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Michigan MMj~ State App Questions


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Insert foot in mouth Tbag, I know my state. Weed is ILLEGAL in the state of Michigan, get over it. Oh wait, You got a fancy card that says otherwise?

I would be really interested to see how much a card helps you in our legal system when caught say....growing 72 plants.

Its really sad to say and I never thought I would say this, But the people of the state of Michigan should have never passed that act. I know hind site is 20/20 but it was just the wrong act to pass.

ive known many people to get caught with 72 plants... the cops walk away... i know my state very well... foot in mouth?? not at all... everything i said was true at the time i said it. . with this little hiccup in the road some things changed its no different then in cali around 1996.

Schuette's ass and snyder are both on the recall and we will get shit back the way the people who wrote the law intended.... This was to be expected theres always a power struggle at first.... Ill take my card anyday... i can roll with 15oz and have a bag on me at all time like i used to but now im not afraid to be pulled over...

its a small step but a step in the right direction....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Um...it depends on where you live. Some municipalities, yes that paperwork and/or card will indeed protect you. But if you step over the line, they will bust you. And yes.. patient to patient is 100% LEGAL. It's IN the Act. The "acquisition" and "transfer" of marijuana is specifically covered as valid Medical use for registered (or even unregistered, via the Affirmative Defense clause!) patients. What the court recently ruled on is that BUSINESSES who act as agents to assist in the "sale" of medical marijuana are public nuisances under the Health Code and *may* be shut down by the local authorities. Transfers, for free or for monetary consideration (but not a "sale"...so call it a donation or something) , from patient-patient or caregiver-patient IS 100% legal and covered.

PTB: Wait...are you saying that if the cops show up at my house with a warrant looking for an illegal grow, and I inform them at the door that it is a medical grow and show card/paperwork, their warrant is no longer valid to search the premises? And I don't even have to let them in to look? Is that really true?

According to schuette patient to patient is illegal now... even to your buddies, unless your his personal caregiver...

however in michigan theres green and red zones.... alot of shops are still open.... my shop was a NPO one of the few in the state and only took donations but was in the red zone and had to close.... the problem we are having is schuette just reads shit how he wants it to read not how it reads...

he had NP for two years until he showed up and been trying to tear it apart since he was elected... he has literally tried to stop EVERYTHING pro MMJ.

as for the warrant thing... thats how the law reads... however cops are sneaky fucks and judges dont like this shit either so we have a uphill battle... if they came to me with a warrant and it didnt say they knew i was a valid MMJ patient i would should them my cards and and give them my lawyers number. Thats what the law is suppose to protect us from.. Its not allowed for them to come in at random to people and do plant counts... that shit is illegal so whats the difference of them coming in on a warrant of illegal mj and find out its a legal mmj to me you did you job and have to leave...

they might bust in your shit anyways then you get to go to court and get it set as a precedent for the rest of the state.... up hill battle?? of course everything we do is... but there has to be somepoeple in this WAR to stand up for there rights... thats how shit gets done... if everyone always rolls over they win.

The Revolution

Active member
If your gonna be an outlaw, you gotta know the laws.

If your gonna be an outlaw, you gotta know the laws.

Very well written. Im well versed when it comes to dealing with the cops, and im onto many of their techniques which you layed out in this piece. They will poke, probe, and lie to get you to give them information. what may seem like friendly chat is them probing, They lie, Fuck cops lie all the time, its a mind game with them. Your best bet is usually to say nothing.. Looks like u made out fairly well this time. Perhaps he would have been more of a prick if you hadnt told him what he wanted to hear, perhaps because u were honest.. Who knows. Best bet is to always stay quiet, dont tell them anything they dont need to or already know. Even if they tell you they have this and that, they usually dont. DOnt be intimidated. Good luck to ya in the future bro, and stay up to date on the laws.
If your gonna be an outlaw you gotta stay up on the laws. One thing I learned from my old man
That statement is correct, Except their not taking that long, More like 3 to 4 months top's.

Incorrect. Plain and simple, This officer is misinformed. There has NEVER been a certification stamp or anything issued back to the applicant stating or certifying your approval. Your paperwork and proof that the state cashed your check is all you need as your temporary card, This is clearly stated in the act, Which im assuming he did not read. But that doesn't mean he cant arrest you, He can arrest you for looking at him funny.

First part is correct, Last sentence is incorrect. Patient to patient transfers are not stipulated and are therefor illegal. Its been argued up and down and all around man, Its not in the act = its fuckin illegal.

He's correct. The law doesn't allow for patient to patient transfers, It's not in the law, At all. So what's that mean!??? Yep, It's fuckin illegal. A felony? Doubt it.

