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Micro Hydro Virgin needs a guide...


Get two birds stoned at once
If you get the HG rooted in time we'll have twin grows going!

fully baked

Day 33, still no more new preflowers :asskick:

Changing the light cycle starting today to get them sexed as I'm starting to run out of room. No roots on the clones yet either... They aren't in a cab anymore, so nighttime temps have dropped off considerably, so that's what I'm thinking is slowing down the roots. Still nice and green at least...

Here's some pics

HG 3 and 5 (The two ladies, the left one got some major lst and the right got topped...)

DSD - unknown sex, but how I pray for a lady... She along with the HG's are gonna need a repot again soon...

NPP and NH, one with a dose of lst and the other growing like a tree...

HG 1 and 2, both wickedly fast growing plants. I have a feeling they are going to pop some balls.... I hope I'm wrong.

And last but not least the femmed BB's.

I'm working on that twin grow deft, I'll just be a week or two behind it seems... Still anxious to play with the SWC and my new nutes...

Peace ,

fully baked

HG #2 is a man baby! Bummer!!

Also moved the clones to a little warmer environment in hopes of getting some damn roots already. Bah...



Get two birds stoned at once
So when do you think this will start off in DWC? I'm guessing by now that you'll be well behind my DWC of HG.

I find that humidity domes really hurt cloning success rates, at least for me. I also find that having the peat pucks too moist is bad too. I honestly think you need to freak them out a bit and make them transpire a little through the leaves to get roots going. Whats the RH in your cloning area outside the dome?
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fully baked

I'll get that DWC going as soon as I get some roots. Normally I have good success with this cloner but it's been sitting in just a closet and sometimes nighttime temps get all the way down to the mid 50's on the floor in there. If I were to lose the dome, I'd have dried out pucks in a day. RH is less than 20% so I think the dome is necessary.

I like to squeeze out the pucks so they are simply moist and just keep humidity high till I get those roots. Normally it works wonders, so I think it's the cold temps that are hurting me. So it's been placed next to the heater for the time being.

I might end up making another cloner and taking new cuts in case these are trashed, but they are still nice and green and I can't remember the last time I lost a clone in the pucks. Shoot...


fully baked

Just checked out the cloner and one of the HG ladies has some roots. I'll get that SWC up and going by my update on tuesday if it all goes to plan. Think I still might be able to catch ya deft if your waiting on those ladies to branch out and chop some clones. :joint:

Best of luck,


Get two birds stoned at once
Great news!

I'll probably flip shortly after! So you won't be far behind.

fully baked

Looks like a male New Hashberry. Leaving it for a few days to let those preflowers grow.

Also looks like the two BB are shooting out pistils. One is real nice looking and responding well to LST. Probably keep her around if the smoke is good.

DSD is still unknown and I'm hoping and praying she throws out some pistils.

NPP is unknown but scraggly. Wouldn't keep it as a mom even if it was a lady at this point.

Still 1 more un-sexed HG that has branched out beautiful. Still think it's got some balls under its skirt but we'll wait and see.


fully baked

New Hashberry is pulled, didn't like his balls.

So here's whats left...

HG 3
HG 5
BB 1
BB 2

HG 1

The SWC is now up and going with 1 - HG 3 female. Forgot to pack my pH pen and had to wing it with the nutes ... We'll see how that turns out. A weak lucas solution with a touch of cal-mag plus and hygrozyme. Pics up on Tuesday.

Hoping to get a week or a little more behind your HG's deft...

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Get two birds stoned at once
Sick, cant wait to see pics.

I'm going to flip in a day or two depending on the shoots and how well they are putting out leaves and getting above the existing fans.

fully baked

Day 40 here. Can't upload pics to the gallery yet, so just some words for now.

SWC is going with roots coming out of the net pot... Growing a bit for now. Things should pick up soon.

The only DSD is a girl. Just saw some pistils on her today. So her, along with BB 2 and HG 5 were repotted and are still sitting under 12/12. I'm thinking i'm going to flower out the HG 3 in the SWC once she grows up a little and keep the other HG 3 as a mom. Gonna be cramped in a tiny cab again here soon...

No preflowers on the NPP but she is looking too scrawny and I tossed him/her anyways. No room for it in the garden.

Still a likely male on the HG 1 but I will wait for preflowers to throw him out. Might even keep him for some pollen...

More clones taken and much of the same. Pics when they fix some of the bugs on the upgrade...

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Get two birds stoned at once
Wierd it was working yesterday night and I got a few pics uploaded.

Edit: Its still working dude, its a little different, go to site menue > Galleries > My gallery > Upload pics in top right corner.
Once you have it uploaded you have to right click the full size image and cut paste the URL and add {img} tags manually since the gallery portion of posting does not work yet.
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fully baked

When I click on Galleries, it just tells me I need to register...

You must be a registered user to view images!

To register click on the REGISTER button in the menu above.

Then when I click register, it tells me I'm fully baked. It needs to tell the gallery instead :BASH HEAD:

Hope the suspense isn't too killer ... ///
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Get two birds stoned at once
Wierd, must be like how some people are locked out of chat and some are not.

fully baked

Pics a coming. Think i figured it out....

Scrawny NPP of unknown sex before (s)he was cruelly yanked out of her pot and disposed of. It grows to slow and is too much of a runt for my tastes.
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fully baked

BB 1 - Untrained, soon to be repotted.

BB 2 - Just went through some more LST to get that top down. Looking pretty.

HG 5 - Repotted and ready to flower. More clones taken from the top...

HG 3 - Still waiting for a repot also. Multiple clones rooted from her --> 1 in the SWC already. Faster rooting than her sister (HG 5).

HG 1 - The likely male. He will be kept around to pollinate a branch on everyone hopefully.

HG 3 SWC - Two days in the SWC and here we go. I'm coming for ya deft haha...

Stay high,

fully baked

Forgot two ...

DSD - Repotted with a rooted clone already. Real excited about this one, as it was my only seed left...

And root porn. This has to be considered soft core IMO, not enough skin for any hardcore roots yet haha...

And now im done...

Most likely till next week,
Hey Fully Baked....GLAD i can be of service to help u!

Im big time in hydro...I love it! Just watch your Ph, and low amounts of nutes...If the plants are recovering nicely...just gradually get them back on track...Hydroponics is not as forgiving as Soil....U gotta kinda go slow with Hydro till u get the hang of it

BIG TIPS ive learned over the last 4 years of growing only in hydro

Check your PH level twice a day... aim for 5.3 to 5.8 (this way if it flux's-it wont go to high=if it is going high really quick, the water is not fully set to the testing level when you check it)

Let me explain...if you dump in PH lower in to the Bubbler.....and then check it right away...it will show a lower ph level on ur tester wand...but if you mix it for 30 to 45 minutes, and then check it...you will have a better idea of what the water is really at!

So at night when i do my second daily PH Test...I spend some time to make sure it is correct...then in the morning, its never that far off

Try and add less Ph down when you mix it in

Watch how much you feed, just cuz you pour a bunch in, doesnt mean the plant will grow faster! Give them the proper ratio's and they will exceed your needs!

Hope I helped

fully baked

Thanks for the advice smokey! I'm always looking for tips like that from experienced growers. As soon as I get my pH pen back I'll be checking like you said. It was just forgotten at a different house for now... Whoops, I'll have it back this weekend though.

Right now the little lady is getting a weak lucas formula, I definitely didn't want to overfeed while she's only a few inches tall! It was a bit of a crap shoot filling up the rez. Weak lucas formula, with some cal-mag plus, hygrozyme, and a dash of ph down. I'm hoping that hit the right range haha.

Thanks for stopping by,