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micro grow stickies


mosfetti said:
I mean that we care about the AREA of the grow, and not everything else.

micro |ˈmīkrō|
adjective [ attrib. ]
extremely small

I think that lighting, number of plants, yield, and everything else should not be a sort of 'measurement' to establish exactly if a grow is still micro or not.

I don't live in an "english speaking" country, so I apologize for my bad way to explain things! :)
Hope everything sounds clear enough! yo!

No problem Mosfetti, I understood fully and I am mostly in agreement. The amount of light, number of plants, (yield has it's own variables) and everything else is, for the most part, area dependent. Trying to base it on plant count is pretty much rendered moot by Dr Bud's SOG thread (along with yield), and microRU's "Nano" machine is certainly pushing the limits of w/sqft. But for generalized use these factors HAVE to come into play as far as the area to grow is concerned. I have heard many times here, that one plant/sqft, 50w/sqft, and one g/w was a good standard by which to judge one's own grow. Going on that it would seem that for just four plants one could yield, all things being optimal, 12 to 16 ounces. So that, at least to me, precludes more than, say, two square feet from the micro designation. At 100w/sqft, a 200w HID (yeah, I know, flouro's would make that a bit less problematic) would definitely put design skills to the test and anything more is for those rare individuals who LIKE pushing the envelope. I don't know, maybe trying to put parameters on something seemingly so elusive is just chasing the wind.

Namaste, mess

btw: Your english is better than some whose ONLY tongue is english and since you know more than one language, that makes you smarter than me. :bow:
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Personally I think a Micro grow is something that can be based on the plant itself.. A micro grow can be anything from a tiny speaker box like microRU to even a Cab grow such as hooserdaddies.. Most wouldnt consider that a Micro grow but I think if you have to worry about stealth(i.e. cabinet, pccase, speaker, dresser, frudge, NOT A BEDROOM, nor basement, nor constructed room), have limited space(again be limited to space confining elements such as cabs, dressers, pc cases) and most importantly.. plant size/maturity...

Plant size/maturity that is limited by height... Micro grows don't have huge plants in large numbers, nor do they contain large number of medium size plants... For the most part, micro grows contain small number of medium size plants(normally vegged 3 weeks-1.5months)or a large number of small plants(12/12 from seed, 12/12 clone or vegged for 1-3weeks)

Space Restrictions - Hight restrictions especially.. We cant have a couple 8ft sativas and call it a micro ;) Anything that is 6-7ft inside the cab(NOT COUNTING LIGHTS, CONTAINERS, or ACCESSORIES to the grow room) or similar... Now a dresser thats 8ft long, 4ft high.. Id still count that a micro grow as all the plants will have to be small(albiet very large number ^_^)

Space is INSIDE something - i.e Fridge, Dresser, Armoir, PC Case, Desk, Chest, Cabinets, NGB cabs, trash cans, rubbermaids
Not acceptable - Walk in Closets(I'll accept a 4xw4dx8h closet space), bedrooms, basements, constructed rooms(in garage, in part of a another room), outdoor(obviously lol)

Then again... If the grower feels the grow is micro and doesnt belong in the other sectoins.. By all means let them post up... As long as its obviously not a micro grow(i.e bedrooms, outdoors, walk in closet, basement) I say let them come in and join the fun, give him/her somewhere to get some positive feedback as everyone i've seen on this forum(for the most part) are VERY helpful and willing to help others and give constructive feedback.

Just my little :2cents:

Discuss :dueling:




Good points all, Mushu, and well said, two cents well spent. I suppose it is all about what one feels best suits one's own personal tastes and aspirations. It was what made me pause before making any more recommendations for inclusion in a sticky. Thanks!

Namaste, mess
I agree. This should be stickied because it gives us a conveinent place to start designing. We need to provide more proven designs, especially using the Panopticab brand of cabs from HD and such. I consider the fact that those cabs are so readily available as a challenge for us to revive those designs and give them a good swift kick in the arse.


This isn't really for sticky'ing. The material is a bit dated, but, I felt that this link was of enough importance to be presented to this forum.

What better describes how personal growers manage (and mostly on an intuitive level!) their "controlled environment?" Some of us will have already seen this, but, for those of us who haven't:

The International Lighting in Controlled Environments Workshop

Namaste, mess
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Active member
i'd like to see a cooltube+reflector design/guide for 70w hps. i cant work out how to attach the light socket to the glass(dont know what glass i need) and reflector.


smokeymacpot said:
i'd like to see a cooltube+reflector design/guide for 70w hps. i cant work out how to attach the light socket to the glass(dont know what glass i need) and reflector.

You can use one those "hurricane lamps" glass enclosures and your "adapter" (see below), take pics, start a thread on how ya did it, and have your name in lights. :jump:


Namaste, mess
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bongasaurus said:
I really think the stickies at the top of this forum need to be updated. Theres lots of useful info in some threads in here in the micro forums for new growers just starting out.

I don't think anyone would object to a new sticky for this forum with a listing of informative threads. The first post in this thread is a good start but I noticed a couple of the links are broken and others have suggested threads that could be added to the list so it would probably be better if a new thread with a new title and updated list could be created instead of sticking this one. Over to you bongasaurus :wink:


Smoke it if ya got it!!
I come from the land of BIG lights like a lot of others here and this micro growing is a fairly new method of growing. My point is.. I consider anything under 400 watts a micro grow.


Connoisseur300 said:
I come from the land of BIG lights like a lot of others here and this micro growing is a fairly new method of growing. My point is.. I consider anything under 400 watts a micro grow.

As a point of reference, in your opinion, what would be a minimum for it to be a commercial grow? Thank you, Connoisseur.

lol...This may have value as a sticky of a yang nature I think. I do not like to give beginners a hard time for lacking information as the very first gardener made their mistakes and goofs. But this one still has me rollin'. I can understand the soil in the styrofoam cups sitting in a hydro setup, it isn't all that rare of an occurrence. It will probably happen again tomorrow. It is the Pyrex baking dish. So, please forgive me this indulgence.


Namaste, mess


Smoke it if ya got it!!
messn'n'gommin' said:
As a point of reference, in your opinion, what would be a minimum for it to be a commercial grow? Thank you, Connoisseur.

Any grow that makes atleast three to four pound of cannabis every 8 weeks I guess I could consider a small commercial grow. four pounds of pot is a lot to people in the personal supply chain but for people in it for the money(Big Dogs with 10-100 thousand watters), four pounds of pot is nothing.
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Connoisseur300 said:
Any grow that makes atleast three to four pound of cannabis every 8 weeks I guess I could consider a small commercial grow. four pounds of pot is a lot to people in the personal supply chain but for people in it for the money(Big Dogs with 10-100 thousand watters), four pounds of pot is nothing.

Thank you, that gave me pause to think.

MushuHappiness did a great tutorial on reworking a computer power supply box for a micro stealth project. Here's one for those of us who are lazier...and have enough room to fit it all in the PC.

Detailed Tutorial: How to power PC fans with a computer power supply.

Namaste, mess
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