I have seen you around, I thought you were a pretty smart guy, until now. Well there's always next time for invoking your 5th amendment right. Damn dude, You broke the 1st rule! They are asking for a reason, CAUSE THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING! We all make mistakes bro, Im just giving you a hard time.

Thats a certified rumor, Right from a cops mouth. It may be something their about to implement to bust patients and caregivers who think the card will protect them while driving. They have assloads of loopholes that will get your MMJ defense thrown out before you ever step foot into a courtroom. This sounds like one of them. Endangering the public by driving high? Your a DUI, not a MMJ patient.

Im surprised he did not arrest you for that big bad felony! Hahaha. Man this cop had a fuckin hard on for you dude. He bullshitted with you till he got everything he wanted from you, Plain and simple, You played HIS game, He did NOT play yours...Dont get it twisted and think you pulled something off. He never intended on arresting you after he figured out what was going on and he may have even liked you a bit, But he still left you believing you could be arrested at any moment, Didn't he?

They always smile and make you believe their doing you a favor while fucking you in the asshole :)

Heres what everyone needs to understand in Michigan. Marijuana is illegal, Period. The MMMA is a very slight exception, If something your questioning is not clearly stated in the act or not answered by the act, It's illegal. End of story. No gray area's. It's illegal if its not in the act.

Im trying to impress on you the mindset of our state government with everything I wrote here, everything I wrote up top^^^^^ is the way they see it.

The reality is, There are gray areas. How about the section of the act that states you as a MMMP cardholder can obtain your marijuana from ANY source (The word "any" means, a legal or illegal source) if your primary caregiver cannot provide that marijuana to you. This would include another patient BUT, only one patient can remain on the right side of the law in that transaction. One patient is obtaining it legally while the other patient is distributing it illegally. If you were the one obtaining it then you were on the right side of the law but its best to keep your mouth shut and let your lawyer hash those details out, Thats HIS job to do in court, Not your job to do standing face to face with an officer on the side of the road. Your job is to keep your mouth shut at all costs so you dont make his job harder or even impossible to do.

I have 4 patients under me and myself, so thats 5. I stay within the legal growing limit which is 60 plants, Besides that I treat it exactly the same as I did 10 years ago, Hide! No dealing to dispensaries, no compassion clubs, nothing to expose myself or put myself in danger.

Stay safe!


They do send you a stamped letter in the mail but it comes with the "card", about 3-4 months after you send your application to the state.

I should know I have 5 cards. Now its almost time to get my patients and myself renewed.


The Isabella County CoA decision is what has caused confusion recently. The ruling was against Compassionate Apothecary in Mt. Pleasant, MI. According to the 3 judges interpretation of the law, a patient is only allowed to receive medicine from their caregiver, and the "sale" of marihuana is illegal because it violates a section of the MI public health code stating that Controlled Substances must be "dispensed" be a licensed pharmacist.

The way I see it, patients being limited in the acquisition of medicine to only their caregiver is a moot argument. If that were the case, why go on to further state in the law that it is okay to "assist in the medical use of marijuana..." for an out of state patient having, "a registry card or its equivalent." And like someone said earlier, the law protects patients in the acquisition, transfer, transportation, etc.

Most of the compassion clubs that I know of that are still operating are non profit organizations.


Good call PoopyTeaBags, all statements dead on. It's amazing how the cops vary from county to county too, down here in the southern counties they don't act on their own unless someone complains. (Ex, pissed neighbor, etc). Growing & happy in Calhoun Co. Harrison is pretty mj friendly too.

its illeagal to sell or give it away, the is no reason to move to mich to grow as u cant make any legal money doing so anymore, at the end of the day its how it should be, u grow your own n give the state a hundred bucks a year n shut up about it.


its illeagal to sell or give it away, the is no reason to move to mich to grow as u cant make any legal money doing so anymore, at the end of the day its how it should be, u grow your own n give the state a hundred bucks a year n shut up about it.

Really???? So a 65 year old cancer patient should spend her last 6 months on earth learning how to grow her own MEDICINE??? How well you gonna grow from a wheel chair with a shit bag hooked to side ????
im into social darwinism, meaning if it takes u 6 months to learn to plant a seed n water it n set a timer u should probally die sooner then later anyways. :tiphat:


im into social darwinism, meaning if it takes u 6 months to learn to plant a seed n water it n set a timer u should probally die sooner then later anyways. :tiphat:

Really? Really?? I'm into real Darwinism and think stupid ****s such as yourself should be put down and used as organ donors!!:wave:


Game Bred
its illeagal to sell or give it away, the is no reason to move to mich to grow as u cant make any legal money doing so anymore, at the end of the day its how it should be, u grow your own n give the state a hundred bucks a year n shut up about it.

Caregivers have the right ti compensation for their work.
Do read the law before you spout off...

I posted a link earlier in the thread.