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Micro 12/12 from seed CFL grow!!!

Thx guys. Im glad they flowerd 2-3 weeks apart like that. It works out for me cuz I only like to smoke a bowel or two at night so bud lasts me along time. Harvesting each plant 2-3 weeks apart will give me a good perpetual supply. Im real excited because the buds are really starting to put on weight...lol right as I started getting worried and posting they coming through...and the fact that there as big as they are and they are barely halfway really gets me excited since people are telling me they put the most weight on in the last couple weeks. Does anyone know how to tell when there done other then looking through a jewlers loupe? I dont have one and dont know where to get one. Thanks again for all your comments and support guys.

Some pics. First pic is all 3 girls together the next 8 are skunky girl and the next few are Fruity Tooty and the scraggly looking plant is mystery girl. Skunky Girls hairs are turning orange so maybe I got some Orange kush or something? oooo who knows? Enjoy!! :rasta:




look great sexologist!
what size pots are those?

and your LST is awesome

how much do you expect to pull from each?


Active member
some of it is genes, most of it is the growers skill.

im not trying to say im great or anything. but i only ever grow bagseed always turns out well. seeds are seeds. some have fancy names, some dont. it all grows weed.


stihgnobevoli said:
some of it is genes, most of it is the growers skill. seeds are seeds. some have fancy names, some dont. it all grows weed.
I disagree.Some plants just will not grow indoors,regardless of skill or resources at hand.Some can be beautiful,chrystal coated broomsticks but would take a pound in one joint to produce any effects.
Hey sexologists!K+ again bro.Do you have any idea where the seed originated?I've grown many Mexicans that are very similar or identicle even.


Active member
were gonna have to agree to disagree. seeds are seeds, dirt is dirt, light is light. its not the same as outside but a seed in some dirt given nutrients and light should grow whatever plant regardless of its location.


Active member
stihgnobevoli said:
were gonna have to agree to disagree. seeds are seeds, dirt is dirt, light is light. its not the same as outside but a seed in some dirt given nutrients and light should grow whatever plant regardless of its location.
Agree to disagree...

Some genes/ or Quote "strains" with Fancy names, are for the most part, better, than, for the sake of Debate, in the same conditions, grow medium/nutes/lighting etc.. Will produce a Superior Plant regardless.. Or even in less than Optimum conditions, will do better, (smoke wize) than say a Mexi from Compressed brick pot..
It in the genes, (DNA)...
clay said:
look great sexologist!
what size pots are those?

and your LST is awesome

how much do you expect to pull from each?

Thanks for stopping by!! im not exactly sure on the pot size...but id say around 1/2-3/4 gallon pots. They are not rootbound though so Ionno. I would like to pulll atleast a half O from each. I think I might get more but Imma set my hopes on 1/2 so that way I wont be dissapointed only suprised. Skunky Girls buds are pretty fat and Fruity Tooty is hot on her tail and there only halfway done so I cant immagine how fat they will be in 5 more weeks :jump:

Hey sexologists!K+ again bro.Do you have any idea where the seed originated?I've grown many Mexicans that are very similar or identicle even.

All I know is all the seeds I had saved up came from various O's and half O's of shwag here in Texas. The weed is full of seeds, tastes and smells horrible (not even like weed) its completly dry and it comes from Mexico. I just use it to make cheap hash cuz it does make decent hash and its dirt cheap. The weed im growing is nothing like the shit it came from. Im excited about Skuny Girls orange hairs :muahaha: Should be some damn good smoke. And since ive given them alot of mollasses they should be a sweet smoke aswell.

some of it is genes, most of it is the growers skill.
Thanks man this is a big compliment. I appresiate your guys support and stay tuned because my buds are growing fatter every day.


By the way Stihgnobevoli,very nice flowers.You obviously know what you're doing.You're absolutely right,I should have said many seeds will not grow WELL. I've seen many veteran growers that couldn't do half as well with a Mexican Sat as you have done,prolly couldn't even get one halfway through flower without causing re-veg,hermies and black death,Lol.In that sense,it's in the skill and genes.But ending up with a quality finished product in the end is our purpose,rather than just growing it out.
Forgive my lack of English skills,I've only been speaking it about 40 years now,but I'm getting there. : )


Active member
thanks for the compliment hardhat :joint: i consider myself intermediate. lots of trial and error to get to this point. i need to clarify myself. yes genetics does matter and if you have low potency smoke the seed will prolly be low potency too. but the nature of bagseed is randomization. its a nice little mystery mix. all weed has the potential to be some "insert brand name here" weed. all those strains started off just like the bagseed most people look down on and throw away. yes dubba bubba (fake brand name) is really frosty and tastes like cherry vicks. thats because someone took a bagseed, grew it out, liked the traits ,a faint cherry flavor and then crossed it with a frosty guy, and now we have dubba bubba and the seeds sell for $100 a 10 pack. if you want dubba bubba you should buy the seeds. i myself would like to make a dubba bubba. so i grow bagseed and make my own crosses.

