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Michigan MMJ law safe!


just don't molest my colas..
Non-profits still have to make money for payroll, rent, utilities, lawyers, security, future expansion, bribes, etc.

this right here shows your lack of understanding the situation. non-profit organizations don't need bribes to operate. if they are bribing LEO in MI, it's because they are doing something in their operation that is illegal, i.e. smuggling large quantities of marijuana across state lines. which is the whole problem in the first place.

the point of me bringing up the non-profit organization point was to argue the pharma comparison. pharma companies are obvious multi billion dollar corporations that we know have been fucking the public for years. tell me why my grandmother's antibiotic to get rid of a chronic bladder infection cost her $17 a pill WITH medicare, but xanax and vicodin is under $1 a pill? cause one people get addicted to and then can't live their life without, the other one actually fixes something. it's all about money.

yes non-profit organizations need money for payroll and other overhead, but look up the ratings of non-profits in the country and look at the % of money the highest rated pay out to their cause. the highest rated put out around 95% of what they take in. the lowest rated, and the most well known "non-profit" in the country is the Susan G. Komen for the cure foundation, which is a scam from the start. they only pay out 43% of what they take in every year and their top 10 employees make $200k+ a year...all while charging women with breast cancer $2300 to walk in an event every year. you don't raise the $2300 from sponsors for your walk? don't worry it doesn't affect Susan G. Koman, cause they make you have a credit card on file and charge YOU the money you're short. look it up, it's documented, a non-profit cancer foundation taking cancer patients to collections for money they couldn't raise to donate to them in the first place.

not in MI? not a legal patient or caregiver? get the fuck out of this thread now because you're a clown and don't know what you're talking about.


Active member
The bribe thing was just a joke. Kinda.

but it's real. That's the thing, that's why they are just ex-drug dealers. I have not once filled out paperwork documenting the sale (or compensation or w/e you wanna call it) of my meds... Just sayin, it's kinda hard to file taxes w/o a receipt.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Grow Nerd....PTB grows the best weed I've seen in this area. Dude is extremely intelligent (though he doesn't look it, lol...j/k) and his grows are fascinating. Just had to throw it in there....we've been around and if you've seen his room, you'd understand where the overhead comes from. We also invest thousands into seeds. We do not flip a room without upgrading....period. I do have to say that you are very insulting with your "rework your room" comment. Bro....you WISH you had a room like that. Not to sound bitchy, but PTB is a nice dude here....he's not confrontational with anyone....please, no disrespect to him. He's the wrong dude to insult. If that comment wasn't steered toward him, cool....I just had to chime in on that one. I'm actually still suprised after so many years in the game, he's still the most moral, caring grower I know.
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If people have a problem with clubs charging 500 a oz start up your own...this cats running clubs are breaking the law on a certain level...they put targets on their backs more than growers, i agree that the price is to much, same as i think its to much when i go to walgreens...I think that us growers on here are all in this for the love of the plant, everyone must get thier own path, who is right, one can earn a living on this, not get rich going that small but be a farmer...p.s check into some new clubs that let you set the price amigos...lets you pick what you charge...more fair


Active member
non-profit compassion clubs shouldn't be. if you've ever been to any of these places they make you sign paperwork aknowledging that you understand it is a non-profit organization and in those documents is a mission statement, usually something like "we're here to give access to medicine to sick people who need it." then something about compassion and their belief that people should be able to medicate how they feel works best for them.

Of course they all say this shit...because THEY WANT TO KEEP THE FUCKING COPS OFF THEIR BACKS. "Compassion clubs" are all about compassion the same way that every hydro store is for growing tomatoes, every head shop is for smoking tobacco, and the same way that every "MMJ patient" is in it for the "healing". i.e. a few might be..most AREN'T. Everyone is in this game for the money, and the money comes from people who want to GET HIGH. DUH.

Arguing about the way things "should be" is straight up retarded. THEY AREN'T. People are in it for the money, period...and there isn't a damn thing wrong with it.

The ONLY reason prices are so damn high is because this is still by and large and black market. MMJ laws do not really change that. Open the market wide and watch the prices fall through the floor. But then everyone would switch from bitching about "greedy" club owners making outrageous profits, to bitching about having to work at McDonalds cause they can't make ends meet growing pot any more. Oh brother...
Since I am a licensed caregiver in MI I guess I can say....
is this conversation still going on?:)
For the record I'm against Cali weed being sold in MI. Although I'm hearing reports of Cali weed being sold to neighboring states too. They musta had a helluva crop out there this year.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Grow Nerd....PTB grows the best weed I've seen in this area. Dude is extremely intelligent (though he doesn't look it, lol...j/k) and his grows are fascinating. Just had to throw it in there....we've been around and if you've seen his room, you'd understand where the overhead comes from. We also invest thousands into seeds. We do not flip a room without upgrading....period. I do have to say that you are very insulting with your "rework your room" comment. Bro....you WISH you had a room like that. Not to sound bitchy, but PTB is a nice dude here....he's not confrontational with anyone....please, no disrespect to him. He's the wrong dude to insult. If that comment wasn't steered toward him, cool....I just had to chime in on that one. I'm actually still suprised after so many years in the game, he's still the most moral, caring grower I know.

lol thats probably the nicest thing you have ever said aboutme -=]


1. Once again....if you are bitching about overhead and expenses at $300/oz, God help you when its legalized and indoor goes for $50-$100/oz wholesale all day long. Real businesses can't just throw piles of money into their operations, they have to spend the least amount possible and worry about efficiency. Those who spend too much money go out of business.

