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Michigan MMJ law safe!


Active member
Its a joke man I some times wonder what people would pay the clubs for good weed. Ive seen some of the worst looking stuff sell for 20 a gram. It is almost scary the prices clubs could get for real shit if they used their head. A few things you dont take into account when you say 300-350 is being greedy. Some A1 genetics dont produce quite as much as certain strains I could grow and pull two bos per light no prob every time. It takes me 2.5 to 5 months to see a crop through A dispensary can have that crop sold in under a week. $1200 dollar a month power bill times 3 months is $3600. Now lets talk about my time. Say it takes me 2 hours a day for 3 months to pull a crop at minimum wage in michigan thats $1287 in labor. On a cheap month it costs me $450 at the grow store just keeping myself in nutes and the room up and running. X3 months thats $1350. Now add $450 a month for rent on the grow spot thats another$1350. Cha Ching it just cost me $7587 to grow 5 pounds. At 200 a zip that gives me a profit of $8413. Divide that by three thats $2800 a month. Now ask yourself would you really set in Federal prison for 2800 a month. Now lets take into account for serious equip failure, crop failure, and seed runs to keep the genetics fresh you dont always get 5 bos every three months. Now lets look at it from the dispensary point of view. Buy a # for $4000. Sell it in a day to a few days at $20 a gram thats about $4960 you just made that day. I know they have overhead but not more than $900 a day that still leaves them with a hell of a profit.<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">


Thats one's personal choice.

Nobody is twisting anyones arm to sell cannabis for profit.

$1200/month electricity bill around here would grow one an assload of weed. Only paying around .06 per KWH around here so that has A LOT to do with the price.

I just see a lot of growers griping about this and that meanwhile they are cashing in 10hr work week and acting like their hard up. I guess efficiency is king here.

The majority of growers I see complaining are trying to do this as their only source of income and bitching about prices and their struggle. Get a job already and stop trying to make walking into your room once/twice a day a career. Gives us all a bad name...it IS greedy.

If your not making enough as you'd like...work more. A lot of people work harder for much much less.


I've considered moving to a med state to open a club, but after heavy consideration, I don't want to be under any more scrutiny than I have against me already.

I would like to offer greatly grown, great genetics. I've heard many bad things about clubs and etc...but don't know...hell I'd take being able to sell to a club too though....I dunno... oh well...

I guess I'll just have to wait til it's legal here.... lol, definitely WON'T hold my breath


I agree with cheeb...never seen aaa not sell....always a market for the best...just have to create that niche....people know when you got aaa....anyways...i think we all are in lthis for the same reason...we we love this plant....if you can not survive off 4000 a lb your not going about something right....thats a high price for what amount goes into it....i am speaking from experience....if you are not a fan of what they resell for go somewere else...free market...start your own...or just say screw it....anyways ramble ramble...peace n puffs


Active member
Thats one's personal choice.

Nobody is twisting anyones arm to sell cannabis for profit.

$1200/month electricity bill around here would grow one an assload of weed. Only paying around .06 per KWH around here so that has A LOT to do with the price.

I just see a lot of growers griping about this and that meanwhile they are cashing in 10hr work week and acting like their hard up. I guess efficiency is king here.

The majority of growers I see complaining are trying to do this as their only source of income and bitching about prices and their struggle. Get a job already and stop trying to make walking into your room once/twice a day a career. Gives us all a bad name...it IS greedy.

If your not making enough as you'd like...work more. A lot of people work harder for much much less.

Well like krunchbubble says haters gonna hate. A $1200 dollar power bill isnt really that hard. 4000w in flower 1400w in veg 18,000 BTU airconditioner plus the living space. Nobody is hard up I never sit to long on anything . Being hard up would be selling it for $200 a zip that will never happen with me. It just means sourcing other buyers than the clubs. The main point with all this is that the clubs are pushing quality back out on the streets because the demand is still there and real growers who do do this for a job are not hard up enough to let their meds go that cheap. It started with the outdoor flood that put all the new growers in a panic oh shit what do I do that gave the clubs the edge to negotiate inexperienced growers down to outdoor prices. Actually with most of the stuff these new growers are pushing 200 dollars is fair. Actually maybe I should get a real job dispensary owner then nobody would be on here calling me a piece of shit for making money off pot.
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I am not sure what clubs your at but....i am aware of multiple locations that pay 300+...i guess its all about were your at...i am aware of horrible gear going for way to much, but that in my opinion cant mean that if there is the choice of aaa they will not pay the same...im not hating on anyone i just think that if you are upset about how much your making grow some more...just my 2 cents...i think there will continue to be a lack of aaa...peace n puffs


just don't molest my colas..
spoken like a true amateur. seems like the people that are caregivers and have been around michigan for a while all agree.


