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Micro 12/12 from seed CFL grow!!!

Time for an update!! Girls are doing good. Im a lil confused on the flowering situation. They seem to be putting on alot of frost these past couple days. Does this usually happen in the last couple weeks of flowering? They are definitly fattening up every day. Its just so damn hard to see the trichs, its frustrating lol. This strain definitly has very lil trichs and frost Eithery way, they are really filling out so thats good. Heres some pics..enjoy.



your plants look like they are VERY sativa, so it might take a while for them to reach the latter stages of flowering (sativas have long flowering times compared to indicas). be patient and youll be rewarded with better bud


Active member
yeah those look about almost halfway done. now all you have to do is wait twice as long as you've waited till this point and you will be at harvest. long wait. but totally worth it for a good sativa high.


hey Sexo,

I still cant get over your LST every time i see it.... that stalk pinned to the edge of the pot is awesome. I tried to keep mine roughly along the same line, but I didn't do enough training during veg, so it didnt turn out nearly as well as yours.

Anyway , from your last few sets of pics, it looks like one of the colas has some yellowed/browned crumpled leaves.. nute burn? light burn?
yeah those look about almost halfway done. now all you have to do is wait twice as long as you've waited till this point and you will be at harvest. long wait. but totally worth it for a good sativa high.
Really?...wow they have been flowering for almost 11 weeks now...Theres about 15% cloudy trichs on skunky girl now. Do you mean fruity tooty and mystery girl? Cuz fruity tooty is 3 weeks behind skunky girl and mystery girl is about 6-7 weeks behind skunky girl. I switched to 12/12 at same time but they all showed there first pistils about 3 weeks apart in the order of Skunky girl, Fruity Tooty, and Mystery Girl.

you can get them at any home store (lowes / homedepot) i think they are ~$2 each. Are you putting the cfls close the the plant, or are the plants just really stretching?
Thx for the info. Ya they are right next to the lights and 1 cola is actually touching them a little bit.

Anyway , from your last few sets of pics, it looks like one of the colas has some yellowed/browned crumpled leaves.. nute burn? light burn?

Its a lil bit of light burn. I have that cola barely touching the light...thats why its the fattest one of them all.

Thx guys for stopping by. Ionno I think my first girl skunky girl has about 2-3 weeks left. The other two have much longer. How do the last few weeks work with buds? Do they get fatter? Denser or what? I know ive read that buds put on most of there weight in the last few weeks. Is this size or density or both? I know they are not done and have awhile yet, as I said skunky girl has about 10-15% cloudy trichs atm so hopefully in 3 weeks she will have some amber trichs. I think ill harvest around 20-30% amber. Im going to cut the smaller buds on skunky girl so it can focus on the 3 main colas. The other buds are very airy and just wasting energy. This way she can focus on fattening her 3 main buds up.

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stihgnobevoli Can you explain why you say they are just halfway done if your talking about skunky girl so i can understand? I just dont see how they will take 22 months to finish. I appresiate it.

Well guys....I woke up to some fucked up shit Wed morning...my fan fell on Skunky Girl and completly fucked the whole plant up except for the main cola and one of the two towers....I was thinking about cutting the smaller buds but had decided against it, but I guess this is natures way of giving me the right answer...ionno....alot of weed wasted. I guess its not "wasted" but it was about 2-3 weeks immature and this is supposed to be when it puts on the most weight...I dried it and smoked most of it and theres only a gram or so left. It wasnt the best smoke...still better then where it came from...im hoping the lack of potency is cuz its immature. Either way I was bummed about it and didnt even think to take pics...my bad. O well, atleast I still got two good colas to finish out of her. I made some changes...ionno for the better yet. I took my lights from the side and put them on the lid so they are hanging vertical...I had some burns at first cuz I didnt realize some plants were touching...I think I got it under control now. Ill post some pics in a couple days.

man that suck's to hear about that shit,i had my fan go out on me and toasted some of the tops of my plants.the shit suck's.well atleast you still have some bud left.good luck and let's hope nothing else happends.later man


Active member
Sexo, sry to hear about your accident..
Think about what you said..

Sex "It wasnt the best smoke...still better then where it came from...im hoping the lack of potency is cuz its immature."

That what the peeps above were trying too say to you..

i grown these Mexi's out like this before..
You'll see thric's about 1/2 way into flowering..
Your Half-way done.... Trust Me it's worth it....
Seriosly, I'm just getting going & hope to be done in Feb....


