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Merkel says German multi-cultural society has failed

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Did think quite a bit whether to further participate or not, well I will.

Were they invited to change the country? Wasn't it assumed they weren't welcomed permanently?

Why should the Germans pay for them to learn the language? I'd rather they had to know it before they came.

Form their own classes...why is it someone else always has to PROVIDE?

They were invited to come here and do work nobody else wanted to, they were invited to work for money nobody here wanted to work for. If I want somebody to pay taxes it is on me to provide for them, they will pay back.

Why should I care what language somebody speaks? If somebody from anywhere in the EU decides to live in Germany they can and they may, without any problems. Why should I let a French, Italian, Spanish, British or what ever person live here without asking them to learn the language but somebody from Turkey must be able to?

ibjamming : To me, the bottom line is...if you move to MY country...you're going to play by OUR rules...not the ones back home.

When talking about YOUR country, which years borders do you mean? Since this threadis about Germany I'll ask you do you mean todays borders? The ones before 1989? 1939? When Germany was part of the roman empire, before Christ when Germany was run by the Celts?
Which religion has a immigrant to adept to? Christian? Celtics?
Who may claim a country to be his? How many generations must have lived in that country?

Don't get me wrong I don't think a opinion can be right or wrong, I just don't agree with you. I did write this to show you what I base my opinion on.



Active member
I'll entertain your statements when you back them up with both figures for 'body count' vs. charitable contributions by both.

there is no secure data on that cause they wasnt a body count if you want to go all the way back when it started.. graphs show that the times religion ruled in various parts of the world the evolution of the society slowed down drasticly or stopped, just like in hardcore muslim countries they live 200years behind us, and yes religion has helped alot of people but its not worth the troubble and conflicts it brings.

the only thing that sets us appart is religion, and I can assure you if you ask anyone who knows history well, christianity has killed way more people.. but that's not the point. my point is that the Qu'ran is not a religion more like a way of running society, it states whats wrong and whats right and how they should live, thats why people are afraid of "muslims taking over" not by force but by being the dominating religion. How is a muslim woman from saudi suposed to work in my country when she cant even have eye contact with a man or show her face?

Its so funny how nice some countries are and just bend over, like mine, that woman stays at home cause she has the right to do so because of her religion, and we pay her wellfare, I remember when i was at the Dubai airport i was brought to a detention room for hearings that lasted several hours, because i had brought a poker set game, appaerently gamling isnt allowed by the Qu'ran. Had to pay a fine aswell. Their religion is my religion on their ground :)hehe, loved everything else in dubai tho, besides from all the men who were asking my girlfriend if she was for sale, they thought she was a hooker cause she was walking around inshorts and tshirt , it was over 40c outside goddammit haha


Every time I pay a tax on anything a little of that money goes toward killing Muslims.

even when you eat at Mcdonals, they sponsor the army



I'll entertain your statements when you back them up with both figures for 'body count' vs. charitable contributions by both.

Charitable contributions???

Yeah, you are right, charitable contributions makes up for the centuries of witch burnings and inquisitions, brainwashing and exploitation.

Just ask God for forgiveness after you rape plunder and generally destroy everything that does not fall under your umbrella of exploitation... right?

Then you are free from sin and can continue on your destructive rampage. Sorry God for jamming my adult sized cock into this infant. Say 5 hail marys and you are cool..


Charitable contributions???
Yeah, you are right, charitable contributions makes up for the centuries of witch burnings and inquisitions, brainwashing and exploitation.Just ask God for forgiveness after you rape plunder and generally destroy everything that does not fall under your umbrella of exploitation... right?
Then you are free from sin and can continue on your destructive rampage. Sorry God for jamming my adult sized cock into this infant. Say 5 hail marys and you are cool..

I didn't suspect anyone could come up with valid data and would resort to condemning the majority for the actions of a few.

The very same argument they supposedly defend in Germany.

Thanks for proving my point :yes:

I heard the pope likes children.. :laughing:

Maybe neither of you have any interest in seeing how it really is outside your own systemic views.

