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Michigan Medical Marijuana TRUTHS

Whats up everone Wanted to get a discussion going on, from people on the front lines i have a lot of ideas and need some help getting the right contacts and finding out the best way to help patients who need good organic medicine like myself..... The love for the plant streches way back i have been growing outdoors for 8 years on and off..... i watched my father suffer and die from cancer for no reason other then The lies being told and at that time i was to young to help i haden't smoked yet....:(

Now my daughter has been diagnosed with JXG a rather rare skin disorder that has a chance of turning cancerous or just disapeering.. And i believe a form of Medical marijuana Might Just be the deciding factor.. Just like so many other of these "Medical Disorders" they are all bs when we look at what marijuana can do for are body and are minds natural well being...
My only Problem is i live in Ohio right On the MICH border i have a cottage in Brooklyn MI and am currently in the process of getting My Med MAR Card but i need to find a good job in MI doing good things for the planet so i can move up to gods country (Michigan) and potentialy save my daughter future and Live out the rest of my days In service to all the people repressed by this damn country's lies that marijuana is bad..
It makes me Sick Please contact me and also share your truths ....... WE MUST ALL BECOME INDIVIDUALS AND THEN JOIN TOGETHER AND PRACTICE PASSION FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF MAN KIND *P5 peace,plant,pray,people,planet


Bump for this soul to be helped by a more knowledgeable member in the MI MMJ scene! I'm curious if any have suggestions pertaining to the treatment of your daughter's condition. Perhaps topical applications? May also be good to ask the minds frequenting Dr. Jay's medical section.

How is MI doing so far anyway? I was strongly looking to this state and even received an invitation to help the scene over there. However, between worries of living conditions and partner concerns we had to X the idea.

I actually heard recently MI had tried to repeal the law? While we're on the topic someone with up to date knowledge on their current MMJ scene please chime in!
ITis going Great in my eyes its no cal or mile high city.. but we have to start somewhere and that is why i want to get up there.. You know think back and look at history some states have had an esier time then others and i think MI just needs more people invoved.. wich is whats happening basically because people need good medicine like my daughter so i am doing everythingpossible to get up there.And tha in my oppinon is whagoing tsto help the most is growers makeing the move to a legal state so they dont get arrested .... This dosent mean move up there announce to the world what your doing and go public with a dispensary LOL not yet we need to lay the underground to support the legal trade of medicine......


Active member
I hate to be a downer, but the MI scene is totally fucked right now.

There have been multiple cases going through the Court of Appeals that have been reversed....the most recent one involving medicated drivers and the fact that you can't have any THC in your system while driving now.

Best of you luck to you and your daughter. I don't mean to discourage, just wanted to let you know how things really are.

I hope you figure out a way up here, just please be careful.....these politicians and police up here are fuggin nuts.
im looking at moving up to my cottage for the summer getting an gorilla grow going and then use my gross income from the summer and get a residence up in MI.

I have been appliying a topical form of vitamin e and tric's from my grinder with the fine scrren in it ... AND IT IS DEF MAKING A DIFFERANCE THE skin legions are shrinking every week i apply and of coarse the Med field would never accept this and if the feds knew my ass would be locked up its bs i know im doing whats right and i c know first hand the injustices and i want to help this is bs i swear man it kills me
i have served in the Air Force i have fought for my country dont start with the patriotism crap, i feel i have been lied to and forced to live in someone elses reality. In the past i was hooked onpain pills i mean real bad all because i had surgery and liked the pills a little to much ok a lot. I dont know why other then i wasemotionaly fucked up from watching my father waste away right infront of me from cancer wich i believe could have been stoped had the medical system not been a bunch of money hungy liers......... You know what has helped me get off those evil pills created by evil men Gods Plant thats right the plant someone or sdomething what ever it is u believe knew we would need Marijuana... to help in all are affairs And i Thank him i believe that marijuana is going to help bring peace we just have to stand together they cant arrest and kill alll of usssss
look all im want to say is i know there are good people out there doing great things and we all have to express to others how we Honestly feel and who we truely are as individuals. In my experience in life i have seen the evil side (addiction to pain pills) and i have seen the good side...Love,Peace,People,planet, and of coarse Nature the one constant Good no matter how u look at it...... Well anyways i choose to let go of all that past shit and move on and make good choice's, Set NO LIMITS, Become who i have always wanted and what i always knew i had in me. A Good Guy that stands up for the right thing no matter what and so thats what im doing On 420 2012 IM STANDING UP