Well like krunchbubble says haters gonna hate. A $1200 dollar power bill isnt really that hard.
I'm not sure if that comment was directed to me or just the scenario in general. Not hating or here to hate - just giving my point of view on the matter.

Again I'm most likely biased... my electricity costs must be a lot less where I am because I can run a 6000w grow w/ 24K BTU AC and electricity bill is around $420 being billed around .06/KHW. My quality is top notch and my overhead is low because I dont waste money on a bunch of bullshit additives. Figure I get say 8lbs off of my 6k grow @ $250/oz = $32000.

With a $1200 juice bill I could potentially making around $95,000 PER Harvest....not including medium/cheap nutes, replacement lamps.


I guess if none of the dispensaries will buy quality MORE quality people should open dispensaries and set the standard of quality.

Any grower in this for profit and is not seeing a higher quality of life compared to their non-growing friends - are simply doing it wrong. Plain and simple. Complainers should go back to work or take it to the street for that extra $50/oz and assume that risk.

IMHO - no disrespect to any. Get as much as you can for the fruits of your labor - this is America after all.

PS - I'm not a medical state where I have the luxury of selling to a legit place of business with little risk so MY view on this is from an outside point of view. Where I am I am happy to let my product go to close friends at $250/oz wholesale. It makes me nice money and allows my friends to make good money without having to rip faces.


I'm iwth Ticklemyballs.... I am in the same area n lemme tell u..... Shits pissing me I been making a living off this since before it was legal for me and will continue to do it too.....Now I'm not going to let it get to me to much though cuz it's all about adjusting and most have adjusted.... Oz-4 pack prices went down about 200 bucks per 4 pack for what I could get this time last year...... What was hard is that it was all CA that killing us but now I am noticing bigger growers competing, growing better product, and matching what these CA assholes are charging so that muc patients can still smoke good or at least decent indoor homegrown meds at a quality price and not CA greenhouse n
outdoor that's compressed and shipped here....

Imo it's all good.... Real growers will always have a place in the med community so I feel safe :)


TMB you are the true amatuer...your the one who is upset you cant make enough money...all i am saying is there is plent of markert left in michigan...you simply are upset someone is taking your business...gee thats life in capitalism...grow up yourself...this is a talk about what we all are going thru...i am no knocking you or anyone i simply think their is room for us all...cheeb is right if you cant make money your goin about it wrong...i have been in MI my whole life by the way...all over the state...sorry your gear isnt getting top $, guess its time you step your game up....


at the clubs i have stopped going to... in 6 months before my own eyes the price dropped from 20+ to 10 or less. and the quality is all over the board. i have seen some daaank but mostly garbage bagseed called sumthin sumthin kush.
if theres ever an icmag family 3ma g3c party send me an invite. cardholders only.
got strawberrydxc99, pineapplec99, blue cheese, limon on the way

Organic Cat

Clubs buying for 250 and STILL selling for 550+ are rippin' everyone off. Fucking sad thing is they're being greedy and buying the shitty outdoor and selling the BS to patients when they should be buying properly grown indoor, high quality meds. They not only want to make TWICE as much as the grower for THEIR efforts, but now they want to make even MORE. Ehhh....fuck that.
That's right! The clubs should be paying for bills and other overhead out of their pockets and out of the goodness of their hearts! Those scumbags shouldn't be allowed to earn a living, and should be relocated to homeless shelters and eat out of soup halls when not working at the dispensaries to serve you.

Likewise, growers should start charging $22/oz and no more! How dare they charge more?!

You and PTB do charge $22/oz or less, right? I mean, you do look down on others for "buying low, selling high"... please don't tell me you are greedily RIPPING PEOPLE OFF by charging more!


Non Conformist
It's all about profit margins for the carpet baggers and shop owners. the game around the D has always been about quality. I have seen shops turn down AWESOME KKSC for $325 an oz that would have been their top shelf $75 an 8th herb, because they already had some not great KKSC that they got from a new grower for $200 an oz. these people are making it not even possible for the really good growers to distribute their herb to most clubs.

