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Mexican Drug Lord Officially Thanks American Lawmakers for Keeping Drugs Illegal

Mexican Drug Lord Officially Thanks American Lawmakers for Keeping Drugs Illegal
Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera reported head of the Sinaloa cartel in Mexico, ranked 701st on Forbes' yearly report of the wealthiest men alive, and worth an estimated $1 billion, today officially thanked United States politicians for making sure that drugs remain illegal. According to one of his closest confidants, he said, "I couldn't have gotten so stinking rich without George Bush, George Bush Jr., Ronald Reagan, even El Presidente Obama, none of them have the cajones to stand up to all the big money that wants to keep this stuff illegal. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say, Gracias amigos, I owe my whole empire to you."

According to sources in the Mexican government, President Calderon is begging American officials to, in the words of reggae great Peter Tosh, legalize it. "Oh yeah," said an official close to the Mexican president, "Felipe is going crazy. He's screaming at everybody who comes in, 'Why don't they make this sh*t legal already! You're killing me here!' Look, everyone knows, when you have Prohibition, you create gangsters. And the more you prohibit, the more gangsters you make. El Chapo is hero now to all those slumdogs who want to be millionaires. Kids in the street, when they play games, they all want to be El Chapo, the baddest man in the whole damn town."

Meanwhile, many speculate that rich and prominent Mexican families are in cahoots with American businessmen in the alcohol industry, wealthy industrialists who launder the unprecedented profits from the drug business with their legitimate enterprises, and lawmakers who get gigantic kickbacks and payoffs to make sure that these drugs remain illegal, so they can remain rich, fat and happy. According to sources on both sides of the border, tens of millions of dollars in payoffs and kickbacks are stashed in Swiss banks every year, blood money from the brutal business made possible by a corrupt system supported by laws that don't, and have never, worked.

Rather than putting El Chapo and his kind out of business by modernizing outdated laws and in the process making billions of dollars from taxing drugs (as is done with cigarettes and alcohol), United States government has spent hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars chasing its tail, and offered a $5 million reward for the capture of El Chapo. Many have said that the offer is unofficially: Dead or Alive.

Meanwhile, as an epidemic of murderous violence rages on the Mexican-US border, and the American government wastes boatloads of badly needed money on the illegal drug business which results from the Prohibition laws, El Chapo is laughing all the way to the bank. "Whoever came up with this whole War on Drugs," one of his lieutenants reports he said, "I would like to kiss him on the lips and shake his hand and buy him dinner with caviar and champagne. The War on Drugs is the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and the day they decide to end that war, will be a sad one for me and all of my closest friends. And if you don't believe me, ask those guys whose heads showed up in the ice chests."

I don't know if this has been shared, but here it is. Interesting read

One Love

I just hope that US citizens supporting the legalization of drugs are not compared to El Chapo by the establishment. I guess it doesn't matter how they look at us, just who's getting rich and who's in control. The world is such a twisted place.

Ain't life grand


Active member
I am in texas and yes, lately dealers of even the shittiest weed have a different air about them. Much more aware of competition, much more willing to "haggle", and they are EVERYWHERE. Something definitely changed in the last couple of years.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Wow!!!! This needs to be HEADLINE news all over the USA, I mean if that doesn't prove how stupid this war on drugs is I don't know what does... awesome post!!


The world is such a twisted place.

Sometimes man... sometimes :mad:

But, I'ma firm believer in that people will one day wisen up. So maybe his gloating will get through to ppl. Since the years of propaghanda and lies haven't.


Wow!!!! This needs to be HEADLINE news all over the USA, I mean if that doesn't prove how stupid this war on drugs is I don't know what does... awesome post!!

