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"Micro" 400w armoir

rollinmachine, them some nice buds. how'd they smoke?
as good as they looked. burned nice n smooth down to a nice white ash with a nice mellow high with the 1's picked earlier 8-9 weeks. the 10 week harvest was more couchlock. earthy taste with some hints of pine n mint. i have some seeds from that harvest sumhow too (sour diesel male polen that didnt get cleaned out???) that i will throw in my box depending on how many females i get.
i have a childrens size armoir like thing similar to what your using, any advice on converting it to something useable? thanks in advance.

didnt see this when i responded last time. would have to see a pic of it and if ur up to it and got the skills or know sumone who does the potential is there. ill give u my opinion and im sure many others will too. my armoir looks smaller then it actually is...lol. and heavy too even with it being gutted. i have an extra 30"x34"x7 box on the back of the top half in the flower area.( both bottom drawers liquid nailed together and liquid nailed and braced to the sides and top of the top half of the cab) that gave me the room i needed for the light. this was also very well made to were i didnt have to fully gut the bottom half out and left the back on and the top drawer spacer was left to be the floor of my flower area.

As for pics i took a few. got a nice purple stem on 1 of them. got 1 to strech like i wanted too. but i cant upload pics untill i find my cardreader... so as soon as i find it there will be pics...lol.


Well-known member
wow that bagseed bud looks like some killer herbs.
and thouse new plantsd look to be comming along nicely.
wow that bagseed bud looks like some killer herbs.
and thouse new plantsd look to be comming along nicely.

thanks cheese. depending on the female to male ratio i might throw a few of them beans in. was for sure some killer and the best smoke besides a sour diesel i grew out 12/12 from seed from my cfls.

new plants are bagseed too that were found in the good "shit". kinda why im so surprised to see purple...lol. the only strain that i know for sure that i had seeds of was the cherry kush and even those got mixed in with the others besides the 1 i had. not sure where the purples comming from unless its an og kush or grand daddy purp because did have some of that a few months back dont remember though.

Within the week they should be gettin topped and put into the cloner and hopefully root and get tossed into flower after a week or 2 in the cloner. not gona let them veg much this first run to see what theyare going to do with streching and all. and will be a lil easier to pull out a 2 week veg'd male then pulling out a male with a 6 week veg...lol
thanks all...keeping mine crossed too. they are all growin great besides #4. seem'd and looked like over watering but was skipped the last time i watered the others. then i felt the cup it was in and it seem'd lighter then the others after all were dunked ina bucket for watering so all plants were getting the same amount of water. so i pulled it out of the cup and noticed alot of the dirt drained away out of the drainage holes leaving open gaps in the dirt. so maybe a form of being rootbound? i should have taken pics of this while i was doing it but i replanted it in the cup and hopefully i didnt kill it and she will recover figured id try to fix it now before the problem really set in and if it dosent work ill know that wasnt the problem for future referance.
Maybe initially you packed the soil harder with that one? I've done that and noticed noticed a slow start till I transplanted. I'm guessing this is because they roots are finally getting space they where lacking in tight soil.

I would prob put money on it's just the seed. Seeds are like a box of chocolate, " You never know what your going to get "! I have six seedling about a month-sh. All are doing great, but three are twice the size all ready!
yea this 1 shot up and stopped.... leaves got all druppy like it was being over watered but thats not the issue. last watering was bottled water instead of tap to see if that helped and nope not with this 1. the others are startin to throw nice side shoots n lookin great. the roots were wrapping around the bottom of the container under the air pockets that were left. im tryin something here and hopfully it works and i will have a easy way to keep mothers.
well its been 5 days sence last pics so i guess its time 4 an update??

heres 1-4 in the front 5 in the back...

#1 and 2...

#3 and 4...

#4 was the 1 i transplanted. i put it into a form of hempy pot and it perk'd up a bit and started growin again.


and heres a close up of #3...

Shes turning a nice purple with lots of hairs n crystals forming on the leaves already!! does anyone know what strain this could be turning purple this early in life??

anyone??...lol heres 1 from yesterday too.
been a while sence i updated... pics soon to come. they are starting to show preflowers (i guess) #1 is showing its balls off so he will be choped. #2 is a female!!! she looks like shes starting to flower already in the mother chamber under 18/6 light. #5 looks to be a male too but we will see along with the other 2.
This an autoflower???

This an autoflower???

heres all the plants in order...


is this an autoflower?? or are preflowers like this normal in different strains????
#3 the purple 1 looks like female preflowers so far

#4 so far looks female too

#5 looks like its showin male we will see

group shot of the 4 that are left in the mother chamber under 18/6 light.
#2-5 left to right.

does #2 look like an auto to you guys? or are these just preflowers?? its only been under 18/6 or longer light periods.(24 at first to keep the bottom nodes close n switched to 20/4 after a week then 18/6 the next week and been there sence). Any info would be helpful reguarding this... thank you.

cab looks a little different now...
pics from today. i chopped n threw them in the cloner yesterday. they are lookin good so far. i took a pic of the cloner too. super cheap but efficent.

So does anyone know about #2???? and if she is an auto or if those are just preflowers???
:confused: i dont know what to make of this and it has me puzzled as i havent seen it before. im still seeing if she will root so i can put her in the flower chamber with the others that root. can anyone help me out here??...lol ty
so it looks like i have 3 females so far with the fourth showing signs of being female too.

Why are they throwing pistils in the cloner??? anyone?? i never had 1 flower or throw pistils like this under 16+ hours of light.

Flower chamber is getting ready for its maiden voyage into the unknown as soon as theres enough roots on the cuts.

pics will come with the roots on the cuts. until then. thanx for ur time...lol.


that's a nice grow rollingmachine. can it be maybe preflowers? I don't know because I throw my plants into 12/12 4 weeks after seed sprouts and check for sex signs after a week but most have shown sex around 2-3 weeks. Once I see nuts or hairs, their fate is decided.
thanks guys.
@sfvog... i thought preflowers but theres alot of them. also the other cuts started flowers after they were put in the cloner. i only ever kept mothers and clones under 24hr before i built this so i really dont know but im gona see what happens.

@sir-smoka... thanks it took a while for it to come together but im on my way....lol.


I have a few clones that look like that.. I'm pretty sure they will not multiply unless you put them to flower.
flowering might have to be put on hold. seems i have to upgrade my exaust to keep this thing cool with the 400 in there. temp went from 70f with the light off up too 90f in about a half hour after turnin the light on. ambient ranges between 70-75f dont think the 6in duct booster is capable of doing the job cooling the cab.

I been searching for a cheap efficient fan with enough cfm that would be capable of cooling this space for less then 100$. i have been lookin at the stanley blower fan that the DiY thread has in it. says its rated about the same as a 256 dayton (200+ cfm??). would this be enough to keep my flower chamber cool?? i have an estimated 18 square foot flower chamber.

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