Afghanistan's dirty little secret

August 29, 2010|By Joel Brinklely

Western forces fighting in southern Afghanistan had a problem. Too often, soldiers on patrol passed an older man walking hand-in-hand with a pretty young boy. Their behavior suggested he was not the boy's father. Then, British soldiers found that young Afghan men were actually trying to "touch and fondle them," military investigator AnnaMaria Cardinalli told me. "The soldiers didn't understand."

All of this was so disconcerting that the Defense Department hired Cardinalli, a social scientist, to examine this mystery. Her report, "Pashtun Sexuality," startled not even one Afghan. But Western forces were shocked - and repulsed.

For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers. Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means "boy player." The men like to boast about it.

"Having a boy has become a custom for us," Enayatullah, a 42-year-old in Baghlan province, told a Reuters reporter. "Whoever wants to show off should have a boy."

Baghlan province is in the northeast, but Afghans say pedophilia is most prevalent among Pashtun men in the south. The Pashtun are Afghanistan's most important tribe. For centuries, the nation's leaders have been Pashtun.

Not a Catholic among them :dunno:


Not a Catholic among them :dunno:

Wow, way to put the effort into searching for articles about molesting little boys.

Either way, catholics, muslims, jews, they all have their priorities twisted up, they all molest little boys, they all kill innocent people, they've all committed genocide, they've all stolen the native peoples land, and now they all act like they are the greatest. Fuck religion.


I didn't suspect anyone could come up with valid data and would resort to condemning the majority for the actions of a few.

The very same argument they supposedly defend in Germany.

Thanks for proving my point :yes:

Maybe neither of you have any interest in seeing how it really is outside your own systemic views.

Not a Catholic among them :dunno:

OHH GREAT!!! Think that homosexuality among Afghans somehow excuses the atrocities committed by the Catholic Church?

WELL ISNT THAT TYPICAL OF CHURCH DEFENDERS??? Pointing to all the other sinners in the world while thinking you are somehow yourself a model for good moral.

2nd President of the United States John Adams wrote,

"I have long been decided in opinion that a free government and the Roman Catholick religion can never exist together in any nation or Country." "Liberty and Popery cannot live together"

The US administration in the 1980's under Ronald Raegan officially restored diplomatic relations with the Vatican for the first time since the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.

Photos of Western leaders since Raegan to embrace the ''Holy See''


IF you would like to know when your country started going to shit, this is it!!!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Interesting topic. I'll make a more detailed post in a little while.

My brief two cents is. Throughout our history humans have and will always be "tribal" creatures. This is especially true when life becomes difficult. This always exploited by politicians to pit one group vs the other.

Will we ever have a "one world without borders?" Not IMO. That's a pipe dream. Humans are too culturally diverse across borders and nations of people will always seek national self-determination to protect themselves from perceived outside rule.

What political entity would rule the world in a favorable manor anyway? We can't trust politicians to rule fairly over local municipalities yet we are going to trust one small group to govern a border less world? That's asking for a ruthless dictatorship. It sounds nice to say, "we are all human. Can't we just get along?" But's that the whole problem. WE ARE HUMAN.

More later.

Baba Ku

Active member
IF you would like to know when your country started going to shit, this is it!!!
This would be a statement made by someone who has no clues.
It sounded real cute though, didn't it? Almost as if you could really point to relations with the Vatican as doing some sort of harm.
But of course we all know you simply threw that up there as a part of your attack of christian/judeo values, and really can't tell us just what it is that is so harmful to our society if those values are followed.

The true time when the US started going to shit was during the turn of the 20th century, when the secular progressive movement started doing it's work to dumb down our society and erase it's christian/judeo identity. This thread is clear evidence that they are still at work and being quite successful.


Active member
I wonder.....were you 'playing by the rules'.....in YOUR country before you became prop 215/SB Compliant?

No...but I don't FLAUNT it either. Don't Muslims "flaunt" their differences? Push it in your face?

