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Mexico Decriminalizes Marijuana and other Drugs!


Active member
Mexico's President Calderon has signed into law the decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana and other drugs including heroin, cocaine, LSD and methamphetamine.

It's hoped that this will discourage police corruption and free more police to fight the big gangs.

The maximum amount of marijuana for "personal use" under the new law is 5 grams — the equivalent of about four joints. The limit is a half gram for cocaine, the equivalent of about 4 "lines." For other drugs, the limits are 50 milligrams of heroin, 40 milligrams for methamphetamine and 0.015 milligrams for LSD.


Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Hooray!!! So next time I go there is gonna be somewhat silly I gueesssss....:p cmon, reefer, acid, coke, meth and heroin...gonna be some serious fear & loathing. :D


It's about 8 hour drive for me..

An American ICMag Cup?

LOL! Amsterdam needs to improve now Hot Damn let's get some competition going for our Cannabis Tourist money.

Amsterdam could make it nicer and so can Mexico
This is pretty damn smart of them. I don't believe it's going to lead to coffee shops, since it's clear that the aim here is to avoid the law enforcement shakedowns for which Mexico has become notorious, rather than to allow widespread use. I don't think that a coffeeshop would be able to last, since the goal is to target widespread distribution rather than allowing unscrupulous police to make money shaking down users.
I bet the US govt. put a lot of pressure on Mexico to keep the quantities down. I wonder if it is possible that the quantities will rise in the near future,at least for pot. If that were to happen then Mexico could be the Amsterdam of the Americas.
Just the fact that they legalized small quantities will put more pressure on our govt. to review it's prohibition on pot. This is great news!

Respect bass


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Yea this is definitely a step in the right direction. It will definately help to bring in tourists dollars especially at times like spring break!!! It will be interesting to see how it all plays out though in the near future. Way to go Mexico ;) now we have part of central america decrim and some parts to the north of usa in canada decrim there is nothing left for the usa to do but give in lol.


Jalisco Kid

Active member
This law has changed nothing down here. If you guys come down here with that attitude you will be in for a shock. I can guarantee you, gueros was not considered at all when this was passed. It was mainly passed because peoples kids were getting jacked,especially those going to school. Tourist will always be considered open season for cops. We see tourist as arrogant money bags. To be tolerated but not necessarily liked. Suerte JK


Freedom Fighter
This law has changed nothing down here. If you guys come down here with that attitude you will be in for a shock. I can guarantee you, gueros was not considered at all when this was passed. It was mainly passed because peoples kids were getting jacked,especially those going to school. Tourist will always be considered open season for cops. We see tourist as arrogant money bags. To be tolerated but not necessarily liked. Suerte JK

And you call THEM "Arrogant"??
They are bringing $$ into your Country/Town/Pockets...and you hate them for it??:wallbash:
Is this the same Mexico that bitches when Illegals are not afforded Rights in the US??
I am not being Racist here...I am asking....Why??

Zero Hedge

Well-known member
And you call THEM "Arrogant"??
They are bringing $$ into your Country/Town/Pockets...and you hate them for it??:wallbash:
Is this the same Mexico that bitches when Illegals are not afforded Rights in the US??
I am not being Racist here...I am asking....Why??

I think Jalisco has a good point. Not faulting your reasoning, kmk, just noting that most everywhere you go, no one likes a tourist... and American tourists seem to be especially deplorable. Go to any Spring Break beach town or tourist destination in Mexico and you might notice that there isnt a lot of interest in the local culture. These are mostly places to trash, get fucked up, be stupid,,, and then leave. This new rule isnt to increase tourism, its an attempt to quell the horror of the drug lords.


Active member
I was calculating again...

Let's see 0.015 milligrams for LSD.

That works out to 15,000 mikes, no?

A good tab of pure LSD is what like 300 mikes?

That comes out to allowing ppl to have 500 good hits of LSD, and only FOUR JOINTS?

That's totally unfair to cannabis users. If you go to Mexico you must score about once a day, which means much more risk to you than if they had put the limit at an ounce.

Ah but you can trip your brains out till hell freezes over without any risk (other than a bad trip).

Who the hell came up with these figures?

I'm hoping that Mexico will soon adopt Spain's new attitude towards cannabis. They pretty much allow it, with some exceptions. People in Spain smoke marijuana in cafes, snort coke in restaurants, and nobody seems to care. If Mexico were to be more like that, it would indeed increase cannabis tourism.


Active member
As for who came up with those figures, you're probably right, it's the US DEA who pretty much dictates drug policy to sovereign countries around the world. The DEA is in nearly every country, every city in the world. They are right there whispering into politicians ears what their drug laws should be, or else no secret payoffs to them. It's been this way for decades now, and it's the MAIN REASON why cannabis is still illegal in most of the world.

The DEA is perhaps the most corrupt agency in the world and they corrupt more politicians than any one. Their secret bribes to get what they want must come to an end. Their corruption must be exposed. We need far more transparency when it comes to that agency and it's dirty deeds.

They are also whispering into the ears of American politicians, esp. those in California. They are pressuring local governments to stop passing more liberal marijuana laws. They can threaten to cut off their Drug War money that pays for all the latest goodies for law enforcement. They have a least one politician in their pocket in every local gov't, and of course the LEOs too.

The reason all this is corruption is because it undermines the democratic political process. The voice of the people gets marginalized while the DEA and politicians make backroom deals for more restrictive marijuana laws. I'm watching this play out in my own county where the Feds just made a bust using 4 helicopters, 7 Cadillac Escalades and dozens of DEA agents all for a crop of just over 100 plants run by a collective.... and the search warrants are under seal. It's all so fucking secret! Why? Because people are being corrupted and the rest lied to.
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