I agree completely.


do you guys HONESTLY think that "drugs" will ever be legalized...even weed..
please. the answer is simply no.
if your going to sell a product to someone might as well keep the price high. sure you can tax the hell out of it but......
i dont think they would compare. plus think of all the people who depend on that as part of there job income. im not talking about the actual "drug dealers". prison guards, police, corrupt politicians+law enforcement, people who work in the legal sector...the list goes on.


do you guys HONESTLY think that "drugs" will ever be legalized...even weed..
please. the answer is simply no.
if your going to sell a product to someone might as well keep the price high. sure you can tax the hell out of it but......
i dont think they would compare. plus think of all the people who depend on that as part of there job income. im not talking about the actual "drug dealers". prison guards, police, corrupt politicians+law enforcement, people who work in the legal sector...the list goes on.

I'm not a supporter of hard drugs being legalized. But, then I don't really consider marijuana much of a drug in the first place. Certainly not on a par with herion as it's classified. I digress... I do think eventually it will be legalized. It's closer now than it's ever been and at the rate it's going atleast decriminilization could be a very real possibility very soon. So please, your anwser is simply no. Mine is a resounding yes and a growing number of society is echoing back.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I dunno, I say fuck it and let it all be legal cuz alcohol is just as bad as any hardcore narcotic, and then just have drug rehab clinics all over and then they would still make their money and crime would be down majorly IMO cuz most of comes from shit being illegal and unmonitored but thats just me ...

I'm bitter cuz I got hooked on prescriptions like vicodin which turned into oxycontin and then heroin cuz it was cheaper and felt THE SAME!!! Now I am a state sponsored junkie in liquid handcuffs on methadone maitnence and this shit is harder to kick then the heroin!!! For these reasons I believe it will stay illegal though and it's very sad, on a good note though cannabis helps MAJORLY is reducing my dose of methadone and I feel I will be able to be free of the crap by Oct and cannabis will be in place of the opiates which is a much better option....

Also for those who care I was told the war in Iraq was over heroin back in 01 and laughed but I then read something about Taliban had stopped most of the export of opium and heroin to here down to 3% but once we took over that place my city became flooded with heroin over night it seemed like and all my friends became junkies even the ones you never thought would do drugs so shit like that turns my stomach...... done ranting


personally, i'm not in favor of all drugs being legal...but certainly pot should.
when fuking idiots say..."where does it stop if you legalize pot?"

i say this....it stops at pot. why? because you can't fukin die from it, thats why!
if you can't overdose on it...then it should be legal...plain and simple...whats so fukin
hard about understanding that?

end of rant................for now.


personally, i'm not in favor of all drugs being legal...but certainly pot should.
when fuking idiots say..."where does it stop if you legalize pot?"

i say this....it stops at pot. why? because you can't fukin die from it, thats why!
if you can't overdose on it...then it should be legal...plain and simple...whats so fukin
hard about understanding that?

end of rant................for now.

Your argument is sound, except for alcohol which you can most certainly die from. We tried to prohibit it once and that was obviously a mistake.

IMO Cannabis should be 100% legal while alcohol, nicotine, and other dangerous drugs should be decriminalized and publically discouraged. I'm still up in the air about how we should classify mild to mid-grade hallucinogens.


some very interesting notes on the "harder" drugs. IMO harder drugs which lets say would be any form of heroin/cocaine/meth seem to eventually turn a person into a useless member of society. legalizing this IMO would be foolish. i mean when i was 14 getting anything that you had to be 18 was a big thing and i never really thought about it long term. i mean crack addicts and homeless people LOOK like crack addicts and homeless people. surely i would never do such a thing? i dont look like them. i have a job. a roof over my head. i dont steal things and rob people.
if i was 14 and 7-11 sold crack cocaine i would have tried it for sure at that age. whats the worst that can happen?lol the illusion of middle class suburbia, going to school. clean clothes. parents that are functioning members of society. the consequences dont even come to mind at that age. its a safe bet though that they will never even think about legalizing these drugs. i mean think about it 14 year olds dont have alot of cash to feed the monkey on there backs compared to someone older with a full time job. let the legal shit like nicotine and alcohol get em started. im being sarcastic by the way.