I believe it's a big difference. At home, in private...when/where I smoke...I and they can do whatever we want. That's my point...in public, you do like everyone else...it's how we all get along...we follow a set of agreed upon rules in public.

Muslims want us to change our rules for their religion. I say no. If you want these thing you MUST go to an Islamic country. We don't do that here.

Get it?

Good guess^^

Wow...it's worst than i thought...you play the same game as any extremist by saying this...following you reasoning i could say all the white are rich,racist,killer of colored people and theft of their ressources?Should I?
I think you are confused between social problem and racial problem...
I thought that as a smoker/grower you should understand what is it to be a part of a minority...

Maybe I am...I don't see the difference.

To be a minority...you do what "they" want/do in public and then in private you do whatever you want. Like I said above. Society is the framework we live in...there MUST be rules and everyone has to follow them...or it breaks down.

This is infact very true and goes for the majority of certain people from certain countries

It goes for MOST immigrants these days.

You sir have a very limited understanding of what makes a terrorist.

Wow. I say if you can;t accept America as a melting pot then leave. Move to Germany. America doesn't need any more small minded folks.

You like food? You enjoy your supermarket fresh beef and summer fruit all year round??

Those hispanics provide that for you. And until yo understand that huge companies employ these people, you are blowing smoke. You are falling victim to the Multi-Nationals propaganda. Immigrants bad; make immigration laws stricter so these abused workers can never have rights, and we can keep paying them a nickel everyday.
Can you step back and see the bigger picture? Your focused on supply when it is a demand issue.
The people you don't want here are illegal. You think mandating the English language will scare them off. You think that will create a social situation in their home countries where they can provide a living wage to their families and don;t have a need to come here. You're ignorant brosef.

OMG. Catholic Kiddy-fuckers, the crusades, slavery, IMF, World Bank, Central Banking. Christians are the original extremists. The don't blow up people they control whole nations through banking and trade policies. Again, with the ignorance.

We SHOULDN'T need them...that's what YOU don't understand. We have 10% unemployment...why? We have high school kids who can't get a job...why? Immigrants have them. We have 40 million people on welfare...why? THEY should be working those jobs.

We don't NEED them...we put up with our own people being too damn picky! That's the real problem.

I think a PATH to full citizenship along with a complete integration within the community, and most important the government would solve most of Americas and German's immigrant woes. Second class citizens turn into enemy's of the state over time. While culture is important patriotism for your nation is greater. There is nothing patriotic in having someone born and raised in a country and still considered a second class citizen.

Immigration is nothing but a wedge issue the Republicans roll out during election time to make sure people like IBJAMMING get out and vote. However, they never pass any meaningful legislation or make the states at-heed to the laws already in the books while in power.


What PATH to citizenship...for the 40 million illegals? Besides they don't WANT to be "citizens"...if they REALLY wanted "the American dream"...they wouldn't be living in ghettos and illiterate. In an ideal world with ideal immigrants, I'd agree. But it HAS been tried...and it HAS failed. Finally, a leader is admitting what any thinking person has known for 40 years.

I've always voted...and I always vote independent. I bet you can't state the same...I bet you're a straight line democrat...am I right? Well news to you...THEY are crooks too...and THEY have allowed the horrors you speak of. Actually, I don't want ANY laws...I want to go mano e mano and let the better man win. We can't do that though...we have "girls playing"...so we need...rules...

Who is the leading in the body count Catholics or Muslims?


Don't forget...Muslims started 1000 years later! AND, they killed more taking the lands of the middle east, Israel, northern Africa, Spain, Sicily, and much more... Muslims killed more people before the crusades than after. I wish some of you would learn the TRUTH behind the crusades. It was NOT Christian agression...they had been forced into a corner...they had lost 90% of "their" lands. The crusades were DEFENSE...get that through your head.

Every time I pay a tax on anything a little of that money goes toward killing Muslims.

And every gallon of gas you buy helps kill non Muslims...so?

