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Men talking about their females


18 and Doh!
Hey Greengoddess, is your name to do with the movie that's supposed to come out every year but doesn't? If so cya at cannatrade 06


Dr.Feelgood said:
It's a shame that so many ladies are mistreated and abused. I hear all about it since I'm in a professional area with a LOT of women.

On the other hand, it's nice to see so many caring people on this forum (not as though I expected otherwise). Lots of love here. And the assertion that love (whether it's love for plants or people) is reflected in many things is absolutely correct, in my opinion.

The same applies to men also. If your woman isn't cutting it. :badday: There're plenty more fish in the sea.


brummygaz said:
Not all men are ass holes I served 9 months in prison for breaking a guys nose and two ribs beacuse I saw him punch a woman, who I later found it court was his wife.....

all humans can be pricks male or female..... personaly I adore my wife and kids I do all I can too make sure my family has everything they need.. And if any one tries too harm them the better be bullit proof !!!!!

Yep, i agree. My ex wife is serving 55years for child murder.(TDCJ) She beat a 11month old child to death.

Females can be kinda mean...


Texassativa said:
Yep, i agree. My ex wife is serving 55years for child murder.(TDCJ) She beat a 11month old child to death.

Females can be kinda mean...
I'd say that's a little more than "kinda mean" Texassativa....

Humans can be so in'humane.....:frown:

Men talking about how well they take care of their plants can be quite the turn on, though.... don't cha think, ladies?


Active member
My .02.

My Friend said this about me the other day
"Dude. You talk about pot like a normal guy talks about a hot woman."
I respond, "Theyre good to me. Women arent."

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i think it's kinda stupid that people call their cars and boats a gender...same with weed, unless you know it's actually a female... ;)


i have a guy at work who i hate , treats his woman like dirt and then tries it at work too . too bad he aint big enough to back it up with a guy that is

treat every one with respect and how you would like to be treated your self

break these simple rules .... then god help ya wot goes around comes around

tricky :yoinks: :bat: :woohoo:


Ms.Grat3ful said:
I'd say that's a little more than "kinda mean" Texassativa....

Humans can be so in'humane.....:frown:

Men talking about how well they take care of their plants can be quite the turn on, though.... don't cha think, ladies?
it's kinda funny that society has applied the word "humane" to be synonomous with good/fair treatment, considering humans are perhaps the most vicious, jealous, greedy organisms on this entire planet..

(edit: i got 2 neg. karma points for this - LOL who woulda thought....)
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fluoro funkster said:
i dont think it's smart to tell your buddies ..something like ..my wife gives good blow jobs ! ...lol

too bad... :spank:

and to all the guys that say...if your wifes happy then your happy..make me want to puke...fuck her.
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TheSource said:
too bad... :spank:

and to all the guys that say...if your wifes happy then your happy..make me want to puke...fuck her.

way to say it bluntly


TheSource said:
too bad... :spank:

and to all the guys that say...if your wifes happy then your happy..make me want to puke...fuck her.
I bet your popular with the chics:whip:lol....

.............. why in the world would you say something like that? :ying:
..... because you are just so uptight about guys who want to make their wives happy?.... :confused:

....... and really I don't care why but it was rude, so I am asking you nicely to try and have self control and take your puke elsewhere.... :angrymod:


It's true, when my wife is happy, I'm happy.

When she's sad, so am I.

That's why we married. We want to share everything with each other.

To TheSource,

I hope you find empathy some day. It will change your life. It did mine



A real man makes sure his GF/Wife is happy. Obviously you are either still young...like teens or just plain uneducated about relationships. I hope your still young, if you have that attitude later in life the only action you will be getting is from your hand of choice and a warm bottle of KY. I feel sad for you bro. Your going to end up miserable and alone.

FPG. Your words ring true, you married for the right reason, and I'm betting you and yours are very happy together. Thats the way it should be. Way to go my friend. :friends:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Being a married man for a very long time I will simply say this,a relationship is what ya make it. To me women are the most beautiful thing on this earth,the curves the shapes and the smile,no wonder many things in life are modeled after the shape of the female frame. 20 + years ago I gave up a career I had trained my whole life for for my Lady,do I ever regret it? Hell yeah for about a minute every once and a while :yummy: You wreep what ya sow just like our garden,if ya give your girls the best of everything that YOU can she will grow up to be full of life and be very happy if ya strees the shit out of them and give them little attention your gonna have mean nasty girls.

Much Love,

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
The way I see it is if you want to be in a relationship and you are happy then so be it. Alot of people dogg on thier ladies really. It's vice verca too. If I was in a relationshiop and was happy I would treat my lady like a lady should be treated. If she treated me like shit and cheated then I would just brush my shoulder and move on. Why stay around something like that. Respect me and get treated with respect. Disrespect me and get disrespected.


I treat my plants ALMOST as good as I treat my Lady, and my plants are very well treated. Everyone and everything on this planet (and in the cosmos,lol) deserves to be treated with love and respect irregardless of sex or stipulations, like it or not we are all part of a larger whole and ultimately how we treat others is how we treat ourselves. I do baby my plants though, lol, I spend hours just keeping them company and pulling lint out of their belly buttons. I like spending time with my Lady even more though and I don't even have to pull any lint out of her belly button! :yoinks:


Active member
Very nice post, Rudedude. I sometimes "overtend" my plants also. I never thought of it as pulling lint....but I see what you mean. :yummy:


Thank you Piece of my Heart. I have a kitty with very long fur that tends to get everywhere. Everyday I gotta pluck fur off of my buds, lol. To be honest I don't mind having another excuse to be with my babies. I find it very theraputic and peaceful and in the winter my garden helps me escape from the frozen northeast to a tropical island (at least in my mind,lol).