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TT, you are really making this harder than it needs to be. Do you know what you like to smoke (or what you clients want)? Find it and grow it... IMO it doesn't matter what the people (breeders) methods are but what the plants preferences are. Make the plant happy and it'll TRY to make you happy.

Your setup WILL be different than everybody elses, so you need to listen to the plants. Marketing will exist as long as people; it's not going anywhere. Learn to tune it out, live with it, or go crazy. I'd hate to see you choose the last option.

Yeah that...
Keep It Simple Stoner
Plant a seed and plug in a light
Watch and learn



ICMag Donor
I remember when I first started growing...BAG seed was the flavor for me. It was FREE and unfortunately, the flowers I could afford had plenty of them...

When I learned about the online communities...I started researching strains and did so non-stop for MONTHS...

I finally decided what to purchase, thinking my many months of pain staking research had some how revealed to me this holy grail that everyone else had missed...

I ordered a pack each of - Nirvana White Rhino, Next Generation Grape Skunk, and De Shaman Lemon Widow... ROFL!!! Thought for sure I'd never need to buy another seed the rest of my life! Again, ROFL...!!!

Now, I've got well over 100 strains in seed in my collection...waiting to be grown...

Not any of those plants has been around my garden for nearly a decade - although, I do enjoy some good Rhino (Mr. Nice Medicine Man) still - maybe it's a sentiment, not sure...

BUT - my point being - you are going to grow something...and then want to grow something else...and then want to grow something else...and then...

It never stops. Variety is the spice of life...

Seriously. Go buy some mexi brick just for the seeds - and get growing. The act of putting knowledge into practice, ie actual experience, is 100x more valuable than you apparently realize.

These guys are right - you are making it way harder than it is. I know people that have been growing 30 years and I've shared with them better plants than they've ever seen. At the same time, I've taught people how to grow and in 6 months they managed to find better plants than I was growing...

However, NOT growing, will never get you to your goal...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks, Pinkus.

dank.frank said it before "I think you have been given the answer to your questions, honestly." but I had to probe further.

I want to believe it's more complex, but I'm reminded again and again.

Thanks everyone.


ICMag Donor
I'm kind of curious though...what is it you THINK you are after, genetically?

Tell us how you plan to grow...size of space, height limitations, type of system, lighting (which you already said would be LED)

And then, tell us what you expect from the plant you are growing...yield, flavor, effect, etc...

I mean, c'mon -we are ALL after "the one" - but to be fully honest - I don't think such a single plant actually exists. There is no end all be all of cannabis...

Or I've just not sprouted enough seeds yet...

But really - look at these guys across the forums. Have people here running 50kW+++ WAREHOUSES - and these people are STILL growing 15-20 strains and STILL sprouting more seed...looking, searching...

No desire to slap you - just to get you motivated and over that hump you seem to be stuck on.

If you are more specific about what you expect / desire result wise from the plant and the limitations within which you have to grow in - I'm sure we could all point you in a more specific direction, than....just grow, maaaaaaannnn...

All I know at this point is you want some fire herb, are looking at feminized stock, and plan to use LED.

It's not a whole lot to go on...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Haha, Pinkus.


I have been active within the PPK thread recently, and will be employing these innovative techniques within my medicinal hobbyist pursuit. Specifically: 4X4X7 Gorilla Grow Tent, 600 Watt Ushio HPS (eventually 600 W Hortilux Blue), 150 Watt LED (supplemental, just had mentioned LED for examples sake) (looking to add 200 additional W to achieve 50W+ Per Sqf), PPK Growth Modules (4 sites, screened and washed Turface, bulk reservoir located within lung room, pulse feeding), RO water, Jacks Hydroponic/calnit @ 600 PPM, SCROG techniques, C02 1200 PPM, Recirculating intake/exhaust fan...

I currently have specific interest in Dr.Greenthumb's genetics - ECSD + Exodus - as I desire to grow a proven strain in feminized form. Those two seem to offer the most pronounced, pungent, putrid aromas; that is what I find appealing. I need the aroma to completely consume the space that it occupies, demanding attention. ECSD seems near perfect for SCROG application and a significant return on investment (Yield + Demand).

I want a powerful name that will attract a customers eye among a crowd of crosses, and when they open the jar they are welcomed with a potent aroma, which is lacking among the many strains currently available in these so called dispensaries where I live (although this is due to malpractice, being improper drying and curing).
The name of the strain should have no impact on your decision. I'm laughing trying to figure out if your like a. 80's nerd with suspenders and a pocket protector. Or you are just trying to have conversations because your lonely. No insults intended I'm sure your a decent dude. But seriously, you seem to have answers to your own questions so just do it and if you need help along the way is when you can ask us for help. IMO. Like said before. Find a strain that appeals to you, grow it the way you want to grow, smoke it the way you want to smoke it. Endlife/


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hahaha, more accurate than I'm comfortable admitting.

The strain name is certainly relevant if I intend on effectively marketing the final product; you can sell a product with no brand, and I've seen it done, but it seems to be productive slapping a name on it. It allows the consumer to reference previous experiences with similar product.

Practical... not really, but difficult to ignore


Hahaha, more accurate than I'm comfortable admitting.

The strain name is certainly relevant if I intend on effectively marketing the final product; you can sell a product with no brand, and I've seen it done, but it seems to be productive slapping a name on it. It allows the consumer to reference previous experiences with similar product.