Interesting topic. I'll make a more detailed post in a little while.

My brief two cents is. Throughout our history humans have and will always be "tribal" creatures. This is especially true when life becomes difficult. This always exploited by politicians to pit one group vs the other.

Will we ever have a "one world without borders?" Not IMO. That's a pipe dream. Humans are too culturally diverse across borders and nations of people will always seek national self-determination to protect themselves from perceived outside rule.

What political entity would rule the world in a favorable manor anyway? We can't trust politicians to rule fairly over local municipalities yet we are going to trust one small group to govern a border less world? That's asking for a ruthless dictatorship. It sounds nice to say, "we are all human. Can't we just get along?" But's that the whole problem. WE ARE HUMAN.

More later.

This is true...but the tribalism is STRONGER than anything else. That's why the middle east is such a mess. When "they" divided up the region into countries...nobody asked the people living there where the boundaries should be. Not that that SHOULD have had a say...they lost.

BLOOD is stronger than any law. Remember that.

I usually like your posts...Im anxious to read it.

I just thought of something ironic...even back in the 60's...the beginning of "welfare"...some people had it figured out. Are you familiar with the play "West Side Story"? There is a song...and the words go: "I want to live in Amer-i-ca...everything's FREE in Amer-i-ca". We were warned...quite chilling how a playwright saw how obvious our future would be..."Everything's free in America"...yup, pretty much...as long as you "qualify".
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No...but I don't FLAUNT it either. Don't Muslims "flaunt" their differences? Push it in your face?

I believe it's a big difference. At home, in private...when/where I smoke...I and they can do whatever we want. That's my point...in public, you do like everyone else...it's how we all get along...we follow a set of agreed upon rules in public.

Muslims want us to change our rules for their religion. I say no. If you want these thing you MUST go to an Islamic country. We don't do that here.

Get it?

fyi, i get more Christians knocking on my door flaunting their shit than Muslims.


This would be a statement made by someone who has no clues.
It sounded real cute though, didn't it? Almost as if you could really point to relations with the Vatican as doing some sort of harm.

Oh really.. how about the awakening of a massive conservative Christian movement that proved to be key in electing a series of war waging presidents?

But of course we all know you simply threw that up there as a part of your attack of christian/judeo values, and really can't tell us just what it is that is so harmful to our society if those values are followed.

You history less fool, Europe was Christianed by blood and pain, anyone who didnt yield was killed. Thats your judeo christian values, fear mongering and violence. Whats so bad about it you ask, well for one thing the inhabitants today has grown up completely oblivious of how they are being exploited and the bloody truth about how their society was built. To the point where they will actually defend the perpetrators. We sometimes see the same thing with rape victims, they blame themselves and not the perp for the crime.

The true time when the US started going to shit was during the turn of the 20th century, when the secular progressive movement started doing it's work to dumb down our society and erase it's christian/judeo identity. This thread is clear evidence that they are still at work and being quite successful.

Religious extremism has flourished since the 80s in the US with massive salvation meetings in arenas with hundreds of thousands of spectators. This was a campaign lead with massive funding from the Church.

By the turn of the millennium, these forces had already been at play for decades and American politics had polarized tremendously. The liberal and moderate America died in the 98' election. At this time, there was a massive Christian front pushing the conservative Christian right wing agenda. The same agenda that took you into war in the middle east, a war which is now costing you as citizens a great deal. A war on behalf of the Church once again. A war that is causing the massive immigration into Europe at the moment.

Its this event in 1998 that you remember as the turn of the positive social development in the USA, but this monster had been sleeping under your bed for some time already.


Active member
Oh really.. how about the awakening of a massive conservative Christian movement that proved to be key in electing a series of war waging presidents?

You history less fool, Europe was Christianed by blood and pain, anyone who didnt yield was killed. Thats your judeo christian values, fear mongering and violence. Whats so bad about it you ask, well for one thing the inhabitants today has grown up completely oblivious of how they are being exploited and the bloody truth about how their society was built. To the point where they will actually defend the perpetrators. We sometimes see the same thing with rape victims, they blame themselves and not the perp for the crime.

