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the line is dropped ;)

about the PS3.. it's gonna be a Wii
i can get one of those a lot quicker than after this cycle..
and with the plants and work i actually only have time in the weekends to play...

that way i can use the money for some other things
(games for the Wii and upgrades for the cab ;) )
off course Miss BK gets some to spend :)


The flowering chamber is al coming along :)
my bulb was a bit too low and corrected it yesterday :)

only the Blue widow seemed to care..



from above]

the vegging Chamber is occupied with 8x lady cane seeds mplanted in pit pots 4 days ago..

yesterday 6 were born and today the other 2..





i also had a black jack feminised germing but decapitated it acidentally while removing the,refusing to open, seedshell.. :(
immediately i put the last BJ bean i had in a new Pit Pot..

The cuttings i took from the plants in the Flowering Chamber
are rooting... with no heating at all!! just the hot air coming from the vegging chamber and blowing under against the cheap ass wannabe humidity dome..


so i can choose wich i like the best and keep that mother foor cuttings and making new seeds.

this was it for now :)


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Active member
Another great grow coming up :) Your new cab is quite a bit bigger than the last one and I'm sure it'll work great with your 250W - I wouldn't be surprised to see you hitting 250 grams this time.


Grow looks awesome man :p ya id say same thing as Blackone, your cab surely looks a bit bigger then your last one :p

Ill be alone for the ride as usual hehe Gota love it when those stubborn seedlings dont take there hats off lol You just gota be like OK DAM IT HATS OFF!! lol but ya some times they'll just leave it till the death ahah O well is what i say :p



Active member
I believe old one was 40*60 cm, and the new one 75*54. That's 0.378 m2 vs 0.24 m2 before, or 57.5% more area. I think the new space must be close to perfect for a 250W light.


yo peeps

yo peeps


i hope you are right.... 250 gr.. hmmm :rasta:
this closet is heaven to work with..
so much more workingspace\

( 2x 37cm doors vs. 1x 40cm door with an opening of 32cm wide)
yeah my first cabbie was really micro

I had to Scrog with 1 hand in the back!!!


yeah sometimes seedlings leave there hat on....
sometimes it wil open.. sometimes it wil choke them...
I think it is best to remove the cap a.s.a.p. or else the seedling wil be underdeveloped vs. "the Hatless" other seedlings


i'm gonna make some B.H.O. shortly with the Honey-B extractor..
it is my fiorst time so i will be only making pics of the end-product...

i do'nt want to burn my house down for some photos ;)




Active member
Could I ask you how close are those lights to the canopy? And how tall were your plants in your last round? I'm wondering if I should make a 250W scrog cab with a vegging room on top. Trouble is that I can only make the cab 190cm tall and I would like the vegging room to have a height of 75 cm - leaving me with 115 cm for flowering - 113 cm probably because I need a couple of cm for separating the rooms.
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hey.. in the new cab there is ots of space above.. so thats no use to you

my former cab was also 1,90,

with 2 cabs at 90cm height..
result: the FC a bit too short (10-20 cm)
and the VC was higher than needed..

so i think you can manage with a total height of 190 cm
with an 70-80cm vegging room and an 100 cm min. flowering room.

A must with this kind of micro abinet is the cooling of the lamp..
i use a double 2x 100m3 Reachttruck cooling fan ;)
(the thing is so brutal!! I chopped a bit out my knuckle couple of weeks ago while harvesting haha)
I can touch the lamp when enlighted!! but only with the cooling on



ps: tha lamp is about 25cm above my plants..


holy shit BK!!!! I just converted cm's to inches to get exact size in inches, and I think our CAB are like 1-2 cm's different!!! O MAN what coincidence :p AHAH Fuck ya I better get at least 100+ grams now that I know your in same size hehe I am still using one plant though hehe :p You had more then a couple hhe Cheater :p

But hey ... hold that though. ima gona measure mine exactly and get the exact cubic space of it. ...

Ok so i think yours is much wider after reading you got "2x 37cm doors" but still comparative :p

Here my exact dimensions:
17.5 x 31.5 x 33.5 inches
44.5 x 80 x 85.1 cm

18466.875 cubic inches
302956 cubic cm

god I love the metric system.. with that .5 and .1 decimals and after multiplying it still comes out even :p


yeah really what a coincidence :muahaha:

but the lighting we use is different too now..

i have 1 thing that really works for sure:

BAC mycorhizza Funghi (Funky funghi) mixed through the soil in combination with BAC growth/bloom and PK-booster

this is a Full Organic Nute line.. and it worked really well for me!



ps here are the results of my oil expiriment

just after tha gassing

in another bowl with hot water

Result after 6 hours

it looks like all the bubbles have been stirred and heated out.. butt i let is rest for a night..

tomorrow i will heat it again and try to put it in a little bottle or something..

really sticky shit!! smells like herijuana with a hint of Black Jack





nice is that with the Butane ? I did that when my clipping of the last harvest i got :p After scraping it out of the bowl, I had black tar :p It still got my high as fuck though :p Didnt taste to bad.. But i never complain :p


yeah military that is correct

BHO means Butane Honey Oil..