"softer drugs" lets say pot/hallucinogens for the majority, people remain functioning members of society, that have there own lives and can function "normally". thats not to say that smoking pot 24/7 at work/school is a productive way to live your life. ive done it myself and i find now that im older doing it less is better. but hey thats me.

alcohol is IMO in between. it is a killer. personally i dont drink, never been a fan of beer. only alcohol i like is called a green dragon (moonshine or everclear 95% with grass soaked in it) PM for recipe. a mickey of that lasts me a year. alot of people go out and have a few drinks. alot of people drink everyday. there are many many families that have been destroyed by alcohol.

IMO the safest drugs would be the hallucinogens. mainly mushrooms as anyone can grow these themselves. but then again if they were legal..more people would probably do them which means that more people might actually "think"...and maybe im crazy but the powers that be see that as a negative thing.
whenever im coming off a trip ive never wanted to eat more. ive seen enough weird shit for the past 5 hours.

-Bob J.


Legalize all drugs. Hard drugs are not dangerous by themselves.... its acquiring the drugs thats dangerous, or half ass made drugs as the case with Meth. If we legalized everything all these problems would go away. No more stealing/robbing/etc to get drugs.

Heroin, Crack, Meth..... not bad at all for the body if u only did them say once a month... probably go on living your life perfectly fine. Its the acquiring these drugs, and their innconsistant quality that make them soo dangerous.


Legalize all drugs. Hard drugs are not dangerous by themselves.... its acquiring the drugs thats dangerous, or half ass made drugs as the case with Meth. If we legalized everything all these problems would go away. No more stealing/robbing/etc to get drugs.

Heroin, Crack, Meth..... not bad at all for the body if u only did them say once a month... probably go on living your life perfectly fine. Its the acquiring these drugs, and their innconsistant quality that make them soo dangerous.

That's just it, they don't do them once a month. That's where the stealing comes in. They run out of money. Unlike Bob, where I was crack was a heavy around. Some members of my own family were fully hooked on crack by the time we were all 16. To this day they're still hooked and have become notorious for this. Point being, by the time they get paid they blow it all by the end of the night. Now I dunno how many alcoholics do this, And I know for fact no herb users do this. But hard drugs make people do this. It's a ugly ugly thing. Now I'm not hating on the fact they do it. It's their life they can if they want. It's the fact they infringe on other peoples lives because of it. I do think however that jailing these ppl might not be the best course in it's illegality. I tend to think some sort of treatment for the physical/mental dependency would be far more humane. Dunno, just my 2 cents


Legalize all drugs. Hard drugs are not dangerous by themselves.... its acquiring the drugs thats dangerous, or half ass made drugs as the case with Meth. If we legalized everything all these problems would go away. No more stealing/robbing/etc to get drugs.

Heroin, Crack, Meth..... not bad at all for the body if u only did them say once a month... probably go on living your life perfectly fine. Its the acquiring these drugs, and their innconsistant quality that make them soo dangerous.

Hell, were it not for the impurities, heroin has NO toxic effect on the body whatsoever. The opiate CNS depression is perfectly benign as long as it's not overdone to the point of STOPPED breathing. It's the lifestyle issues and horrible cuts that do the damage associated with heroin.

Meth and Crack on the other hand do direct CNS damage and strain the circulatory system.

Grass will lead the way, but ultimately a free country must and will legalize all drugs. Penalties for supplying a minor of course will be tantamount to violent crimes with firearms (which are actually prosecuted heavily, unlike today).


