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Mexican Drug Lord Officially Thanks American Lawmakers for Keeping Drugs Illegal


Registered Pothead
I am still coming down from a dmt trip. My input on this is that i told you so. History will forever repeat itself over and over again unless our minds are opened.


Active member
This is the second time I have quoted you, I do not want you to think I am stalking you...but you bring up good points, and feel free to counter-counter back at me...I love debate...and hate arguments-- Peace--

I was a heroin/cocaine/speed addict for 18 years-- In all that time, I never did a slam, and thought..."I want to go rob somebody." I never wanted to go do shit!! But because heroin was $20 a bag, and I needed one of those, and some coke...just to wake up-- I stole shit--
I am not proud of this, nor am I embarrassed...it just "Was"--
But if the Gov was to provide...yes, I say, Free of Charge!! Drugs would not be the problem it is today--
Would there still be ppl dying from them?? Yes-- Natural Selection moves on--
I have been off all drugs except weed since '95...but "Recovery Programs" would never have done it for me-- I went through many, and they were bullshit--
Ppl will die from doing drugs-- Anyone who does them to that extent...knows this--
Take away the criminality (and high cost), and you take away the crime--:yeahthats

thanks fo posting.

I have personally never even tried anything "harder" then mushrooms. But over the many, many years I have known a few heroin, cocaine, and crack users. Now the four of five people that I have known over my life that have used these drugs have held their working class, and middle class jobs for thirty plus years and retired with pensions intact. Yes they raised kids, divorced, did all the things people do. Yes, they were and are infact productive members of society, despite their personal shortcomings. Only one of the five had problems with the law and was a major screw up and had many personality problems. I believe many of his problems could have been solved if he had decent employment and perhaps treatment instead of being constantly locked up for petty possesion charges.

None of them harmed anyone else with their indulgences.

Just felt like sharing. Well aware of all the horrible things people do when they are shitfaced high on coke and drunk for example. But plenty of people do plenty of horible shit to themselves and others never having touched a substance.

Not an apologist for substance abuse, but dont think it should criminalized. Treatment seems so much more rational.


Active member
Its crazy where this discussion is going. I tried a hard drug recently with a few friends, first time for us all. It wasn't nearly what I expected and was actually rather nice. I probably wont ever do it again but it was a good learning experience to say the least. I felt guilt for a little but I came to realize i'm perfectly fine and nothing has changed, although I'm embarrassed to tell people I know, even friends. (besides my best 2 friends I did it with.)

Sorry to get off-topic/rant.. I had to tell someone. lol.

Back onto discussion.. Ron Paul could have changed all this.


Patient Grower
That's just it, they don't do them once a month. That's where the stealing comes in. They run out of money. Unlike Bob, where I was crack was a heavy around. Some members of my own family were fully hooked on crack by the time we were all 16. To this day they're still hooked and have become notorious for this. Point being, by the time they get paid they blow it all by the end of the night. Now I dunno how many alcoholics do this, And I know for fact no herb users do this. But hard drugs make people do this. It's a ugly ugly thing. Now I'm not hating on the fact they do it.

It's the fact they infringe on other peoples lives because of it. I do think however that jailing these ppl might not be the best course in it's illegality. I tend to think some sort of treatment for the physical/mental dependency would be far more humane. Dunno, just my 2 cents

Wow, it's a good thing the law prevented all that stuff...


Patient Grower
My dad was a pilot in WW2. He was issued methamphetamine in order to enhance his performance. The US issued a lot of meth in the 40s. Then again Hitler was crazy for the stuff too. One could argue that the entire war was fueled by meth. Have some fun, and google it. "world war 2" methamphetamine.


This is the second time I have quoted you, I do not want you to think I am stalking you...but you bring up good points, and feel free to counter-counter back at me...I love debate...and hate arguments-- Peace--

Haha s'all good bro, I can dig it :D

You could be right, Stuff suprises me all the time... If they did it in a way that would get it in the hands of the user without them having to expend any money. But, at the same time I have to wonder "Free" , And I just cant fathom big business giving anything away cheap. Just look at NORML and MPP trying to get attention by bringing up the tax option. In this capatilistic society while it might make sense as a choice to make it free it's just not likely. And even then, If it were free.. Would the addicts find a stopping point? Like you said some still would die. And I tend to think most would If they don't have that way to stop. That's one of the other big reasons why I don't think it should be legalized Mosttof these cats can't usually help themselves. They get wrapped up in it so hard and if they had a ready supply they'd just slip down to the worst possible outcome(While you say this may be natural selection, I don't really think it's natural.. More of a man made trap(imho).Which brings me back to my idea about treatment. I don't neccesarily mean a treatment center backed by whatever state funding with impersonal holier than thou types.. I mean genuine help, A way to connect to ppl that have actually managed to kick and a supportive environment. Not just a hospital setting and a "QUIT NOW" motto shoved down your throat, I know that doesn't help and can understand why you and most think it's complete BS.


New member
I'm in favor of legalizing all drugs of abuse. People need to learn to be responsible for their actions - period.