just a simple extraction with the "Honey-B extractor" .

my first time making it :)
(the oil i know a long time :rasta: )

i also have a bubbleator hre, it is from a friend but i didn't wanne go and mess my bathroom up..
for a little piece of ice-o-lator that ain't worth the trouble :S

not that oil making isn't any trouble (danger and scraping and shit)
but the product you get is much more delightfull and much more expensive.
and best of all: So rare that people will give you just about anything for a gram of B.H.O...
but tha.. is not my intention..

the yield of the 2 extraction methods is about the same i think.

from 50 grams ofwhite trim (2007) i made just over 5 grams of perfect ICE-o-lator
in 2-3 hours... (first time.. alone..)
(it could have been 6 grams but the smallest bag (38mc) holds a whole lot of crystals but doesnt let it go..
and that causes the water to drip veeeerrry slowly through the bag!!

I am the most content with the BHO extraction method,
and i am gonne refine my techniques on this one..

though i like hash more than oil.. oil making is my favorite!




Ya I liked doing the BHO then myself :p

mind snapping some shots of your tools you use? .. I got this glass tube, with a plastic HEAD piece where I stick in the Butane nozzle. And I just cap off the bottom with Foil and tape it really tight..

Seemed to work well.. but it wasnt from grade A trimmings lol So my shit was like DARK AMBER in the bowl.. and black after scraping it up :p

O think this time with my trimmings.. im going to try the ... Glass jar with ice and water in it and let the tric's settle to bottom.. Just like the ICe-o-something you mentioned :p Just no filters.

O ya one more thing.. What Butane brand you use.. Only thing near me i was able to find were 4.5oz bottles of Zippo butane... The residue test on the mirror isnt that bad, not a really strong smell to it either.. And I looked up on there website and did some searches to see if they add the SMELL or if there any toxins compared to the Butane brands that are known to be bad. :p
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he military..

i used just 1 tool:

the honey-bee oil extractor..

bought online for 28 euros :rasta:

as a pollution filter i use coffeefilters (cut to a little round piece)..the oil drips through this without any problems... and the coffee filter filters out any things you don't want to pollute your oil..

i heard oil gets darker by pollution, heating and aging...

gotta go now

sleep tight!

(its around dinner time here )




O MAN Thanks mas :p Ill have to look that up and get one of those myself.. But thing is nowhere around here Sells LARGE bottles of butane :( always freaking like 2oz'ers only.

Il have to for sure look into that,,, Depending on how well the Ice-jar thingy works out.


here is a link to a company that ships to US..


and i also used 3 bottles of 200 ml N-butane ( ISO-butane has more residu)
no problem




New member
hey, great grow
i am attempting a similar thing with white widow and was wondering what exactly were you tying them down with? that that a wire?


the kind of wire i use to tie em down is, plastic coated iron-wire from the gardencentre..
there are much of different kinds but this was the safest, cheapest, and most satisfying option i think..

here are some photos of the lady's now...
(i broke some shoots when tying down.. (damn B.H.O.)

that's gonna cost a couple of grams since they are beginning to flower :(
but hey.. this is the first mistake i made this grow...
if it stays by this one mistake i would be deeply satisfied..



thats all untill now..




Very nice very nice BK .. So thats your new CAB right? Your screen looks like it has bigger holes them mine :p

You sure do pack those fuckers in there :p I cant wait to get my new CAB setup and what not, This week im buying EVERYTHIGN and putting everything together so Ill have it ready to put in the CAB. Already made my cooltube with light inside :p

Im going to be doing SOG with 1 really really well LSTed plant also. The LST will have about 2-3weeks veg :p With your SCROG and my LST and SOG and with almost same space to work with, we can really compare styles and see what one is the best :p

I have a feeling though the SOG will perform best in the long run... Dr.BigBud :p

well Ill be sticking around for some updates man



Nice beekaa! Cant wait to get my setups going :)! all i need is next pay day for me to come around n then building time :D! your grows have been very impressive! Gets me moving again working towards my setup.




yeah this is the new cab ;)
the same concept I-grow uses.. but i modified it to my needs..
besides their modification is crappy.. you can't even change the lamp height!! :bashhead:

The sog wil perform best?
I think the sog is less work, and if you plan to plant many cuttings it can be the best yielding method.
because you can harvest faster. (less veg-time)
but the number of plants state the rank of professionality here at the department of justice.
and when you are discovered with 10 big plants i think it is better than when you get caught with 200 plants..

BUT, a Scrog can give you a BIG yield from way less plants,
another plus is the buds are nice equally in height and thus evenly in quality and density.
and the use of lesser plants makes me sleep a bit more comfy ;)
I grow only for myself and so i dont mind a couple of weeks more growth..

Nice man!
I know what you feel haha

here are some photos taken today,

both strains started flowering yesterday so i'm counting flowering time from that day.. (the dutch wise)

from above

from the side