Practical... not really, but difficult to ignore
You do know it is only legal to be reimbursed from your 5 patients? Right?
You should keep reading


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thinking of the future.

Also seems all of these dispensary's accept any overages that are submitted, so the employees have said.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Haha, these places aren't very professional, I'll admit that.

They have been operating for more than a year *shrug*

The employees at the Hydroponic store actually advertise and provide business cards for certain "medicinal" dealers...lol

Seems pretty relaxed...Doesn't mean it's legal...
Most hydro guys would try to talk you into buying dog poop and cat urine mixture if they think you would buy it.

Get a piece of paper and a pen out.

Write out everything you are going to need to complete your tasks
Supplies,nutrients,filters,fans,bucket. Ect Ect Ect.

Start your legal grow and document your daily work so you can compare your future grows and results.

I wouldnt worry about dispenseries or patients til you have a few grows under your belt. Last thing you should be worried about.


ICMag Donor

One of my primary rules when helping a patient find their desired meds was NOT telling them what the strains they were sampling were...

This allowed the medicine to speak for itself. After they have spent a few days going over various samples - I would listen to their experience and to what flowers had benefited them the most...

Then I would bring by a few more samples that were comparable genetically to what they had stated was beneficial - again, letting them test them out for a few days...

This process would remove any preconceived notions I had as a caregiver as to what "should" work...and would allow me to focus on genetics that worked more closely with each individuals endocannabinoid system...

Once this had been "discovered" - I would begin explaining to the patient the process I had put them through, why - and inform them of what strains they said worked and didn't work, what flavors they preferred, etc ...and would help them put together a customized "prescription" containing various amounts of 2 or 3 strains to alternate through out the month that would accurately meet all their personal medical needs / expectations...


To me - it just sounds like you want a "popular" product that you can develop hype around in which will garner you "reputation" and a slice of the pie...

The problem with that is - unless you are able to grow the same genetics significantly BETTER than everyone else growing the same or something similar - all you are going to do is blend in with masses.

A strain name, does not a grower make...

Last edited:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And that's the game I'm trying to play.

There's no doubt I'm trying to capitalize on this opportunity... Such is the dynamic of our economy.

I am confident in my ability, and contrary to belief, I possess practical experience; if i didn't, I would still be confident my vast knowledge of the subject would allow me to succeed eventually, surely not without failures.

The consumer base is becoming more educated along with the growers, and their is an opportunity worth pursuing, where the benefits outweigh the potential risks. Plus, I am fortunate enough to have the capital required to invest in a grow operation which will already vastly distinguish me from the competition.

I am already implementing LED's for increased efficiency and marketability, while I'm also looking at the plasma's for future grows; all of these advanced controls being developed provide a novice grower the ability to develop something exceptional, it's in time that these inputs will be ideal...

Cannabis will become legal for recreational use, as is already witnessed in select states. That will be the market I specifically intend to target... The medicinal cannabis will be grown by professionals, doctors, and those with decades of experience. It will be tightly controlled, so I see it, and see it presently in Canada. I can't compete with this...

I ultimately desire to produce cannabis as my profession, and with my dedication, passion, and perseverance; I damn well believe it's possible.

But I'm still not quitting my day job, haha.


ICMag Donor
And how is it you intend to do all that with a 600w bulb?

Why do you think LED grown plants gives you some marketing advantage?

Those that are going to provide the masses with cannabis once legal are the ones that have already aligned themselves with BIG corporate money...millions...literally. THAT is the competition you speak of. They are lobbying on capital hill and putting money in political pockets and ensuring they are the ones who are handed down the "rights" when the climate does change.

You are talking about an industry that is poised to generate BILLIONS - the "game" as you call it - yet you speak as if it would be the same a setting up a lemonade stand just because you got the same lemons as the kid next door...

I truly think if 99% of us want to have a chance at growing this plant professionally - in the future - we had better start getting advanced degrees in biology / genetics / horticulture / agriculture etc...

That way, when corporations are looking for people to employ you end up in a lab rather than a field hand...

I'd say you are about 10 years too late...unless you just happen to know people that know people. Not to be a stick in the mud...but that is just my personal opinion.

You talk of waiting for the reward to be worth the risk - well, it already is / has been for the last 70 years - that's why cannabis is EVERY WHERE.

That reward is going to disappear for mom and pop outfits as soon as the risk disappears. And then, all the BIG BOYS have to do is flip the breaker and their 100,000 sq ft facilities will be operational over night...and hundreds acres that were once used to farm tobacco or corn or cotton or other commodities will suddenly be a whole new shade of green.

You say you don't have the luxury of sprouting 10 regular seeds - yet you talk of putting a competitive dent in the above scenario...

More power to you. Good luck. Roll them dice...play that "game"...

Personally, I just want to grow my own and not worry about going to prison for doing so... :tiphat:



Well-known member
Plus, I am fortunate enough to have the capital required to invest in a grow operation which will already vastly distinguish me from the competition.

Not feeling you there bud. I'm not really down with money supplanting knowledge. There is a large seed company I'm thinking of that has really thrown some monkey wrenches into the weed world genetics wise.

Good luck on your endeavors, with you're eye to marketing I'm sure you'll do fine.


Op? If you have coin hire a pro.
This is not a dig or a job app.
U are like a 12 yearold virgin tellin a room full of hookers how to screw

Good luck