Opiates - not tricky at all - a person will only do so much at one time - they're zonked out and some time later, they need another. If the supply is consistent and pure, users would be able to support their bad habits in a safe and predictable manner. Methadone demonstrates this.

Meth - could be done away with tomorrow if the political will was there. Ephedrine/pseudo is only made in a few chemical plants worldwide, for the cold medicine market. ALL meth is diverted from these supplies. I can't envision any cold so bad that society would tolerate the carnage that meth can cause - bad stuff for sure. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/meth/

Coke - this is the tricky one. Relatively harmless stuff unless a person has an undiagnosed cardiac condition and doesn't use too much at a time. The problem lies in what happens after the first line. Any experienced user knows that "once you start, you can't stop" until its gone. If it was available like alcohol or cigarettes, people would be dropping like flies due to acute cocaine overdose as a result of week-long benders. The prohibition prices keeps this in check a bit. Any thoughts?



where are yall getting this information that meth itself is dangerous? Its perfectly safe.... if it wasnt i highly doubt the FDA would approve it for treatment of ADHD. It goes by the pharmacutical name "desoxyn"

I know a kid in college near me that is on the stuff and is completely tweeked outa his mind.

Seriously Orual.... u think getting rid of the ephedrine would get rid of the meth problems.... i am not 100% of the ingrediant, but i am fairly certain red phosphurus will replace epephdrine from the meth recipes.

Like i said before.... its not these drugs themselves that are dangerous. These drugs are perfectly safe when they are 100% pure. Its because they are illegal that they are dangerous.... they get made with a ton of impurities, and no quality control, and also people have to do everything imaginable to obtain them.
The War on Drugs is not a war on drug USE. When the President declared a war on drugs, he declared a war on drug ABUSE. Everyone knows you can get away with doing a little bit of this or a little bit of that a few times here or there unless you have really bad luck and something terrible happens your first time this or that you tried. The problem is when people begin to completely disregard human life. You can die from marijuana, just not from smoking it... the cops and robbers. The police belive they are actually doing YOU a service by tearing down YOUR operation. If the police know what you're up to, then most likely someone else that you DONT know KNOWS what you're up to and you are at risk of having someone trying to rob you at gun/knife point. Everything was gravy for Scarface until he got rich.


"Kids in the street, when they play games, they all want to be El Chapo, the baddest man in the whole damn town."
Oh man that was classic. I can see them making a movie about this. Great thread.

Hmmm... It's so damn good I may have to use it as my new sig. Lol.


natural medicator
The War on Drugs is not a war on drug USE. When the President declared a war on drugs, he declared a war on drug ABUSE. Everyone knows you can get away with doing a little bit of this or a little bit of that a few times here or there unless you have really bad luck and something terrible happens your first time this or that you tried. The problem is when people begin to completely disregard human life. You can die from marijuana, just not from smoking it... the cops and robbers. The police belive they are actually doing YOU a service by tearing down YOUR operation. If the police know what you're up to, then most likely someone else that you DONT know KNOWS what you're up to and you are at risk of having someone trying to rob you at gun/knife point. Everything was gravy for Scarface until he got rich.

Then how come we have people in jails and prisons all over the US of A just because they were caught with an ounce or a few grams, growing a few personal plants in their basements or just smoking a J?

The war on drugs is a war on the people.
The people are in jail because defining abuse is where things get complicated. One person says abuse is use. Another says abuse is only when you begin to neglect other facts of life. Furthermore people enforce the letter of the law. People war on people. This is a fact of life. Every person has their own motivation to do what they do. One cop might let you off with a warning, another cop could be a total dueche and plant some vials of crack in your pocket and get you an easy 5-10 years. People lack so much information that when they think they are doing society a justice, they in fact can be doing the most injustice of all. You might see your little basement operation as nothing, and really it is. But officers raiding your spot this week could have busted a guy last week who used his small basement operation to plant 10s of thousands of plants outdoors in the forest. These cops need you iin front of the judge for comparison. Unfortunately you both broke the law, one more than the other... and so you will be punished accordingly.


Patient Grower
If you think the population of addicts would increase were heroin legal should google "rat park"+heroin and read the study done on rats given unfettered access to all the heroin they wanted. Hint: it doesn't support the conclusion above, actually kind of shows it's total bullshit.

Alcoholics can support their habits with a "will work for money or food god bless" cardboard sign. A pack of cigarettes, a bottle of MD 20/20, a can of spaghettios and place under the overpass. Yes a pathetic life but in the long run

I was quite the crack head in the 80s, though we called it 'freebase' back then. Next month I mark 20 years since I hit that shit. My life was totally fucked up but the last thing I needed was the law coming in and making it worse. I got lucky and avoided that, I suppose it's because I dealt to support my habit rather than victimizing people. But after a few years I quit because I wanted my life back. BTW, I couldn't have done it without cannabis.