Sexologist420 said:
Well guys....I woke up to some fucked up shit Wed morning...my fan fell on Skunky Girl and completly fucked the whole plant up except for the main cola and one of the two towers....I was thinking about cutting the smaller buds but had decided against it, but I guess this is natures way of giving me the right answer...ionno....alot of weed wasted. I guess its not "wasted" but it was about 2-3 weeks immature and this is supposed to be when it puts on the most weight...I dried it and smoked most of it and theres only a gram or so left. It wasnt the best smoke...still better then where it came from...im hoping the lack of potency is cuz its immature. Either way I was bummed about it and didnt even think to take pics...my bad. O well, atleast I still got two good colas to finish out of her. I made some changes...ionno for the better yet. I took my lights from the side and put them on the lid so they are hanging vertical...I had some burns at first cuz I didnt realize some plants were touching...I think I got it under control now. Ill post some pics in a couple days.


I just had a similar (although much smaller scale) incident happen to me. i had propped my lid open, and was debating some minor pruning of some leaves that were turning yellow, when my lid slipped, and whacked the plant and took off the leaves, and one small branch that had just started a bud... I was not happy either.. (my bud branch was still hanging on kinda, so I duct taped it back on to see what happens)

But I figure, look at it this way:

1. now your plant can concentrate on growing the couple of leftover colas and put all the energy there..

2. it's probably "accidents" like these that lead to "techniques" of the future.. the name FIM directly implies it.. 2 yrs from now, everyone will be dropping fans on their plants for "Random Pruning, the Sexologist Way"
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clay said:
it's probably "accidents" like these that lead to "techniques" of the future.. the name FIM directly implies it.. 2 yrs from new, everyone will be dropping fans on their plants for "Random Pruning, the Sexologist Way"



Active member
i was commenting on your pistils still being all white and just looking like they are early in flower. i cant really tell how long you have left, but they look leafy and the pistils are all mostly white. thepistils usually tun uniformly so i predicted maybe they were halfway done. prolly not another 11 weeks but at least another 2-3. you can pick em early but for a really nice sativa high you wanna let em go for a long while. else you will have a short lasting high. and no one likes a short sativa high.
Thanks Strinboli, I am gonna let em go for atleast 2 more weeks. They are DEFINITLY not done...The buds that got destroyed by the fan were shity...very short high that wasnt even that high. I put the lights on top vertical and that was a STUPID MOVE...I was real high on some chron I had traded for some of my shrooms and ya....just about every plant is burnt and stressed the fuck out...alot of the leaves are yellowing...brown spots and curling...major heat stress...so I will be switching back to how it was tonight...O well..I was bound to have a noob moment sooner or later :violin: Il post pics tonight or tomorow.

Pics update....Skunky girl is doing good...givin what happend to her. The other two are pretty stressed out cuz my lil light experiment...I got the lights back where there supposed to be and I hope they will right themselves in a week or so.



Active member
Hey SEX, just asuggestion, if theres some way to get some real COOL air in there @ night, those girls will frost up Quicker...
By the close up shot it looks 4 weeks or better before you can even think about chopping..
They'll get "frostyier" Promise..
They'll frost, but by god it takes "awhile", be patient....
Kelly. said:
how tall are they over all?
Skunky girls main bud is between 8 and 10 inches. The other two are about 10" tall.

Leaddraft theres no way I can get any cooler air in there at night....the room temp drops to the mid to high 60's at night. Really 4 weeks? Grr thats so frustrating lol. This better be some damn good weed cuz ive been flowering this bitch since early september....and the other two are just getting started :cuss: O well...I guess now growing some 7-8 week bud will be a breeze lol. Thx for your help and support. I sure hope its some good bud cuz half the damn plant went to waste with that damn fan accident.

Leaddraft do you have any pics you can post of your sativas in various stages of growth? That'd help me to know what im looking for...cuz the buds are actually getting pretty dense...im suprised for how dense they are for such lil light (6900 lumins of clfs) and specially if there 3-4 weeks premature.

Im just giving Skunky Girl water+mollasses cuz I thought she was about 2 weeks away...is this fine? or should I give her some bone/blood meal? I dont wanna give any more chem ferts cuz I dont want her tasting shitty. What do you think?
