these 3 guys have time to enjoy other things in life besides being in a grow room evryday. i also told these 2 small time growers the same things and now they love the set it and forget way.

its like going to a party a lot of people take different routes to get to the party but we'll all end up in the same destination the party...same thing for growing...our destination is to smoke some gr8t quality kickass budz...but people take different routes to get there...buying an OZ, soil growers, hydro growers and hell even heard of a guy growing hydro in a phototron..as u can see we all want to get to our final destination..having gr8t quality budz. Hope this helps.

PS, going to my grow room this wednesday and will take some pix

edit: all the growers mentioned above the 2 big grow op and 2 small growers including I all use lake michigan water and BC nutes..i know for a fact well water wont work :asskick:
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Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Get out the Vote!!!

Get out the Vote!!!

Howdy everybody! It's here peoples, the end of political adds and our four year ritual of VOTING!!! Get out and vote a little early its going to be busy at the polls. Woohoo, who's ready to get out of the bushes?! :ban: :nanana:

:headbange :headbange :headbange


Well regardless, another Bush cannot be elected! Let's go Obama! Got the voting done this morning and feelin good.



ICMag Donor
Hey all you midwest thumbs! I been lurking and watching for awhile. Wanted to swing by and give props to y'all. Great job searching through seeds and finding those special plants. Thats how to build a nice mother list. Keep up the good work.
Have a look at a hybrid I made myself using Katsu bubba kush and crossed it to a male Blueberryx sour bubble.

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