Active member
I'm with ya pstone....can i suggest that we call it cannabis tho?....marijuana is a fucked up made up word by rascists and bigots.


hey BUDy!! cannastyle's points about MI are all true. the law.police,courts,doctors,politicians, are out to bury us. even 'our' own MMMA,MINORML sold the patients down the road.

some of us still do what we can,but with our heads below the radar. When you get up,be careful but ask around. Compassin does still exist!

advanced search ,member 'gray wolf' he is the MAN on oils and concentrates



Active member
Hey, there is some "backlash" against the med laws in Michigan, as there is in many med states .... the original law is written vaguely and there's lots of room for argument and interpretation. So, expect some arguments and legislative decisions that are no entirely welcomed by the canna community.

However, there's a big huge bottom line ... the voters in the mitten state approved of medical MJ by an overwhelming majority and there's very little chance that will change.


Active member
I'm here....a) the establishment is fighting the law and b) the state, honestly, fucking sucks. The government is pretty much the most corrupt and fascist I've seen. There's got to be better places out there.

Weedz be Baked

New member
I hope I'm not to late to chime in. I will slightly agree with what people have been saying. There have been some wacky court cases that should have never been but it definitely isn't the most well written law. I will say Colorado seems darn near perfect but I'm happy with Michigan except for the law being tricky to follow for caregivers. Patients may have a difficult time finding proper medication which kind of leaves me off to say grow your own.

So unfortunately there's a ton of down right bad meds (especially hash) but if you're just looking to grow your own and not much else I think Michigan is a good fit. Staying off the radar is a must but in all honesty it shouldn't be too hard as there are definitely more growers than there were 2 years ago.

On somewhat of a side note, I've noticed a large amount of people in it for the money and are willing to risk patients health for an extra buck. Moldy buds used for edibles and what not..

Best of luck with everything.


Registered Non-Conformist
Hey, there is some "backlash" against the med laws in Michigan, as there is in many med states .... the original law is written vaguely and there's lots of room for argument and interpretation. So, expect some arguments and legislative decisions that are no entirely welcomed by the canna community.

However, there's a big huge bottom line ... the voters in the mitten state approved of medical MJ by an overwhelming majority and there's very little chance that will change.

Spent a couple years doing the good work in The Mitten.. Now, Back in CA.

I agree wholeheartedly with the above badRabbit quote.

The largest majority of any state that I am aware of passed it in Michigan. It always was a liberal place (especially where I was when younger).

Greatest people in general IMHO in the whole country. I was quite pleased during my two-year return with the way MOST things were being handled in the MMJ world. Comparatively.

In CA the similar problems occured and Still Do.. People generally act more responsibly overall with more accountability in the Midwest.

Good chance of me returning to MI, after this Summer.

In time it will all turn into a system that is possible to work within. In the meantime, it is important to keep ones' ears to the ground and be flexible, as well as a good grower. Stay in the more liberal areas. Move if you have to. Be the better Man, treat people with respect, and professionalism. Avoid Bad Energy, but fight the good fight. Be in the top 5% quality, and you will do great.


Man i would eat shit to move up there, im in OH now with 2 groups working to get MMJ in the state. But just like when the state up north was passed as a MMJ state we lost out, because the guy that was funding us did not like the two groups and helped the state up north.

Knowing this, the two groups still will not band together even tho they know why it never happen 2 years ago, sad. One group thinks there is a mole in the other group who basically works for the ''man'', but i dont know this to be true or not, i hope not yet, would not dismiss it.