2. I don't understand the mentality that it's somehow wrong for a dispensary/club to mark up prices and make a profit. News flash, drug companies aren't in it for compassion, they're in it for the almighty dollar. Just about everyone is. That's capitalism, and that's why our country is successful, because every human is naturally looking out for his own interests. If you give patients cheap prices out of compassion, that's great, and good on you, but don't act like others are lesser than you cause they don't share your ideals.

If I have a patient who is truly hurting for money and needs pain relief then sure, I'm willing to cut deals, but I'm growing because a) I like to grow, b) I like to smoke, and c) I really like to get paid. I'm not ashamed of that and I don't look down on others who want to make a cut too. Running a store front in this black market is inherently riskier than a grow, because it's a fixed location that's right there in the public eye, unlike my grow which is kept locked up and hidden.

3. Other than compassion reasons, why charge less for patients than for dispensaries? That's ass backwards. If anything the club should get the cheaper (i.e. wholesale) price because you are selling to them in bulk, right? That's how legit businesses operate. But I'm not judging, run your own business how you please and I will do my thing.

4. TMB you might want to pick up an economics book some time and educate yourself. People driving the pricing down and you're whining because they are changing how things have "always been" for the past 10 years? Wake up man. Economies and markets aren't static entities, they fluctuate and change over time. Either go with the flow, adapt, overcome, or go out of business. It's that simple.

Amen!!!!! ,IDGAF Equipment ,Nutes,Electricity is expensive as hell
And Hydro stores don't give people breaks at all

Ditto to that!!!

Lol.. I came back because of the good rep I kept getting, lol..

Some good points were made within this thread...many not/bullshit/personal views projected... but alas, such is the internet...

So is there a precedent for harassing growers via weight? I mean: almost none of us are within the weight limits. 2.5 ounces per 12 plants? heh.

It's questions like this that make me side with those who are complaining about poor outdoor going to the clubs, lowering the price. There is still a ton of risk involved for us.

I'm good to go if a raid were to happen most of the time (I think?), because I'm within my plant count. But if they were to come while my shit is drying/curing/not gone yet?

I'm royally fucked, insofar as I can tell. And we all are.



Active member
So is there a precedent for harassing growers via weight? I mean: almost none of us are within the weight limits. 2.5 ounces per 12 plants? heh.

It's questions like this that make me side with those who are complaining about poor outdoor going to the clubs, lowering the price. There is still a ton of risk involved for us.

I'm good to go if a raid were to happen most of the time (I think?), because I'm within my plant count. But if they were to come while my shit is drying/curing/not gone yet?

I'm royally fucked, insofar as I can tell. And we all are.


2.5 oz of usable meds. Wet meds, untrimmed, uncured, un-useable.
2.5 oz of usable meds. Wet meds, untrimmed, uncured, un-useable.
hehe. I can buy it. Whether a judge would, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

In my old state, they weighed not only wet buds, but also the entire root system and even the freakin' soil! and it stood!

So you'll see why I'm skeptical until it holds up to be so in court.

Cheers man.
Hi everyone, I didn't read the entire post here, sorry if people have already made these comments.

The affirmative defense in the Michigan MMP states that a caregiver can do basically anything that is required to ensure an uninterrupted supply of usable medicine to their patients. I smoke a lot, and can verify how much I need to medicate, 2.5 ounces is really nothing for me to be holding for myself.

Also the plant count does not include incidental seedlings, cuttings, stalks, etc... whatever that means. I take it to mean that we can have an unlimited supply of seedlings, clones, and mother plants as these are not being used for production at the time. If you cannot kill the plant and make hash from it, I would say it is unusable. That being said a caregiver maxxed out can have 60 flowering plants, or however many you need to get enough medicine for your patients!

Peace all.


Game Bred
just one caregivers .02

the "dispensary" i work with only carries local meds no cali imports.
the law is set up real nice imo. patients get 1oz gratis per month anything over is at discounted retail $250.
i do well off of the overages...
i like being up here(well away from downstate). having moved from a non med state i can say michigan is awesome!!!!


Game Bred
3. Other than compassion reasons, why charge less for patients than for dispensaries? That's ass backwards. If anything the club should get the cheaper (i.e. wholesale) price because you are selling to them in bulk, right? That's how legit businesses operate. But I'm not judging, run your own business how you please and I will do my thing.

there is a symbiosis between the CG and patient here in MI.
cheaper meds is the only reason for a patient to assign you as caregiver.
without patients im stuck with 24 plants (me and wifey) a patient allows me to add 12 more. the compensation for them allowing me to grow their marijuana is discounted smoke.