you wont get a dubba bubba from every bagseed. but every bagseed will grow a weed.

sorry to jack your thread. im done.
I need an answer to a question asap!!! Do you start flowering time from the time you see the first pistils or when it starts budding...like forming an actual bud on top...I have been counting skunky girls flowering time from that (oct 12th) but the first pistils showed up sep 20th...I just realized what I was doing so my plants are actually about 20 days farther into flowering then I thought!!!! So if this is true and its when the first pistils show then my plants are actually about 60 days into flowering!!! instead of the 40 I was thinking. God I cant believe I overlooked this lol. O well its GOOD news...I guess this is why alot of the pistils are turning amber. Which means my girls are almost 9 weeks into flowering....seeing as there most likely a sativa dom strain they prolly still have 2-3 weeks left but thats a far cry from the 5-6 I was thinking. HEHE. I feel like such an idiot.

Damn!!! I think imma just bite the shit and buy the cheapest lil microscope I can tomorow at radio shack cuz I wanna see what my trichs are!!! Im so EXCITED FROM MY DISCOVERY!!!!! I still feel lik ea complete moran though lmao....If I was a chick this would definitly be a SERIOUS blonde moment but im exempt HAHA.

Lemme hear your guys thoughts!!! What do you think? hehehehehehehhehe god im so stupid rofl

Well I bought the mini microscope from radioshack today and checked Skunky girls trichs. Its hard to see but I think they are mostly clear. Do cloudy trichs look white? I thought I saw a couple white looking trichs. Definitly no amber though. Im pretty sure they are clear cuz I took a small leaf from fruity tooty and looked at her trichs and they were definitly clear. I think skunky girl has about 2 more weeks to go!! Im going to flush the triplets real good tonight and start skunky girl on just water/mollasses and I will be taking a sample bud next week soem time. Should I be checking trichs daily or every other day or what? Thx guys



Sexologist420 said:
Well I bought the mini microscope from radioshack today and checked Skunky girls trichs. Its hard to see but I think they are mostly clear. Do cloudy trichs look white? I thought I saw a couple white looking trichs. Definitly no amber though. Im pretty sure they are clear cuz I took a small leaf from fruity tooty and looked at her trichs and they were definitly clear. I think skunky girl has about 2 more weeks to go!! Im going to flush the triplets real good tonight and start skunky girl on just water/mollasses and I will be taking a sample bud next week soem time. Should I be checking trichs daily or every other day or what? Thx guys

How much did the mini microscope run you? was it worth the investment? can you see clearly enough ?
sorry I can't answer your questions, but I only WISH i was as far along on my grow as you are. This is my first ever and theyve only just started to flower :violin:
clay said:
How much did the mini microscope run you? was it worth the investment? can you see clearly enough ?
sorry I can't answer your questions, but I only WISH i was as far along on my grow as you are. This is my first ever and theyve only just started to flower :violin:

The microscope cost 13.09 after tax, and yes it was worth the investment...as a good jewelers loupe cost quite a bit more I think. Yes I can see clearly, it is a pain though...you have to be real still.
Thx guys!!! I appresiate the compliments and support. I would say about 25% of the hairs are amber, they started turning amber around a week ago. I can really tell the buds on skunky girl are seriously fattening up!!! Just in this last week they have doubled in size. Its amazing how fast they grow in spurts...first 5-6 weeks flowering is real slow and the last couple weeks are explosive. Ya I know had I had more light they would be more dense buds but I was unable to do so...I know it wouldnt have costed much to add a couple more lights, but its all good. Imma try and pick up a couple Y sockets and a few more 23 watt CFL'S to add to it to flower out fruity tooty and mystery girl. Anyone know they cheapest place to get Y sockets? I can definitly tell they are more airy buds then some other buds ive had, but I also dont think they are done filling out, cuz like I said they are seriously growing. From now till harvest I will be giving skunky girl just Water/mollasses. Mystery girl is one of those LONG flowering sativas...She was put on 12/12 same time as skunky girl and she just showed her first pistils about a week ago...so ya lol gonna be a 16-18 week period b4 shes done. Anyways, heres some pics. Enjoy!! Pic 1 is Skunky girl, Pic 2 is Skunky Girl's main cola(8 inches long) pic 3 is Skunky girls other 2 biggest colas (twin towers) Pic 4 is Fruity tooty.


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