:cry: ......... Sounds like it's all about profit margins for someone else too. Them "carpet baggers" call that "cuttin a fat hog in the ass"

Sometimes I wonder if it's jus not ones own Karma coming back to bitch slap-em for bein the way they are. :ying: BC


Org Cat an B.C thank you for some bringing some reason in here...been trying to point this out for a minute...people are all in it for money, if they are not making it they will be upset at the person making it, cant hang with prices, even those on here claming the clubs are the problem are charging 300 a zone to patients, but thats ok? seems like everyone wants it cheper when they gotta pay but higher when they gotta sell...cant have it all folks, at least we have more herb in the state, sick people are getting access which is the point in the first place...not for people to whine when they lose money, if you want the most for your herb go to NY or anyother ILLIGAL place...peace


just don't molest my colas..
:cry: ......... Sounds like it's all about profit margins for someone else too. Them "carpet baggers" call that "cuttin a fat hog in the ass"

Sometimes I wonder if it's jus not ones own Karma coming back to bitch slap-em for bein the way they are. :ying: BC

no, it's about providing quality herb for normal prices that have been set for years. nothing has changed in what the good growers do to produce their herb from last year to this year. you guys can all sit around and think that the top quality ganja just produces itself and we should all be happy to collect anything from it. but the truth is, it takes a lot of work to provide what you call "AAA", my group of growers just call it our normal weed.
the only thing that has changed in the game of growing good weed, is that the people wholesaleing the crops out now have a choice to pay $3500 for vac sealed, kief tumbled weed that will pass for okay meds to the masses, instead of paying a stack more for superior meds produced locally.

I'm not gonna make less for my hard work, because some drug smugglers have overhead to pay, and more people with their hands in the cookie jar. my herb doesn't need to be double vacuum sealed, hidden in a trunk and driven 3000 miles to subsequently make these clubs 200% profit.

still you can tell who in this thread is really in the game and who isn't. i particularly love the out of state, non medical people trying to tell a different market what they should do with their crops.


just don't molest my colas..
Org Cat an B.C thank you for some bringing some reason in here...been trying to point this out for a minute...people are all in it for money, if they are not making it they will be upset at the person making it, cant hang with prices, even those on here claming the clubs are the problem are charging 300 a zone to patients, but thats ok? seems like everyone wants it cheper when they gotta pay but higher when they gotta sell...cant have it all folks, at least we have more herb in the state, sick people are getting access which is the point in the first place...not for people to whine when they lose money, if you want the most for your herb go to NY or anyother ILLIGAL place...peace

any caregiver giving patients quality herb for 300 is doing a great service. 300 is my top for patients...what you're again not taking into account is that the clubs are charging MORE THAN DOUBLE that for inferior herb. but they refuse to even pay 300 for better quality herb than they sell for $600+ I've seriously seen people pay $75 for an 8th of OG kush greenhouse shake and popcorn nugs. sometimes they have full oz "specials" where you can get the popcorn nugs of their batches for like 400-500 for an oz. still more than doubling their money...

we don't want the $7k that bows go for in new york, we just want the 45-48 back that has been the standard for high grade ganja around here for 10 years

Organic Cat

It's called a business. That's how most work, making the most out of the least.

If you don't like how the scene is being run, you open up a dispensary and start charging rock-bottom prices for top-grade.

Wouldn't be a bad thing at all really, and if you were successful in your endeavors, you could put the others out of business.

But please, let's not hear complaints from growers about how businesses are making 100% profit (often less) on something at face value, when you easily make 1000%+ bottom line. Not sure whether to call that being a "hater", or just being a straight-up hypocrite.


I am sorry your not getting 4800...your complaining about something that is a natural part of capitalism...people are picking something that is shitty in your opinion...you wish they bought yours...ok so figure out how to get them to buy yours..people are making big bucks at clubs, so what, people make big money for every service like that in any legal market....your trying to say your a real caregiver etc etc....yet you charge 300 to patients....hmmm not a single person i know charges that much to sick people they have chosen to Caregive for.......that is a HUGE profit margin you are making...


just don't molest my colas..
300 for extra meds, on top of the FREE oz a month I provide to them. we are talking about overages and the clubs refusing to pay reasonable prices for high quality local herb. the clubs are the ones using the Illegal route to make their money. I can't believe that you guys are trying to defend people that are ripping off patients that don't have anywhere else to go.

I'm done, you guys are obviously idealists and not realists. my profit margin is reasonable because I am doing the work to make the money. like i said before the clubs are illegally importing their meds for cheaper and making more money, for doing less work. so quit telling me to work harder or grow better herb. cause you have no idea how hard i work, and if you bothered to take a look at any of my galleries, you'd see I'm not talking out of my ass about what my crew does.

this thread needs to be binned.