Heck i spoke to a MMJ Doc up there who said he would work with me, im a quadriplegic so i would fit the requirements. But, now get this, he said ''if i prescribe you MMJ most Doc's up here will drop you'', i still have the email i think. I need the narc's or i wouldn't take them, im in bed 28 days a month and only get up to see my Doc. Thing is that the narc's im on just do not let me live a normal life like i did for 14 years, moving to a bigger city to get my Degree from college, learn to drive a car again and so much more. Now i only smoke at night as i had to move from my house and cant grow in my tent, its just to big of tent, but any smaller wouldnt fit my LED's. Im lucky that a friend sent some to get me by, but its getting down there and i still dont have a place to grow in. It was something that motivated me to get outta bed so i need to try and get something made or just put my tent in my closet. But just can not find anyone i trust to set up my tent, iv been ripped a bunch and had my whole grow ripped before i moved, it was my moving to-be cash, sucks. Thats why i started growing inside, because this kid wanted to learn and was the kid of my nurse so after about a month i got my first ever Purple. Well he liked it a lot so a couple weeks later he ripped it and the tops off all my re vegs, which of course needed at least 2 months to grow.

My Doc did tell me to stop, but has not tested me yet, but told me he would perscribe it to me if it passes. He is on our side, but told me he could get in trouble and iv been dropped by a bunch of Doc's cuz i smoke, but only to get some relief at night as the meds they gave me did not do a thing for me. Its because i am a quad, which they think i can not feel so i should not have pain and it makes sense. But every spinal cord injury is different and i didn't brake my neck good enough or i may not have this pain, the nerves are still attached so i feel inside. Its my legs and back, it feels like im on fire or being electrocuted and a ice pick straight up my spin, sucks.

Sorry, off rant.

But just really do not believe it will pass here so im trying to move up there, but just about impossible. I only get Social Security and my family wouldn't even help me move to this shit apartment i had to move into after my ex left. We had a new house Habitat built for us, but i could not swing it alone and signed off the house.

I hope to see any growers up there if i ever make it a very long shot, but im not giving up. I sure would like to grow for a few people including myself.

Good luck and Peace to all:tumbleweed:



Registered Non-Conformist
Hey LSY.. If you go up there you will find people. That much I can say.

Lotsa Good Folks in Michigan.


Game Bred
we have bill schutte (AG) acting like a rabid dog trying to kill the program.
we have a host of awful legislative changes that have passed the house and are before the senate.
we have a LOT of prickish locals who are willing to drop dimes on anyone for anything(and these are growers!!!!)
there are NO jobs to be had

but it is beautiful!!!!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
we have bill schutte (AG) acting like a rabid dog trying to kill the program.
we have a host of awful legislative changes that have passed the house and are before the senate.
we have a LOT of prickish locals who are willing to drop dimes on anyone for anything(and these are growers!!!!)
there are NO jobs to be had

but it is beautiful!!!!

Wow sounds like Cali. Only a lot cheaper to live in Minn.

Good luck out their guys n gals:tiphat:
Now that i have been up here a few months... i def. get a good vibe coming from ohio you may not think it is a big change but believe me it is.. i want to start working toward being of the grid and parts of MI seem ideal... I have met a few down to earth good people that are passionate about cannabis like i am... there seem to be alot of people just in it for the money... lol they are always the ones with shitty grows and big plans.... Key tips i agree with most everyone else stay below radar and have top 5% Quality and u will be fine.....


Registered Non-Conformist
Pstone... Just checking the old thread, and I see Good News. Ya made it..!.

Sure, Greediness in excess can ruin the best Grower, but Good Work deserves to be rewarded.... The Cream rises to the Top..

I found people to be quite private in MI. It was a comfortable vibe. Just gotta look like ya fit in. Avoid Loud Hip-Hop, Reggae, or anything.. Wave at the Neighbors.

Continued Good Luck !!