There's a relatively new alternative drug treatment program in CA that basically follows the diagram of the 12 step programs, but doesn't use force in its methods. IE no court orders, if you 'piss dirty' (if they even do testing) they don't throw you out. Always loved that attitude. You're sick. You have a disease. If you exhibit symptoms of this disease (use) we are going to throw you out of treatment. Funny thing is the place that doesn't use force has a significantly higher success ratio than those that use force. Reality is addicts won't quit until they're ready to do so, and will likely do so anyway when they're ready with a little help. You may be able to force someone to do something, but you can't force them to want it. People that are on the outside just don't have the comprehension that they are real people and can see what's going on in their lives.

I'd really like to see anyone that thinks using force reevaluate that. Above I see justification for using force out of many here who would be subject to the same bullshit if they get into the wrong position. The argument that 'crack heads can't control themselves' is true but irrelevant. Reality is that not everyone that tries crack, or even uses it regularly gets to where I was. The propaganda of 'instant addiction' is only true for people like me. Were I a rat in rat park I'd be one of the few suckling at the heroin teat.

The major points that makes these laws wrong is that everyone who tries a substance is not going to do other criminal acts. Lots of rich Hollywood stars have gotten into the crack and other stuff and they have plenty of money to support their habits. If you say it's ok to put someone in jail for possession because they 'might' commit another crime it's wrong. It's wrong because you have to be willing to punish people for acts they've never committed, and never will commit.

One thing that disgusts me is people that try to present drug addiction as mitigation for criminal acts. "Oh, I was stealing because I wanted to get high, I need help". I don't care why someone victimizes someone else they need to be tossed in jail. I'd be willing to consider enhanced sentences for assholes who whine about not being able to control themselves. Seems to me these people would be more likely to be recidivists since they can't control themselves.


Active member
Wow!!!! This needs to be HEADLINE news all over the USA, I mean if that doesn't prove how stupid this war on drugs is I don't know what does... awesome post!!

the newspapers are advancing the war on drugs this wont help there side one bit.
but yea they should.


other than the fact that the article is satire (fake), i think we've had a pretty good discussion here. so i shall throw in my .02 then hit the sack for the night. the drug war should end. completely. We could spend 10% of what the drug war budget currently is on providing low-cost/free drugs to addicts while giving them treatment options, work programs, support groups etc if they ever need those services. we eliminate the other 90% from the budget entirely. savings for the taxpayer. Cannabis and hallucinogens should be an entirely different market altogether. Fully legal and sold at stores/specialty shops, rather than the govt funded centers that provide the meth, coke, heroin, crack, etc. Ketamine, while technically a dissociative/hallucinogen, would be provided at the govt funded center since it already is technically legal under prescribed conditions. That's what I think should happen. Big business doesn't need to be profiting off of others' misery (euphoria?), the govt can produce the drugs and regulate the purities. Any money actually made from selling the drugs can go right into funding these centers. The government rarely spends money and figures out a way to make it make, and that's a big issue that centers like these could solve. It's like a business but since it's the govt they don't really make a profit so to speak, the money made will always end up saving us the taxpayers a few bucks. That's what I think should happen. Will it ever? Who knows..


Wow!!!! This needs to be HEADLINE news all over the USA, I mean if that doesn't prove how stupid this war on drugs is I don't know what does... awesome post!!

It's not in the headlines because it make perfect common sense and nbc and the rest the mainsteam media doesn't think it's a news worthy story. Why talk about a rich guy on the forbes list who made his money from being part of the mexican drug cartels when you have CIA torture and swine flu to talk about over and over and now supreme court talk mixed in with the endless bush bashing even though he is gone. Why report on real news.
whats funny is this is all old news to me and people who live in states that border mexico. If you had any mexican friends they would have told you this stuff back in February and it was most likely old news then. I know the 2009 list of course only came out in January. So your not too late with the news. my quote is no joke and all the cnn and anderson cooper's border reporting was a joke, all old news.They failed to talk about the real news: corruption of U.S. mexican citizens that help the cartels, the corruption of police, U.S. customs, and U.S.border patrol agents of California, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico that help the cartels. You have no idea how deeply rooted they are, flat out no idea.... It will make you think and follow real closely the up coming debate on immigration reform this fall and how it is all tied together.

Why does the news report that we the people of the United States of America have a major appetite for drugs but doesn't say the same for mexico concerning guns? Guns are legal in the U.S.A. and drugs are not in any country. Yes the U.S.A has a drug problem just as much as mexico has a gun problem. When the citizens of mexico start obeying the laws of mexico and they stop trying to buy guns illegally from U.S. citizens is when the gun violence will slow down, it will never stop just like the drug problem will never stop. Yes it is illegal for a U.S. citizen to sell his gun illegally but if the mexican didn't want them then the U.S. citizen cannot sell it. Just like when the U.S. citizen stops consuming drugs then the cartel will have no one to sell drugs to. I'm just waiting for obama and hillary clinton to have face to face talks with the cartels. they say we need to talk with our enemies like iran and north korea ( the ones that don't like U.S.A. and western ways of life or culture).