Religious extremism has flourished since the 80s in the US with massive salvation meetings in arenas with hundreds of thousands of spectators. This was a campaign lead with massive funding from the Church.

By the turn of the millennium, these forces had already been at play for decades and American politics had polarized tremendously. The liberal and moderate America died in the 98' election. At this time, there was a massive Christian front pushing the conservative Christian right wing agenda. The same agenda that took you into war in the middle east, a war which is now costing you as citizens a great deal. A war on behalf of the Church once again. A war that is causing the massive immigration into Europe at the moment.

Its this event in 1998 that you remember as the turn of the positive social development in the USA, but this monster had been sleeping under your bed for some time already.

You want to see a massive conservative Christian movement? You wait! The pendulum IS swinging back... BTW, I'm NOT ANY religion.

YOU don't know history...ROME "Christianed" Europe in one fell swoop...when Constantine declared Christianity the official Roman religion. Please pick up a REAL history book. Preferably one printed BEFORE 1960...when history was changed to protect the feelings of the losers.

EVERYONE does wicked shit...Muslims, Catholics, Mexicans, even old ladies. Who gets defended? It looks like the everyone BUT Christians get defended.

I actually HATE all religion. But...if I MUST live under one...I'll gladly take Christianity. It's by FAR the most tolerant. In fact, if you were living under ANY religion other than Christianity, you'd probably NOT be sitting there reading this. Muslims as a rule are not "tekkies", neither are many other religious followers. Christianity lets YOU choose...pretty much. Does Islam? We COULDN'T talk about this in an Islamic country.

Moderate America died in the 60's. When civil rights became THE focus of EVERYTHING. THAT was when we stopped going up and began our slide. It's a sad truth. EVERY gauge of success began a slow slide. We went from the top 10 in EVERYTHING...to mediocre.


I just cant for the life of me understand why a modern American would think Christian values, like not using a condom and condemning homosexuals would have anything to do with what makes America great.

America was great because of porn, because of low taxes and the rebellious fuck the establishment attitude... America is great because of hippies and fkn Jimi Henrix, not because of Christian/Judeo values.

Fk the church..

Baba Ku

Active member
Come on now, let's start throwing out namby pamby bullshit about who knocks on our doors.
Makes us all look like we have some sort of real argument or something.... (sheesh)

I want some of you smart people to describe a Christian extremest to us all, and describe in detail all the problems to the world that they pose.
You same people then describe the Islamic extremest and describe in detail all the problems to the world that they pose.

For a nation, be it of secular nature or not, to follow Christian/Judeo values posses no threat to any person or group of people. The religion is passive and no demands are made. Actually quite the opposite as one of the tenants of the faiths are the free will choices each individual is offered.

On the other hand, for a nation to shape itself to the values of Islam, there is a clear and absolute threat to all of the citizenry, and places a very violent form of law in place that provides no free will. Islam is not passive, and in fact vows to destroy all that is not in the name of Islam. Either comply or be destroyed. The peace promised by Islam is very specifically for those of the devout Muslim faith only. All others are to be purged from the face of the earth. The term Peaceful Muslims is a misnomer.

There is nothing at all in any of the teachings of the Judeo/Christian religions that do this.
Any evil the secular finger pointers can come up with is all tied to MAN and his evilk doings, and not to the teachings of Christianity or Judaism.
Christian bishops don't blow young boys in the name of God, nor are they instructed to do so. They do this evil using their own misgivings and cold heart.
Muslim extremists blow up young boys in the name of Ala just about on a daily basis. Their holy scriptures instructs this action and calls it justified and a path to righteousness and blessings. It also tells its followers to lie about their true feelings on this issue, when talking to the infidel or non-conformers. Ever wonder why we don't hear any outrage from the Muslim communities when atrocities in the name of Ala take place?
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