Freedom Fighter
That's just it, they don't do them once a month. That's where the stealing comes in. They run out of money. Unlike Bob, where I was crack was a heavy around. Some members of my own family were fully hooked on crack by the time we were all 16. To this day they're still hooked and have become notorious for this. Point being, by the time they get paid they blow it all by the end of the night. Now I dunno how many alcoholics do this, And I know for fact no herb users do this. But hard drugs make people do this. It's a ugly ugly thing. Now I'm not hating on the fact they do it. It's their life they can if they want. It's the fact they infringe on other peoples lives because of it. I do think however that jailing these ppl might not be the best course in it's illegality. I tend to think some sort of treatment for the physical/mental dependency would be far more humane. Dunno, just my 2 cents

That is the point of taking the criminality out of it-- It is the high cost of these drugs that is the problem-- They are all very cheap to make-- The Gov could produce enough to sustain all the addicts in the US...for less than what they spend to study the sex life of some fucking mosquito!!
Granted, drugs like speed, and PCP will always be a problem...but not near the one it is now--
Legalize and regulate is much smarter than fighting our own ppl--


Legalize all drugs. Hard drugs are not dangerous by themselves.... its acquiring the drugs thats dangerous, or half ass made drugs as the case with Meth. If we legalized everything all these problems would go away. No more stealing/robbing/etc to get drugs.

Heroin, Crack, Meth..... not bad at all for the body if u only did them say once a month... probably go on living your life perfectly fine. Its the acquiring these drugs, and their innconsistant quality that make them soo dangerous.

from my understanding sudafed and the like have changed there pill formulas to something different than pseudo-ephedrine. all that means is that groups who have access to better precursors manufacture it. mexico, asia. the days of the stereotype trailer park meth lab are gone. forget the matchbook strikers and iodine tinctures.
thats not to say its not made right here in north america or wherever but those people dont use coffee filters and a couple dozen sinus pills. they use bedsheets, and 55 gallon drums of precursors that billy bob in his trailer cannot get at the drugstore. they pump out kilo's per batch. for the most part someone showed them what to do. sure its not "pure" but IMO its probably safer for people to do that shit, rather than have some idiot using store bought drano or low grade chemicals that stays inside the product afterwards.

in the case of crack cocaine, i dont think you can ever have enough eventually. hell even if its really cheap people tend not to function and well. no income eventually. which goes back to "where do i get more money"? i dont think crack dealers rip you off/rob you. doesnt make sense from a business standpoint :noway:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The illeagalization of drugs is now about fear, money, lies, and control. The drug war started out with good intentions, but was not well thought out. It grew into a monster, because the dumb ass republicans didnt have the mental capacity to forsee it. Even though they were urged over the years by many credible people to end it.

However pot prohibition started out a vicious racist beast, with a mouth of shit. The fact that it remains illeagal for so many years is a testiment to how easy it is to brainwash the masses.


I'm not advocating fighting the people's intention, I'm just saying that treatment would be a better option. I've never known a crackhead to be able to control themselves. I'm not for legalizing a substance like that. In saying that though I'm not for keeping it illegal in the way that it is now with the penalties to the user. Decrim. and treat would be far more of a viable option. For those that can control their "addiction" it wouldn't be any issue.


Freedom Fighter
I'm not advocating fighting the people's intention, I'm just saying that treatment would be a better option. I've never known a crackhead to be able to control themselves. I'm not for legalizing a substance like that. In saying that though I'm not for keeping it illegal in the way that it is now with the penalties to the user. Decrim. and treat would be far more of a viable option. For those that can control their "addiction" it wouldn't be any issue.

This is the second time I have quoted you, I do not want you to think I am stalking you...but you bring up good points, and feel free to counter-counter back at me...I love debate...and hate arguments-- Peace--

I was a heroin/cocaine/speed addict for 18 years-- In all that time, I never did a slam, and thought..."I want to go rob somebody." I never wanted to go do shit!! But because heroin was $20 a bag, and I needed one of those, and some coke...just to wake up-- I stole shit--
I am not proud of this, nor am I embarrassed...it just "Was"--
But if the Gov was to provide...yes, I say, Free of Charge!! Drugs would not be the problem it is today--
Would there still be ppl dying from them?? Yes-- Natural Selection moves on--
I have been off all drugs except weed since '95...but "Recovery Programs" would never have done it for me-- I went through many, and they were bullshit--
Ppl will die from doing drugs-- Anyone who does them to that extent...knows this--
Take away the criminality (and high cost), and you take away the crime--:yeahthats

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